Data Scientist
Data Scientist


Dr. Seunghwan Baek, PhD, is a research scientist with the Predictive Simulation Emerald Team at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. With over a decade of experience, he has developed an extensive project portfolio in the energy and environmental fields. Dr. Baek has supported the Department of Energy and the upstream and downstream oil and gas industry through his innovative research and development efforts. His expertise lies in multiscale reservoir flow simulation technologies, artificial intelligence, operation optimization, and data analytics. He has made significant contributions to advancing the understanding and modeling of complex subsurface systems. His current research interests include combining laboratory work, conventional analytical approaches, numerical calculations, and artificial intelligence technologies to address subsurface problems.

Research Interest

  • Geologic Carbon Sequestration
  • Underground Hydrogen Storage
  •  Geothermal Energy Resources

Disciplines and Skills

  • Reservoir Engineering Reservoir Modeling, Fluid Thermodynamics, History-Matching
  • Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning, Data Analytics
  • Operation Research Global Optimization, Scheduling, Placement


  • PhD in Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University
  • MS in Chemical and Biological Eng, Seoul National University
  • BS in Chemical and Biological Eng, Sogang University



Baek S., L. Hibbard, N. J. Huerta, G. Lackey, A. Goodman, and J. A. White. 2024. Enhancing Site Screening for Underground Hydrogen Storage: Qualitative Site Quality Assessment – SHASTA: Subsurface Hydrogen Assessment, Storage, and Technology Acceleration Project. PNNL-35719. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.


Baek S., D. H. Bacon, and N. J. Huerta. 2023. "Enabling Site-Specific Well Leakage Risk Estimation During Geologic Carbon Sequestration Using a Modular Deep-Learning-Based Wellbore Leakage Model." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 126. PNNL-SA-173631.