

Sean Scott joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in 2022 and supports the National Security Directorate. His primary research focuses on inductively coupled plasma applications in nuclear forensic analysis. He is also involved in nuclear energy research focused on molten salt reactors.

Scott’s mass spectrometry experience began as an undergraduate measuring radiogenic isotope ratios in water and rocks by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. He continued his thermal ionization mass spectrometry work as a master’s student while expanding his mass spectrometry knowledge to include inductively coupled plasma and secondary ionization mass spectrometry. During his doctoral work, he honed his inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry skills through isotopic analysis of stable, radiogenic, and radioactive isotopes spanning the periodic table. This work also included analysis of short-lived isotopes of radium and radon by laboratory- and field-based radiometric detection methods.

After receiving a PhD, Scott worked in the state public health laboratory in Wisconsin doing trace element, isotopic, and radiochemistry research. He was responsible for developing a public health-focused isotope geochemistry program as well as establishing rapid methods for analysis of fission products in the food supply.

Research Interest

  • Mass spectrometry
  • Isotope geochemistry
  • Nuclear forensics
  • Nuclear energy


  • PhD in geology, University of Wyoming
  • MS in geology, New Mexico State University
  • BS in geology, Central Washington University

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • Member, Geochemical Society, 2011
  • Member, American Geophyiscal Union, 2008
  • Member, American Nuclear Society, 2023

Awards and Recognitions

  • Exceptional Mentorship Award, Undergraduate Research Scholars Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020–2021



  • Sims, K. W. W., C. M. Messa, S. R. Scott, A. D. Parsekian, A. Miller, A. L. Role, T. P. Moloney, E. L. Shock, J. B. Lowenstern, R. B. McCleskey, M. A. Charette, B. J. Carr, S. Pasquet, H. Heasler, C. Jaworowski, W. S. Holbrook, M. R. Lindsay, D. R. Colman, and E. S. Boyd. 2023. “The dynamic influence of subsurface geological processes on the assembly and diversification of thermophilic microbial communities in continental hydrothermal systems.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 362: 77–103.
  • Kant, L. B., K. W. W. Sims, G. M. Yogodzinski, J. M. Garrison, J. Blichert-Toft, M. Reagan, C. L. Waters, T. P. Mathews, S. R. Scott,  P. A. Mothes, M. L. Hall, P. Ramon, E. Gaunt, M. Almeida, and S. Hidalgo. 2023. “Effects of crustal assimilation on 238U-230Th disequilibria in continental arc settings.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 354: 165–185.
  • Wiersma, A. K., G. Hook, M. Mathews, S. R. Scott, J. R. Meyer, B. L Parker, and M. Ginder-Vogel 2023. “Elevated radium activity in a hydrocarbon contaminated aquifer.” Environmental Science and Technology 57: 8983–8993.
  • Shaw, S., S. Scott, M. Pell, J. Raiche-Gill, C. Tomasallo, and J. Meiman. 2023. “Lead source attribution by stable isotope analysis in childhood risk assessment investigations.” Journal of Environmental Health 85: 8–19.
  • Scott, S. R., A. K. Wiersma, and G. Krinke. 2023. “The importance of uranium isotopic composition for gross alpha activity regulation.” AWWA Water Science 5.


  • Plechacek, A., S. R. Scott, M. B. Gotkowitz, and M. Ginder-Vogel. 2022. “Strontium and Radium occurrence at the boundary of a confined aquifer system.” Applied Geochemistry 142.
  • Mathews, M., S. R. Scott, M. B. Gotkowitz, R. J. Hunt, and M. Ginder-Vogel. 2022. “Isotopic analysis of radium geochemistry at discrete intervals in the Midwestern Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system.” Applied Geochemistry 142.
  • Mathews, M., S. Scott, R. Hunt, and M. Ginder-Vogel. 2022. “Comparison of radium analytical methods for municipal drinking water well operation.” AWWA Water Science 4.
  • Scott, S. R., F. Carrotti, A. Kruizenga, R. Scarlat, and M. M. Shafer. 2022. “Simultaneous measurement of lithium isotope and lithium/beryllium ratios in FLiBe salts using MC-ICP-MS.” Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 37: 1193–1202.
  • Scott, S. R., J. P. Dunion, M L. Olson, and D. A. Gay. 2022. “Lead isotopes in North American Precipitation record the presence of Saharan Dust.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102.
  • Messa, C. M., M. T. Clementz, S. R. Scott, and K. W. W. Sims. 2022. “Stable Ca isotope fractionation in Cenozoic Marine mammals.” American Geophysical Union Special Publication: Isotopic Constraints on Earth System Processes.


  • Smith, K. E., D. Weis, S. R. Scott, C. J. Berg, Y. Segal, and P. Claeys. 2021. “Regional and global perspectives of honey as a record of lead in the environment.” Environmental Research 195.
  • Mathews, M., S. Scott, M. Gotkowitz, and M. Ginder-Vogel. 2021. “Association of radionuclide isotopes with aquifer solids in the Midwestern Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system.” American Chemical Society Earth and Space Chemistry 5: 268–278.
  • Gorski, P., S. R. Scott, and E. Lemley. 2021. “Application of stable isotopic ratio analysis to identify the cause of acute versus chronic lead poisoning of a Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus).” Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 106: 250–256.


  • Scott, S. R., N. Stanton, C. Dahman, J. Overdier, P. Gorski, and M. M. Shafer. 2020. “The effects of a known exposure source on lead isotopes in bones from lead-dosed cows.” Applied Geochemistry.
  • Scott, S. R. and M. M. Shafer. 2020. “A new method for measurement of lithium isotopes with nuclear applications.” Progress in Nuclear Energy 120.


