Lab Fellow, Reactor Materials and Mechanical Design Group
Energy and Environment Directorate
Lab Fellow, Reactor Materials and Mechanical Design Group
Energy and Environment Directorate


Dr. Kurtz is a Laboratory Fellow in the Reactor Materials and Mechanical Design Group at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory where he has been a staff member since 1974. He has worked in several areas of materials science, specializing in the deformation and fracture of metals and alloys for nuclear power plant applications. He has been involved in a broad range basic and applied programs. During his early career he focused on structural materials performance in nuclear power reactor components including high-temperature properties of light-water reactor fuel cladding, methods to ameliorate environmentally-induced cracking in boiling water piping, structural integrity of steam generator tubing, and assessment of nondestructive inspection techniques for evaluating flaws in primary pressure boundary components. Presently he leads a large, multidisciplinary program to develop the scientific basis for advanced, radiation tolerant, low-activation materials for first-wall/blanket structures of fusion power plants. Dr. Kurtz directs technical activities in alloy development, performance of neutron irradiation experiments, post-irradiation evaluation of mechanical and physical properties, characterization of microstructure, and computer simulations to model and predict damage evolution.

Research Interest

  • Effects of radiation on the microstructure and properties of metals and ceramics
  • Computational modeling of radiation damage in crystalline solids
  • Mechanical behavior of structural materials in hostile service environments
  • Creep mechanisms of refractory metals and alloys


  • PhD., Materials Science, Washington State University, 1997
  • B.S., Physical Metallurgy, Washington State University, 1974

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • American Nuclear Society
  • American Nuclear Society Fusion Energy Division Executive Committee, 2009 - 2012
  • The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
  • Key Reader for Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A and E
  • Materials Research Society
  • Chair, U.S. Department of Energy Fusion Materials Science Coordinating Organization, 2006 – 2011
  • Acting Chair, Executive Committee of the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Fusion Materials, 2015 - present
  • Secretary, Executive Committee of the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Fusion Materials, 2000, 2005 - present
  • Secretary, Annex II Working Group of the International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Fusion Materials, 1999 – present
  • Member, U.S. - Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission, 2011

Awards and Recognitions

  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Fellow, 2014
  • Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, 2014
  • Outstanding Performance Awards, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011
  • DOE Award of Appreciation, Nuclear Energy Research Initiative, 2004
  • DOE Award of Appreciation, Nuclear Engineering Education Research Grant Program, 2003 and 2004
  • Outstanding Materials Science Graduate Student, Washington State University, 1996



  • Nguyen BN, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2018. "A Dual-Phase Microstructural Approach to Damage and Fracture of Ti3SiC2/SiC Joints." Journal of Nuclear Materials 499:496-503.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.11.054
  • Setyawan W, N Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2018. "A Tungsten-Rhenium Interatomic Potential for Point Defect Studies." Journal of Applied Physics 123:205102.  doi:10.1063/1.5030113
  • Frolov T, W Setyawan, RJ Kurtz, J Marian, AR Oganov, R Rudd, and Q Zhu. 2018. "Grain boundary phases in bcc metals." Nanoscale 10(17):8253-8268.  doi:10.1039/C8NR00271A
  • Jiang W, SR Spurgeon, J Liu, DK Schreiber, HJ Jung, A Devaraj, DJ Edwards, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and Y Wang. 2018. "Precipitates and voids in cubic silicon carbide implanted with 25Mg+ ions." Journal of Nuclear Materials 498:321-331.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.10.046
  • Long XH, D Wang, W Setyawan, P Liu, N Gao, RJ Kurtz, ZG Wang, and X Wang. 2018. "Atomistic Simulation of Interstitial Dislocation Loop Evolution under Applied Stresses in BCC Iron." Physica Status Solidi. A: Applications and Materials Science 215(1):Article No. 1700494.  doi:10.1002/pssa.201700494


  • Nguyen BN, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2017. "Modeling Ductile-Phase Toughened Tungsten for Plasma-Facing Materials: Progress in Damage Finite Element Analysis of the Tungsten-Copper Bend Bar Tests." Chapter 8.4 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending December 31, 2016, vol. 61; DOE/ER-0313/61, ed. FW Wiffen and S Melton, pp. 171-177.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Nguyen BN, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2017. "Modeling Thermal and Irradiation-induced Swelling Effects on Integrity of Ti3SiC2/SiC Joints." Journal of Nuclear Materials 495:504-515.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.09.011
  • Nguyen BN, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, M Ferraris, and Y Katoh. 2017. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications: Modeling Thermal and Irradiation-induced Swelling Effects on Integrity of Ti3SiC2/SiC Joint." Chapter 3.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report For Period Ending December 31, 2016, vol. 61; /DOE/ER-0313/61, ed. FW Wiffen and S Melton, pp. 58-65.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Gao N, W Setyawan, RJ Kurtz, and Z Wang. 2017. "Effects of applied strain on nanoscale self-interstitial cluster formation in BCC iron." Journal of Nuclear Materials 493:62-68.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.05.044
  • Gao N, L Yang, F Gao, RJ Kurtz, D West, and S Zhang. 2017. "Long-time Atomistic Dynamics Through a New Self-Adaptive Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Method." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29(14):Article No. 145201. doi:10.1088/1361-648X/aa574b
  • Gao N, T Shen, RJ Kurtz, Z Wang, and F Gao. 2017. "Evolution of nanoscale interstitial dislocation loops under coupling effect of stress and temperature." Scripta Materialia 136:64-67.  doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.03.008
  • Henager CH, Jr, W Setyawan, TJ Roosendaal, NR Overman, BA Borlaug, EL Stevens, KB Wagner, RJ Kurtz, GR Odette, BN Nguyen, and K Cunningham. 2017. "DUCTILE-PHASE TOUGHENED TUNGSTEN FOR PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS IN FUSION REACTORS." International Journal of Powder Metallurgy 53(2):53-69. 
  • Jiang W, K Kruska, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2017. "PROGRESS IN THE STUDY OF ION IRRADIATION IN TUNGSTEN." Chapter 4.5 in Fusion Materials Semianual Progress Report For Period Ending December 31, 2016, vol. DOE-ER-0313/61, ed. D Clark, pp. 115-119.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Jung HJ, DJ Edwards, RJ Kurtz, T Yamamoto, Y Wu, and GR Odette. 2017. "Structural and Chemical Evolution in Neutron Irradiated and Helium-Injected Ferritic ODS PM2000 Alloy." Journal of Nuclear Materials 484:68-80. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.11.022
  • Marian J, C Becquart, C Domain, S Dudarev, M Gilbert, RJ Kurtz, D Mason, K Nordlund, A Sand, L Snead, T Suzudo, and BD Wirth. 2017. "Recent Advances in Modeling of the Exposure and Response of Tungsten to Fusion Energy Conditions." Nuclear Fusion 57(9):Article No. 092008.  doi:10.1088/1741-4326/aa5e8d
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, and RJ Kurtz. 2017. "Ab Initio Study of Interstitial Cluster Interaction with Re, Os, and Ta in W." Journal of Nuclear Materials 484:30-41.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.11.002
  • Shutthanandan V, S Choudhury, S Manandhar, TC Kaspar, CM Wang, A Devaraj, BD Wirth, S Thevuthasan, RG Hoagland, BP Uberuaga, and RJ Kurtz. 2017. "Radiation Tolerant Interfaces: Influence of Local Stoichiometry at the Misfit Dislocation on Radiation Damage Resistance of Metal/Oxide Interfaces." Advanced Materials Interfaces 4(14):Article No. 1700037. doi:10.1002/admi.201700037
  • Zang H, W Liu, T Li, C He, D Yun, W Jiang, A Devaraj, DJ Edwards, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and Z Wang. 2017. "VACANCY EFFECTS ON THE FORMATION OF HELIUM AND KRYPTON CAVITIES IN 3C-SiC IRRADIATED AND ANNEALED AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES." Chapter 3.4 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report For Period Ending December 31, 2016, vol. DOE-ER-0313/61, ed. Dl Clark, pp. 67-68.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 