  • Scott, S. R., M. M. Shafer, J. T. Overdier, B. Cunliffe, T. Stafford, and P. M. Farrell. 2019. “Elevated Lead Exposure in Roman Occupants of Ancient Londinium: New Evidence from the archaeological record.” Archaeometry 62: 109–129.
  • Scott, S. R., K. E. Smith, C. Dahman, P. Gorski, S. Adams, and M. M. Shafer. 2019. “Cd isotopic fractionation during tobacco combustion produces isotopic variations outside the range measured in dietary sources.” Science of the Total Environment 688: 600–608.
  • Scott, S. R., K. W. W. Sims, M. Reagan, L. Ball, J. Schwieters, C. Bowman, N. Lloyd, C. Waters, J. Standish, and D. Tollstrup. 2019. “The application of abundance sensitivity filters to the precise and accurate measurement of uranium series nuclides by plasma mass spectrometry.” International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 435: 321–332.
  • Park, S-H., C. H. Langmuir, K. W. W. Sims, S-S. Kim, J. Blichert-Toft, S. R. Scott, J. Lin, H. Choi, Y. Yang, and P. J. Michael. 2019. “Isotopic evidence for distinct domains between the Indian and Pacific Mantles in the Southern Ocean.” Nature Geoscience 12: 206–214.


  • Scott, S. R., F. C. Ramos, and J. B. Gill. 2018. “Spreading Dynamics of an Intermediate Ridge: Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge.” Journal of Petrology 59: 1847–1868.
  • Beard, J. S. and S. R. Scott. 2018. “A model for the high-temperature origin and paradoxical distribution of pegmatites in mafic plutons, Smartville Complex, California.” Journal of Petrology 59: 3–10.
  • Garrison, J. M., K. W. W. Sims, G. M. Yogodzinski, R. D. Escobar, S. Scott, P. Mothes, M. L. Hall, and P. Ramon. 2018. “Shallow-level differentiation of phonolitic lavas from Sumaco Volcano, Ecuador.” Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173: 19.


  • Scott, S. R., K. W. W. Sims, B. R. Frost, P. B. Kelemen, K. A. Evans, and S. M. Swapp. 2017. “On the hydration of olivine in ultramafic rocks: Implications from Fe isotopes in serpentinites.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 215: 105–121.
  • Reagan, M. K., L. Heywood, K. Goff, K. Michibayashi, C. T. Foster Jr., B. Jicha, T. Lapen, W. C. McClelland, Y. Ohara, M. Righter, S. Scott,  and K. W. W. Sims. 2017. “Geodynamic implications of crustal lithologies from the southeast Mariana fore-arc.” Geosphere 14. doi: 10.1130/GES01536.1.
  • Aarons, S. M., M. A. Blakowski, S. M. Aciego, E. I. Stevenson, K. W. W. Sims, S. R. Scott, and C. Aarons. 2017. “Geochemical characterization of critical dust source regions in the American West.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 215: 141–161.
  • Reubi, O. R., S. R. Scott, and K. W. W. Sims. 2017. “Evidence of young crystal ages in andesitic magmas from a hyperactive arc volcano – Volcan de Colima, Mexico.” Journal of Petrology 58: 261–276.


  • Elkins, L. J., S. R. Scott, E. R. Rivers, K. W. W. Sims, M. Reagan, C. W. Devey, C. Hamelin, and R. B. Pedersen. 2016. “Exploring the role of mantle eclogite at mid-ocean ridges and hotspots: U-series constraints on Jan Mayen Island and the Kolbeinsey Ridge.” Chemical Geology 444: 128–140.
  • Gill, J., P. Michael, J. Woodcock, B. Dreyer, F. Ramos, D. Clague, J. Kela, S. Scott, K. Konrad, and D. Stakes. 2016. “Spatial and temporal scale of mantle enrichment at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge.” Journal of Petrology 57: 863–896.
  • Ramos, F. C., M. T. Heizler, J. E. Buettner, J. B. Gill, H. W. Wei, C. A. Dimond, and S. R. Scott. 2016. “U-series and 40Ar/39Ar ages of Holocene volcanic rocks at Changbaishan volcano, China.” Geology 44: 511–514.
  • Elkins, L. J., C. Hamelin, J. Blichert-Toft, S. R. Scott, K. W. W. Sims, I. A. Yeo, C. W. Devey, and R. B. Pedersen. 2016. “North Atlantic hotspot-ridge interaction near Jan Mayen Island.” Geochemical Perspectives Letters 2: 55–67.


  • Ramos, F. C., J. A. Wolff, W. Starkel, A. Eckberg, D. L. Tollstrup, and S. Scott. 2013. “The changing nature of sources associated with columbia river flood basalts: Evidence from strontium isotope ratio variations in plagioclase phenocrysts.” In The Columbia River Flood Basalt Province, edited by S. P. Reidel, V. E. Camp, M. W. Ross, J. A. Wolff, B. S. Martin, T. L. Tolan, and R. E. Wells Geological Society of America Special Paper 497: 231–257.


  • Mack, G. H., M. C. Jones, N. J. Tabor, F. C. Ramos, S. R. Scott, and J. C. Witcher. 2012. “Mixed geothermal and shallow meteoric origin of opal and calcite beds in Pliocene-lower Pleistocene axial-fluvial strata, southern Rio Grande rift, Rincon Hills, New Mexico, USA.” Journal of Sedimentary Research 82: 616–631.