  • Nandipati G, W Setyawan, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2016. "OBJECT KINETIC MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS OF RADIATION DAMAGE ACCUMULATION IN TUNGSTEN." Chapter 8.3 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2016, DOE/ER-0313/60, vol. 60, pp. 178-182.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge. 
  • Nguyen BN, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, M Ferraris, and Y Katoh. 2016. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications: Thermomechanical Modeling of Dual-Phase Microstructures and Dissimilar Material Joints." Chapter 3.1 in In Fusion Materials Semiannual Report for the Period Ending 06/30/2016, vol. 60; DOE/ER-0313/60, ed. FW Wiffen and S Melton, pp. 65-71.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, BN Nguyen, and RJ Kurtz. 2016. "PRELIMINARY PROGRESS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DUCTILE-PHASE TOUGHENED TUNGSTEN FOR PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS: DUAL-PHASE FINITE ELEMENT DAMAGE MODELS ." Chapter 4.1 in Fusion Materials : Semiannual Progress Report for the period ending December 31, 2015, vol. 59, pp. 91-96. DOE/ER-0313/59.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, BN Nguyen, and RJ Kurtz. 2016. "PRELIMINARY PROGRESS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DUCTILE-PHASE TOUGHENED TUNGSTEN FOR PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS: DUAL-PHASE FINITE ELEMENT DAMAGE MODELS." Chapter 4.2 in In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2016, vol. 60; DOE/ER-0313/60, ed. FW Wiffen and S Melton, pp. 89-92.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, BN Nguyen, RJ Kurtz, M Ferraris, and Y Katoh. 2016. "LOW ACTIVATION JOINING OF SIC/SIC COMPOSITES FOR FUSION APPLICATIONS: MODELING DUAL-PHASE MICROSTRUCTURES AND DISSIMILAR MATERIAL JOINTS ." Chapter 3.1 in Fusion Materials: Semiannual Progress Report, vol. 59, pp. 72-78. DOE/ER-0313/59.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Jiang W, J Liu, DK Schreiber, DJ Edwards, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and Y Wang. 2016. "APT AND TEM CHARACTERIZATIONS OF PRECIPITATES IN Mg+ ION IMPLANTED CUBIC SILICON CARBIDE." Chapter 3.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2015, vol. 59, ed. Clark, D, pp. 79-84. DOE-ER-0313/59.  OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Jiang W, SR Spurgeon, J Liu, DJ Edwards, DK Schreiber, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and Y Wang. 2016. "CHARACTERIZATION OF PRECIPITATES IN CUBIC SILICON CARBIDE IMPLANTED WITH 25Mg+ IONS ." Chapter 3.2 in In Fusion Materials Semianual Report for the Period Ending 06/30/2016, vol. 60, ed. Daniel Clark, pp. 72-77. DOE/ER-0313/60.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, and RJ Kurtz. 2016. "DEVELOPMENT OF INTERATOMIC POTENTIALS IN TUNGSTEN-RHENIUM SYSTEMS ." Chapter 8.1 in Fusion Reactor Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2016, DOE/ER-0313/60, vol. 60, pp. 165-171.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge. 
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, and RJ Kurtz. 2016. "INTERACTION OF INTERSTITIAL CLUSTERS WITH RHENIUM, OSMIUM, AND TANTALUM IN TUNGSTEN." Chapter 8.4 in Fusion Reactor Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2016, DOE/ER-0313/60, vol. 60, pp. 183-187.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge. 
  • Wang D, N Gao, W Setyawan, RJ Kurtz, X Gao, and WH He. 2016. "EFFECT OF STRAIN FIELD ON THRESHOLD DISPLACEMENT ENERGY OF TUNGSTEN STUDIED BY MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION." Chapter 7.1 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending December 31, 2015, vol. 59, pp. 109-113. DOE/ER-0313/59.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Wang D, N Gao, W Setyawan, RJ Kurtz, ZG Wang, X Gao, WH He, and LL Pang. 2016. "Effect of strain field on threshold displacement energy of tungsten studied by molecular dynamics simulation." Chinese Physics Letters 33:Article No. 096102. doi:10.1088/0256-307X/33/9/096102
  • Zang H, W Jiang, W Liu, A Devaraj, DJ Edwards, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, T Li, C He, D Yun, and Z Wang. 2016. "Vacancy effects on the formation of He and Kr cavities in 3C-SiC irradiated and annealed at elevated temperatures." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 389-390:40-47. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2016.11.017


  • Jung HJ, DJ Edwards, RJ Kurtz, GR Odette, Y Wu, and T Yamamoto. 2015. "MICROSTRUCTURAL SUMMARY OF ODS FERRITIC ALLOYS (14YW, 14YWT, 12YWT, MA957FR, PM2000) AND RAFM STEELS (F82H MOD.3-CW, EUROFER97) FROM JP27 IN-SITU HE INJECTION (ISHI) EXPERIEMNT AT 500C." Chapter 2.5 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2015, vol. 58, pp. 48-54. DOE/ER-0313/58.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Jung HJ, DJ Edwards, RJ Kurtz, GR Odette, Y Wu, and T Yamamoto. 2015. "TEM CHARACTERIZATION OF 14YWT AND 12YWT ODS FERRITIC ALLOYS NEUTRON IRRADIATED AT 500?C USING IN-SITU HELIUM INJECTION." Chapter 2.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending December 31, 2014, vol. 57, pp. 21-28. DOE/ER-0313/57.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Nandipati G, W Setyawan, HL Heinisch, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2015. "Displacement cascades and defect annealing in tungsten, Part II: Object kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Tungsten Cascade Aging." Journal of Nuclear Materials 462:338-344.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.09.067
  • Nandipati G, W Setyawan, HL Heinisch, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2015. "Displacement cascades and defect annealing in tungsten, Part III: The sensitivity of cascade annealing in tungsten to the values of kinetic parameters." Journal of Nuclear Materials 462:345-353.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.01.059
  • Nandipati G, W Setyawan, HL Heinisch, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2015. "OBJECT KINETIC MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS OF RADIATION DAMAGE IN BULK TUNGSTEN ." Chapter 8.3 in Fusion Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2015, vol. 58; DOE/ER-0313/58, pp. 262-265.  Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Nandipati G, W Setyawan, HL Heinisch, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2015. "OBJECT KINETIC MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS OF RADIATION DAMAGE IN TUNGSTEN SUBJECTED TO NEUTRON FLUX WITH PKA SPECTRUM CORRESPONDING TO THE HFIR." Chapter 8.1 in Fusion Reactor Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2015, vol. 59, pp. 126-129. DOE/ER-0313/59.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Nandipati G, W Setyawan, HL Heinisch, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2015. "OBJECT KINETIC MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS OF RADIATION DAMAGE IN TUNGSTEN." Chapter 8.2 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2014, vol. 57; DOE/ER-0313/57, pp. 160-165.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Setyawan W, A Selby, N Juslin, RE Stoller, BD Wirth, and RJ Kurtz. 2015. "Cascade morphology transition in bcc metals." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27(22):Article No. 225402.  doi:10.1088/0953-8984/27/22/225402
  • Cunningham K, GR Odette, KA Fields, D Gragg, T Yamamoto, FW Zok, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, TJ Roosendaal, and BA Borlaug. 2015. "RECENT PROGRESS IN THE FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF DUCTILE-PHASE-TOUGHENED TUNGSTEN LAMINATES FOR PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS." Chapter 4.1 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending December 31, 2014, vol. 57, pp. 97-101. DOE/ER-0313/57.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, BN Nguyen, RJ Kurtz, M Ferraris, and Y Katoh. 2015. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications: Modeling Miniature Torsion Tests with Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Models." Chapter 3.2 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending June 30, 2015, vol. 58, pp. 108-118. DOE/ER-0313/58.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, BN Nguyen, RJ Kurtz, TJ Roosendaal, BA Borlaug, M Ferraris, A Ventrella, and Y Katoh. 2015. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications: Modeling Miniature Torsion Tests with Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Models." Chapter 3.2 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending December 31, 2014, vol. 57, pp. 74-84. DOE/ER-0313/57.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, BN Nguyen, RJ Kurtz, TJ Roosendaal, BA Borlaug, M Ferraris, A Ventrella, and Y Katoh. 2015. "Modeling and Testing Miniature Torsion Specimens for SiC Joining Development Studies for Fusion." Journal of Nuclear Materials 466:253-268. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, EL Stevens, RJ Kurtz, TJ Roosendaal, EA Nyberg, CA Lavender, GR Odette, K Cunningham, and FW Zok. 2015. "RECENT PROGRESS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DUCTILE-PHASE TOUGHENED TUNGSTEN FOR PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS: W-Ni-Fe COMPOSITES." Chapter 4.2 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending June 30, 2015, vol. 58, pp. 130-139. DOE/ER-0313/58.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, RJ Kurtz, TJ Roosendaal, BA Borlaug, EA Nyberg, CA Lavender, GR Odette, K Cunningham, and FW Zok. 2015. "RECENT PROGRESS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DUCTILE-PHASE TOUGHENED TUNGSTEN FOR PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS: W-Ni-Fe COMPOSITES." Chapter 4.1 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2014, vol. 57, ed. PJ Pappano, pp. 93-96. DOE-ER-0313/57.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Jiang W, HJ Jung, L Kovarik, Z Wang, TJ Roosendaal, Z Zhu, DJ Edwards, SY Hu, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and Y Wang. 2015. "Magnesium behavior and structural defects in Mg+ ion implanted silicon carbide." Journal of Nuclear Materials 458:146-155.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.12.071
  • Jiang W, HJ Jung, L Kovarik, Z Wang, TJ Roosendaal, Z Zhu, DJ Edwards, SY Hu, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and Y Wang. 2015. "MAGNESIUM PRECIPITATION AND DIFUSSION IN Mg+ ION IMPLANTED SILICON CARBIDE." Chapter 3.3 in FUSION MATERIALS SEMIANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING December 31, 2014, vol. DOE-ER-0313/57, ed. PJ Pappano, pp. 85-86.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Jiang W, J Zhang, Z Zhu, TJ Roosendaal, SY Hu, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and Y Wang. 2015. "PROGRESS IN CHARACTERIZATION OF PRECIPITATES AND DEFECT STRUCTURES IN Mg+ ION IMPLANTED CUBIC SILICON CARBIDE ." Chapter 3.3 in Fusion Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2015, vol. 58, ed. G Nardella, pp. 119-122. DOE/ER-0313/58.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Kaspar TC, ME Bowden, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, NR Overman, RM Van Ginhoven, BD Wirth, and RJ Kurtz. 2015. "Epitaxial Fe/Y2O3 interfaces as a model system for oxide-dispersion-strengthened ferritic alloys." Journal of Nuclear Materials 457:352-361.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.11.046
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, and RJ Kurtz. 2015. "STABILITY OF SMALL SELF-INTERSTITIAL CLUSTERS IN TUNGSTEN." Chapter 8.2 in Fusion Reactor Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2015, vol. 59, pp. 130-136. DOE/ER-0313/59.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, KJ Roche, HL Heinisch, BD Wirth, and RJ Kurtz. 2015. "Displacement cascades and defects annealing in tungsten, Part I: defect database from molecular dynamics simulations." Journal of Nuclear Materials 462:329-337.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.12.056
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2015. "DISPLACEMENT CASCADE SIMULATION IN TUNGSTEN UP TO 200 KEV OF DAMAGE ENERGY AT 300, 1025, AND 2050 K ." Chapter 8.5 in Fusion semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2015, vol. 58; DOE/ER-0313/58, pp. 272-277.  Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2015. "MOLECULAR DYNAMICS OF CASCADES OVERLAP IN TUNGSTEN WITH 20-KEV PRIMARY KNOCK-ON ATOMS." Chapter 8.1 in Fusion Reactor Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2014, vol. 57; DOE/ER-0313/57, pp. 156-159.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2015. "QUANTUM CALCULATIONS OF ENERGETICS OF RHENIUM CLUSTERS IN TUNGSTEN ." Chapter 8.4 in Fusion semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2015, vol. 58; DOE/ER-0313/58, pp. 266-271.  Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Setyawan W, CH Henager, Jr, KB Wagner, TJ Roosendaal, BA Borlaug, RJ Kurtz, GR Odette, K Cunningham, and FW Zok. 2015. "RECENT PROGRESS OF CRACK BRIDGING MODELING OF DUCTILE-PHASE-TOUGHENED W-CU COMPOSITES ." Chapter 4.5 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2014, vol. 57; DOE/ER-0313/57, pp. 113-119.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Yang L, F Gao, RJ Kurtz, and X Zu. 2015. "Atomistic Simulations of Helium Clustering and Grain Boundary Reconstruction in Alpha-Iron." Acta Materialia 82:275-286.  doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2014.09.015
  • Yang L, F Gao, RJ Kurtz, X Zu, SM Peng, XG Long, and XS Zhou. 2015. "Effects of local structure on helium bubble growth in bulk and at grain boundaries of bcc iron: a molecular dynamics study." Acta Materialia 97:86-93. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.06.055


  • Hu SY, W Setyawan, W Jiang, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "FIRST-PRINCIPLES CALCULATIONS OF CHARGE STATES AND FORMATION ENERGIES OF Mg TRANSMUTANT IN 3C-SIC." In Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2013, vol. 55; DOE-ER-0313/55, pp. 149-153.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Hu SY, W Setyawan, W Jiang, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "FIRST-PRINCIPLES CALCULATIONS OF CHARGE STATES AND FORMATION ENERGIES OF Mg, Al, and Be TRANSMUTANTS IN 3C-SiC." Chapter 8 in Fusion Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2014 , vol. 56; DOE/ER-0313/56, pp. 258-261.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Jung HJ, DJ Edwards, B Yao, RJ Kurtz, GR Odette, T Yamamoto, and Y Wu. 2014. "ANALYTICAL TEM CHARACTERIZATION OF MODIFIED F82H and 14YW UNDER IRRADIATION OF SIMULTANEOUS HELIUM AND NEUTRON IRRADIATION COMPARED TO ONLY NEUTRON AT 500 C." Chapter 1.4 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending June 30, 2014, vol. 56, pp. 19-30. DOE/ER-0313/56.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Nandipati G, W Setyawan, HL Heinisch, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2014. "IMPLEMENTATION OF FIRST-PASSAGE TIME APPROACH FOR OBJECT KINETIC MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS OF IRRADIATION." Chapter 8.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2014, vol. 56; DOE-ER-0313/56, pp. 213-216.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Nandipati G, W Setyawan, HL Heinisch, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2014. "OBJECT KINETIC MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS OF CASCADE ANNEALING IN TUNGSTEN." Chapter 8.9 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2013, vol. 55; DOE-ER-0313/55, pp. 161-166.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Nguyen BN, F Gao, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "Prediction of Thermal Conductivity for Irradiated SiC/SiC Composites by Informing Continuum Models with Molecular Dynamics Data." Journal of Nuclear Materials 448(1-3):364-372. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.02.028
  • Setyawan W, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "Ab initio study of H, He, Li and Be impurity effect in tungsten S3{112} and S27{552} grain boundaries." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26(13):Article No. 135004.  doi:10.1088/0953-8984/26/13/135004
  • Cunningham K, GR Odette, KA Fields, D Gragg, FW Zok, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, TJ Roosendaal, and BA Borlaug. 2014. "RECENT PROGRESS IN THE FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF DUCTILE-PHASE-TOUGHENED TUNGSTEN COMPOSITES FOR PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS." Chapter 4.2 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program-Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending June 30, 2014, vol. 56, pp. 126-131, DOE/ER-0313/56.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Devaraj A, TC Kaspar, S Ramanan, SK Walvekar, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "Nanoscale Phase Separation In Epitaxial Cr-Mo and Cr-V Alloy Thin Films Studied Using Atom Probe Tomography: Comparison Of Experiments And Simulation." Journal of Applied Physics 116(19):Article No. 193512.  doi:10.1063/1.4901465
  • Gao F, L Yang, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "Dynamics of Helium-Loaded Grain Boundaries under Shear Deformation in a-Fe ." Chapter 8.3 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2013, vol. 55; DOE/ER-0313/55, pp. 112-118.  Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge , TN. 
  • Gao F, L Yang, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "Dynamics of Helium-Loaded Grain Boundaries under Shear Deformation in alpha-Fe." Chapter 8.3 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending December 31, 2013, vol. 55, pp. 112-118. DOE/ER-0313/55.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Gao F, L Yang, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "ATOMISTIC STUDIES OF GROWTH OF HELIUM BUBBLES IN a-FE." Chapter 8.5 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending June 30, 2014, vol. 56, pp. 226-231. DOE/ER-0313/56.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, BN Nguyen, RJ Kurtz, TJ Roosendaal, BA Borlaug, M Ferraris, A Ventrella, and Y Katoh. 2014. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications: Modeling Miniature Torsion Tests." Chapter 3.1 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report For the Period Ending June 30, 2014, vol. 56, pp. 79-93. DOE/ER-0313/56.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, RJ Kurtz, NL Canfield, Y Shin, WG Luscher, J Mansurov, TJ Roosendaal, and BA Borlaug. 2014. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications: Tape Casting TiC+Si Powders." Chapter 3.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2013, vol. 55, DOE-ER-0313/55, pp. 23-28.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, RJ Kurtz, TJ Roosendaal, BA Borlaug, GR Odette, K Cunningham, KA Fields, D Gragg, and FW Zok. 2014. "RECENT PROGRESS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DUCTILE-PHASE TOUGHENED TUNGSTEN FOR PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS." Chapter 4.1 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2013, vol. 55, DOE-ER-0313/55, pp. 29-39.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, RJ Kurtz, TJ Roosendaal, BA Borlaug, W Setyawan, KB Wagner, GR Odette, K Cunningham, KA Fields, D Gragg, and FW Zok. 2014. "RECENT PROGRESS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DUCTILE-PHASE TOUGHENED TUNGSTEN FOR PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS." Chapter 4.1 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2014, vol. 56; DOE/ER-0313/56, pp. 117-125.  Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge , TN. 
  • Hu SY, W Setyawan, RM Van Ginhoven, W Jiang, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of Intrinsic Defects and Mg Transmutants in 3C-SiC Determined by Density Functional Theory." Journal of Nuclear Materials 448(1-3):121-128.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.01.035
  • Jiang W, DJ Edwards, HJ Jung, Z Wang, Z Zhu, TJ Roosendaal, SY Hu, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and Y Wang. 2014. "DIFFUSION OF MAGNESIUM AND MICROSTRUCTURES IN Mg+ IMPLANTED SILICON CARBIDE." Chapter 3 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2014, vol. 56; DOE-ER-0313/56, pp. 103-108.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Kaspar TC, ME Bowden, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, S Manandhar, RM Van Ginhoven, BD Wirth, and RJ Kurtz. 2014. "Defect Structure of Epitaxial CrxV1 - x Thin Films on MgO(001)." Thin Solid Films 550:1-9. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2013.09.067
  • Muroga T, JM Chen, VM Chernov, RJ Kurtz, and M Le Flem. 2014. "Present Status of Vanadium Alloys for Fusion Applications." Journal of Nuclear Materials 455(1-3):263-268.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.06.025
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, KJ Roche, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2014. "ANALYTICAL MODEL OF HOMOGENEOUS HELIUM TRAP-MUTATION EVOLUTION IN TUNGSTEN." Chapter 8.8 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2013, vol. 55; DOE-ER-0313/55, pp. 154-160.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge , TN. 
  • Setyawan W, A Selby, G Nandipati, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2014. "INFLUENCE OF MASS ON DISPLACEMENT THRESHOLD." Chapter 8.1 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2014, vol. 56; DOE-ER-0313/56, pp. 209-212.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Zinkle SJ, J Blanchard, RW Callis, CE Kessel, RJ Kurtz, PJ Lee, K Mccarthy, N Morley, F Najmabadi, R Nygren, GR Tynan, DG Whyte, S Willms, and BD Wirth. 2014. "Fusion Materials Science and Technology Research Opportunities now and during the ITER Era." Fusion Engineering and Design 89(7-8):1579-1582.  doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2014.02.048


  • Jung HJ, DJ Edwards, RJ Kurtz, GR Odette, and T Yamamoto. 2013. "TEM CHARACTERIZATION OF A SIMULTAENOUSLY NEUTRON-IRRADIATED AND HELIUM-INJECTED PM2000 ODS ALLOY ." Chapter 2.3 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2013, vol. 54, ed. PJ Pappano, pp. 31-41. DOE-ER-0313/54.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Nandipati G, W Setyawan, HL Heinisch, KJ Roche, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2013. "OBJECT KINETIC MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS OF MICROSTRUCTURE EVOLUTION." Chapter 8.1 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2013, vol. 54; DOE/ER-0313/54, pp. 180-184.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Nguyen BN, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2013. "EMTA THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY PREDICTIONS FOR UNIRRADIATED AND IRRADIATED SIC/SIC COMPOSITES." Chapter 3.3 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2013, vol. 54; DOE-ER-0313/54, pp. 76-80.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge , TN. 
  • Setyawan W, and RJ Kurtz. 2013. "EFFECTS OF B, C, N, O, P AND S IMPURITIES ON TUNGSTEN S27[110]{552} AND S3[110]{112} GRAIN BOUNDARIES." Chapter 4 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2012, vol. 53; DOE/ER-0313/53, pp. 67-72.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Deng H, WY Hu, F Gao, HL Heinisch, SY Hu, Y Li, and RJ Kurtz. 2013. "Diffusion of Small He Clusters in Bulk and Grain Boundaries in a-Fe." Journal of Nuclear Materials 442(1-3):S667-S673.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.02.063
  • Dubinko V, RV Shapovalov, SY Hu, Y Li, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2013. "THEORY OF A QUODON GAS WITH APPLICATION TO PRECIPITATION KINETICS IN SOLIDS UNDER IRRADIATION." Chapter 7.3 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2012, DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, vol. DOE/ER-0313/53, ed. FW Wiffen and B Waddell, pp. 108-114.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, RJ Kurtz, NL Canfield, Y Shin, WG Luscher, J Mansurov, TJ Roosendaal, and BA Borlaug. 2013. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications: Tape Casting TiC+Si Powders." Chapter 3.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2013, vol. 55, DOE-ER-0313/55, pp. 23-28.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory , Oak Ridge , TN. 
  • Hu SY, W Setyawan, RM Van Ginhoven, W Jiang, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2013. "FIRST-PRINCIPLES CALCULATIONS OF INTRINSIC DEFECTS AND Mg TRANSMUTANTS IN 3C-SiC ." Chapter 8.3 in Fusion Reactor Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 20, 2013. DOE-ER-0313/54, vol. 54, ed. Peter J. Pappano, pp. 189-190.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Huang Q, N Baluc, Y Dai, S Jitsukawa, A Kimura, J Konys, RJ Kurtz, R Lindau, T Muroga, GR Odette, B Raj, RE Stoller, L Tan, H Tanigawa, AAF Tavassoli, T Yamamoto, F Wan, and Y Wu. 2013. "Recent Progress of R&D Activities on Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels." Journal of Nuclear Materials 442(1-3):S2-S8.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.12.039
  • Jiang W, Z Zhu, T Varga, ME Bowden, S Manandhar, TJ Roosendaal, SY Hu, CH Henager, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and Y Wang. 2013. "PROPERTIES OF DEFECTS AND IMPLANTS IN Mg+ IMPLANTED SILICON CARBIDE ." Chapter 3.2 in Fusion Reactor Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2013. DOE/ER-0313/54, vol. 54, ed. Peter J. Pappano, pp. 70-75.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Neilson GH, M Abdou, G Federici, AM Garofalo, R Kamendje, PK Kaw, K Kim, RJ Kurtz, BV Kuteev, D Ward, H Yamada, and H Zohm. 2013. "International Perspectives on a Path to MFE DEMO." In 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 8-13, 2012, San Diego, California, pp. Paper No. SEE/1-1.  International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. 
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, KJ Roche, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2013. "DISPLACEMENT CASCADE SIMULATION IN TUNGSTEN AT 1025 K." Chapter 8.6 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2013, vol. 54; DOE/ER-0313/54, pp. 200-204.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Setyawan W, G Nandipati, KJ Roche, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and BD Wirth. 2013. "HELIUM EFFECTS ON DISPLACEMENT CASCADE IN TUNGSTEN." Chapter 8.8 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2013, vol. 54; DOE-ER-0313/54, pp. 223-227.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge , TN. 
  • Wang CM, TC Kaspar, V Shutthanandan, AG Joly, L Kovarik, BW Arey, M Gu, A Devaraj, BD Wirth, and RJ Kurtz. 2013. "Structure And Radiation Damage Behavior Of Epitaxial CrxMo1-x Alloy Thin Films On MgO." Journal of Nuclear Materials 437(1-3):55-61.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.01.345
  • Wirth BD, RJ Kurtz, and LL Snead. 2013. "Fusion Materials Science and Technology Research Needs: Now and During the ITER era." In IEEE 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE 2013), June 10-14, 2014, San Francisco, California, pp. 1-8.  IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.  doi:10.1109/SOFE.2013.6635413
  • Wong C, M Abdou, Y Katoh, RJ Kurtz, A Lumsdaine, EP Marriott, B Merrill, N Morley, BA Pint, M Sawan, S Smolentsev, B Williams, S Willms, and M Youssef. 2013. "Progress on DCLL Blanket Concept." Fusion Science and Technology 64(3):623-630. 
  • Wurster S, N Baluc, M Battabyal, T Crosby, J Du, C Garcia-Rosales, A Hasegawa, A Hoffmann, A Kimura, H Kurishita, RJ Kurtz, H Li, S Noh, J Reiser, J Riesch, M Rieth, W Setyawan, M Walter, JH You, and R Pippan. 2013. "Recent progress in R&D on tungsten alloys for divertor structural and plasma facing materials." Journal of Nuclear Materials 442(1-3):S181-S189.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.02.074
  • Yang L, F Gao, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2013. "ATOMISTIC STUDIES OF HELIUM BUBBLE NUCLEATION AT GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN a-Fe." Chapter 7.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2012, vol. 53; DOE/ER-0313/53, pp. 108-114.  Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Yang L, H Deng, F Gao, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, SY Hu, Y Li, and X Zu. 2013. "Atomistic studies of nucleation of He clusters and bubbles in BCC iron." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 303:68-71.  doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2012.11.025
  • Yang L, ZQ Zhu, SM Peng, XG Long, XS Zhou, X Zu, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and F Gao. 2013. "Effects of Temperature on the Interactions of Helium-Vacancy Clusters with Gliding Edge Dislocations in a-Fe." Journal of Nuclear Materials 441(1-3):6-14.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.05.002


  • Setyawan W, and RJ Kurtz. 2012. "AB INITIO STUDY OF GRAIN BOUNDARY PROPERTIES OF TUNGSTEN ALLOYS." Chapter 4.3 in Fusion Reactor Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2011, vol. 51, DOE/ER-0313/51, pp. 59-63.  Fusion Reactor Materials Program, US Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Setyawan W, and RJ Kurtz. 2012. "Effects of Transition Metals on the Grain Boundary Cohesion in Tungsten." Scripta Materialia 66(8):558-561.  doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.01.002
  • Setyawan W, and RJ Kurtz. 2012. "GRAIN BOUNDARY STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES OF TUNGSTEN ALLOYS." In Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2012 , vol. 52, pp. 82-88.  Fusion Reactor Materials Program, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Yao B, DJ Edwards, and RJ Kurtz. 2012. "TEM characterization of dislocation loops in irradiated bcc Fe-based steels." Journal of Nuclear Materials 434(1-3):402-410.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.12.002
  • Yao B, DJ Edwards, RJ Kurtz, GR Odette, and T Yamamoto. 2012. "Multislice simulation of transmission electron microscopy imaging of helium bubbles in Fe." Journal of Electron Microscopy 61(6):393-400.  doi:10.1093/jmicro/dfs065
  • Dubinko V, SY Hu, Y Li, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2012. "Dislocation vs. production bias revisited with account of radiation-induced emission bias I. Void swelling under electron and light ion irradiation." Philosophical Magazine. Structure and Properties of Condensed Matter 92(33):4113-4150.  doi:10.1080/14786435.2012.704425
  • Kaspar TC, ME Bowden, T Varga, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, AG Joly, BD Wirth, and RJ Kurtz. 2012. "Structural characterization of epitaxial CrxMo1-x alloy thin films." Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 24(9):095001. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/24/9/095001
  • Wong CP, VS Chan, AM Garofalo, R Stambaugh, M Sawan, RJ Kurtz, and B Merrill. 2012. "Fusion Nuclear Schience Facility-AT: A Material And Component Testing Device." Fusion Science and Technology 62(1):283-288. 


  • Heinisch HL, RJ Kurtz, and F Gao. 2011. "THE EFFECTS OF GRAIN BOUNDARIES ON RADIATION DAMAGE PRODUCTION BY DISPLACEMENT CASCADES IN a-Fe." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2011, vol. 51; DOE/ER-0313/51, pp. 116-118.  Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2011. "Low-Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications." Journal of Nuclear Materials 51(1-3):375-378.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.12.084
  • Henager CH, Jr, RJ Kurtz, A Ventrella, and M Ferraris. 2011. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications: Miniature Torsion Specimen Shear Testing." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2011, vol. 51; DOE/ER-0313/51, pp. 51-53.  Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and M Ferraris. 2011. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications." Chapter 2.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2011, vol. 50; DOE-ER-0313/50, pp. 87-95.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and M Ferraris. 2011. "Low Activation Joining of SiC/SiC Composites for Fusion Applications." Chapter 2.2 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending December 31, 2010, vol. 49, DOE/ER-0313/49, ed. FW Wiffen, R Godfrey and B Waddell, pp. 25-30.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Yao B, DJ Edwards, RJ Kurtz, GR Odette, and T Yamamoto. 2011. "MULTISLICE SIMULATION OF TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IMAGING OF HELIUM BUBBLES IN IRON." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2011, vol. 51; DOE/ER-0313/51, pp. 85-89.  Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Chen JM, VM Chernov, RJ Kurtz, and T Muroga. 2011. "Overview of the vanadium alloy researches for fusion reactors." Journal of Nuclear Materials 417(1-3):289-294.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2011.02.015
  • Deng H, F Gao, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2011. "Diffusion of He Interstitials and He Clusters in a-Fe." Chapter 6.1 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending December 31, 2010, vol. 49, DOE/ER-0313/49, ed. FW Wiffen, R Godfrey and B Waddell, pp. 58-65.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Dubinko V, SY Hu, Y Li, CH Henager, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2011. "DISLOCATION VS. PRODUCTION BIAS REVISITED WITH ACCOUNTED OF RADIATION-INDUCED EMISSION BIAS: VOID SWELLING UNDER ELECTRON AND LIGHT ION IRRADIATION." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2011, vol. 51; DOE/ER-0313/51, pp. 109-115.  Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • El-Guebaly L, RJ Kurtz, M Rieth, H Kurishita, and AP Robinson. 2011. "W-BASED ALLOYS FOR ADVANCED DIVERTOR DESIGNS: OPTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF STATE-OF-THE-ART ALLOYS." Fusion Science and Technology 60(1):185-189. 
  • Gao F, H Deng, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2011. "A new Fe-He interatomic potential based on ab initio calculations in a-Fe." Journal of Nuclear Materials 418(1-3):115-120.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2011.06.008
  • Wang CM, TC Kaspar, V Shutthanandan, AG Joly, and RJ Kurtz. 2011. "Structure of Cr Film Epitaxially Grown on MgO (001)." Acta Materialia 59(11):4274-4282.  doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2011.03.051
  • Yang L, F Gao, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2011. "Nucleation of He Bubbles at Grain Boundaries of a-Fe." Chapter 8.1 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending December 31, 2011, pp. 101-103. DOE/ER-0313/51.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Yang L, SM Peng, XG Long, F Gao, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and XT Zu. 2011. "Ab initio study of stability and migration of H and He in hcp-Sc." Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 23(3):035701.  doi:10.1088/0953-8984/23/3/035701


  • Edwards DJ, RJ Kurtz, GR Odette, and T Yamamoto. 2010. He Transport and Fate of Tempered Martensitic Steels: Summary of Recent TEM Observations . PNNL-19198, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2010. "Atomic-scale Modeling of Interactions of Helium, Vacancies and Helium-vacancy Clusters with Screw Dislocations in Alpha-Iron." Philosophical Magazine. Structure and Properties of Condensed Matter 90(7-8):885 - 895.  doi:10.1080/14786430903294932
  • Gelles DS, MB Toloczko, and RJ Kurtz. 2010. "A Search for Channel Deformation in Irradiated Vanadium Tensile Specimens." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the period ending December 31, 2009. DOE-ER-0313/47.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Meier WR, R Raffray, RJ Kurtz, NB Morley, WT Reiersen, P Sharpe, and S Willms. 2010. "Findings of the US research needs workshop on the topic of fusion power." Fusion Engineering and Design 85(7-9):969-973. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2009.10.008
  • Salavy JF, LV Boccaccini, P Chaudhuri, S Cho, M Enoeda, L Giancarli, RJ Kurtz, TY Luo, KBS Rao, and C Wong. 2010. "Must we use ferritic steel in TBM?" Fusion Engineering and Design 85(10-12):1896-1902. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2010.06.017
  • Wong C, MA Abdou, M Dagher, Y Katoh, RJ Kurtz, S Malang, EP Marriott, B Merrill, K Messadek, N Morley, M Sawan, S Sharafat, S Smolentsev, DK Sze, S Willms, AY Ying, and M Youssef. 2010. "An overview of the US DCLL ITER-TBM program." Fusion Engineering and Design 85(7-9):1129-1132.  doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2010.02.021
  • Yang L, SM Peng, XG Long, F Gao, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and XT Zu. 2010. "Ab initio study of intrinsic, H and He point defects in hcp-Er." Journal of Applied Physics 107(5):Article Number: 054903. 
  • Yang L, XT Zu, F Gao, SM Peng, HL Heinisch, XG Long, and RJ Kurtz. 2010. "Dynamic interactions of helium-vacancy clusters with edge dislocations in alpha-Fe." Physica B Condensed Matter 405(7):1754-1758 . doi:10.1016/j.physb.2010.01.034


  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2009. "Modeling the Interaction of Helium with Dislocations and Grain Boundaries in Alpha-Iron." In Effects of Radiation on Materials: 23rd International Symposium: ASTM Special Technical Publication, vol. 1492, pp. 190-196.  ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2009. "Compatibility of interfaces and fibers for SiC-composites in fusion environments." Journal of Nuclear Materials 386:670-674. 
  • Kurtz RJ, A Alamo, E Lucon, Q Huang, S Jitsukawa, A Kimura, RL Klueh, GR Odette, C Petersen, MA Sokolov, P Spaetig, and JW Rensman. 2009. "Recent Progress Toward Development of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels for Fusion Structural Applications ." Journal of Nuclear Materials 386:411-417. 
  • Gao F, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2009. "Migration of Vacancies, He Interstitials and He-Vacancy Clusters at Grain Boundaries in alpha-Fe ." Journal of Nuclear Materials 386:390-394. 
  • Li M, DT Hoelzer, ML Grossbeck, AF Rowcliffe, SJ Zinkle, and RJ Kurtz. 2009. "Irradiation creep of the US Heat 832665 of V-4Cr-4Ti ." Journal of Nuclear Materials 386:618-621. 
  • Yamamoto T, GR Odette, P Miao, DJ Edwards, and RJ Kurtz. 2009. "Helium effects on microstructural evolution in tempered martensitic steels: In situ helium implanter studies in HFIR." Journal of Nuclear Materials 386:338-341. 
  • Yang L, XT Zu, F Gao, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2009. "Effects of Fe-He potential on primary damage formation in Fe-1% He." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 267(18):3046-3049. 
  • Zu XT, L Yang, F Gao, SM Peng, HL Heinisch, XG Long, and RJ Kurtz. 2009. "Properties of Helium Defects in BCC and FCC Metals Investigated with Density Functional Theory." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 80(5):icle Number: 054104 . 


  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2008. "Interaction Of Vacancies And Helium Atoms With A/2 <111> Screw Dislocations In ?-Fe." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the period ending December 31, 2007, DOE/ER-313/43, pp. 182-185.  Ok Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, and RJ Kurtz. 2008. "COMPATIBILITY OF INTERFACES AND FIBERS FOR SIC-COMPOSITES IN FUSION ENVIRONMENTS." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Report for the period ending December 31, 2007, vol. 46; DOE/ER-313/43, pp. 48-55.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Kurtz RJ. 2008. "Materials Challenges in the U. S. Fusion Program." American Nuclear Society Fusion Energy Division Newsletter June 2008:9-12. 
  • Toloczko MB, RM Ermi, DS Gelles, and RJ Kurtz. 2008. "COMPRESSION TESTING OF V-4Cr-4Ti." Chapter 1.1 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2008, vol. 44, ed. GR Nardella, pp. 1-9. DOE/ER-0313/44.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Abe K, A Kohyama, S Tanaka, C Namba, T Terai, T Kunugi, T Muroga, A Hasegawa, A Sagara, S Berk, SJ Zinkle, DK Sze, DA Petti, MA Abdou, NB Morley, RJ Kurtz, LL Snead, and NM Ghoniem. 2008. "Development of advanced blanket performance under irradiation and system integration through JUPITER-II project." Fusion Engineering and Design 83(7-9):842-849. 
  • Gao F, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2008. "MIGRATION OF VACANCIES, HE INTERSTITIALS AND HE-VACANCY CLUSTERS AT GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN ALPHA-FE." Chapter 9.7 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the period Ending December 31, 2007, vol. 43, ed. GR Nardella, pp. 186-191. DOE/ER-313/43.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Kurtz RJ, HL Heinisch, and F Gao. 2008. "Interaction of HEnVm Clusters with Coherent and Semicoherent Fe/Cu Interfaces." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Report (DOE/ER-313/43) covers the period from July 1 to December 31, 2007, vol. 43, pp. 175-181.  Fusion Materials Semiannual Report, Richland, WA. 
  • Kurtz RJ, HL Heinisch, and F Gao. 2008. "Modeling of He - Defect Interactions in Ferritic Alloys for Fusion." Journal of Nuclear Materials 382(2-3):134-142. 
  • Pu J, L Yang, F Gao, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and XT Zu. 2008. "Interaction of displacement cascade with helium bubbles in alpha-iron: Computer simulation." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266(18):3993-3999.  doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2008.07.017
  • Yang L, XT Zu, Z Wang, F Gao, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, XY Wang, and KZ Liu. 2008. "Multiple-Interactions of Displacement Cascades with He-vacancy Clusters in a-Iron: Computer Simulations." Journal of Nuclear Materials 374(3):437-444. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.09.060
  • Yang L, XT Zu, Z Wang, HT Yang, F Gao, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2008. "Effects of interatomic potential on He bubble creation by cascades in a-iron." Journal of Applied Physics 103(6):Art. No. 063528.  doi:10.1063/1.2902503


  • Gelles DS, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "Extrapolation of Fracture Toughness Data for HT9 Irradiated at 360-390°C." In Effects of Radiation on Materials: 22nd International Symposium on Effects of Radiation on Materials, vol. 1475, ed. TR Allen, RG Lott, JT Busby and AS Kumar, pp. 99-110.  American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA. 
  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "Atomistic Modeling of Helium Interacting with Screw Dislocations in alpha-Fe." Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370(Pt. 1):311-315.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.03.035
  • Baluc N, K Abe, JL Boutard, VM Chernov, E Diegele, S Jitsukawa, A Kimura, RL Klueh, A Kohyama, RJ Kurtz, R Lasser, H Matsui, A Moslang, T Muroga, GR Odette, MQ Tran, B van der Schaaf, Y Wu, J Yu, and SJ Zinkle. 2007. "Status of R&D Activities on Materials for Fusion Power Reactors." Nuclear Fusion 47(10):S696-S717.  doi:10.1088/0029-5515/47/10/S18
  • Gao F, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "Diffusion of He Interstitial and di-He Cluster at Grain Boundaries in Alpha-Fe ." Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370(part 1):446-450. 
  • Gao F, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "Diffusion of He Interstitial and di-He Clusters at Grain Boundaries in alpha-Fe." Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370(Pt. 1):446-450.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.03.021
  • Gao F, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "The Formation and Stability of He-Vacancy Clusters within Displacement Cascades in a-Fe." Chapter 9.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2007, vol. 42, ed. GR Nardella, pp. 67-71. DOE/ER-0313/42.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, OAK RIDGE, TN. 
  • Gao F, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "THE FORMATION AND STABILITY OF HE-VACANCY CLUSTERS WITHIN DISPLACEMENT CASCADES IN a-Fe." Chapter 9.2 in Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2007, vol. 42; DOE/ER-313/42, pp. 67-71.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Gelles DS, MB Toloczko, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "Thermal Creep Mechanisms in V-4Cr-4Ti Pressurized Tube Specimens." Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370(Pt. 1):869-875.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.03.067
  • Kurtz RJ, GR Odette, T Yamamoto, DS Gelles, P Miao, and BM Oliver. 2007. "The Transport and Fate of Helium in Martensitic Steels at Fusion Relevant He/DPA Ratios and DPA Rates." Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370 A:417-422. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.03.121
  • Muroga T, JM Chen, VM Chernov, K Fukumoto, DT Hoelzer, RJ Kurtz, T Nagasaka, BA Pint, M Satou, A Suzuki, and H Watanabe. 2007. "Review of Advances in Development of Vanadium Alloys and MHD Insulator Coatings." In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-12), Published in Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 367-376, Part 1, no. Aug. 1, pp. 780-787.  Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.03.082
  • Rowcliffe AF, DT Hoelzer, RJ Kurtz, and CM Young. 2007. "Oxidation Behavior of a V-4Cr-4Ti Alloy During the Commercial Processing of Thin-Wall Tubing ." In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-12). Published in Journal of Nuclear Materials., vol. 367-370, Part 1, no. Aug. 1, pp. 839-843.  Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.03.073
  • Yamamoto T, GR Odette, P Miao, DT Hoelzer, J Bentley, N Hashimoto, H Tanigawa, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "The Transport and Fate of Helium in Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys at Fusion Relevant He/DPA Ratios and DPA Rates." Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370:399-410.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.03.047
  • Yang L, XT Zu, HY Xiao, F Gao, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "Defect production and formation of helium-vacancy clusters due to cascades in alpha-iron." Physica B Condensed Matter 391(1):179-185.  doi:10.1016/j.physb.2006.09.017
  • Yang L, XT Zu, HY Xiao, F Gao, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, Z Wang, and KZ Liu. 2007. "Stability of Helium Clusters during Displacement Cascades." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 255(1 (SP ISS)):63-67. 
  • Yang L, XT Zu, Z Wang, F Gao, XY Wang, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2007. "Interaction of helium-vacancy clusters with edge dislocations in a-Fe." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 265(2):541-546.  doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2007.10.007


  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2006. "Modeling the Interaction of Helium with Dislocations and Grain Boundaries in Alpha-Iron." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2006, DOE/ER-0313/40., pp. 147-153  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2006. "The Interaction Of Helium Atoms With Screw Dislocations In Alpha-Fe." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Report for the period ending December 31, 2005, DOE-ER-0313/39.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, RJ Kurtz, and EA Le. 2006. "Interaction of Helium Atoms with Edge Dislocations in Alpha-Fe." Journal of Nuclear Materials 351(1-3):141-148 .  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.02.027
  • Gao F, HL Heinisch, and RJ Kurtz. 2006. "Diffusion of He Interstitials in Grain Boundaries in alpha-Fe." Journal of Nuclear Materials 351(1-3):133-140 .  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.02.015
  • Gao F, DJ Bacon, W Lai, and RJ Kurtz. 2006. "Low Energy Sputtering Events at Free Surfaces near Anti-Phase and Grain Boundaries in Ni3Al." Philosophical Magazine. Structure and Properties of Condensed Matter 86(27):4243-4258. doi:10.1080/14786430500409560
  • Gelles DS, RJ Kurtz, MB Toloczko, and LE Thomas. 2006. "FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON V-4Cr-4Ti PRESSURIZED CREEP TUBES." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Report for the period ending December 31, 2005, DOE/ER-313/39, pp. 2-10.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Kurtz RJ, F Gao, HL Heinisch, BD Wirth, GR Odette, and T Yamamoto. 2006. "Atomistic Modeliing of the Interactions of He with Nanoclusters in Fe." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Report (DOE/ER-313/39) covers the period from July 1 to December 31, 2005, vol. 39, pp. 167-173.  Fusion Materials Semiannual Report, Richland, WA. 
  • Kurtz RJ, GR Odette, T Yamamoto, DS Gelles, P Miao, and BM Oliver. 2006. "The Transport and Fate ofelium In Martensitic Steels a Fusion Relevant He/Dpa Ratios and DPA Rates." In Fuson Materials Semiannual Report for the period ending December 31, 2005, DOE/ER-313/39, pp. 65-71.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Maloy SA, MB Toloczko, KJ McClellan, TJ Romero, Y Kohno, FA Garner, RJ Kurtz, and A Kimura. 2006. "THE EFFECTS OF FAST REACTOR IRRADIATION CONDITIONS ON THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TWO FERRITIC/MARTENSITIC STEELS." Journal of Nuclear Materials 356(1-3):62-69. 
  • Morley NB, MA Abdou, M Anderson, P Calderoni, RJ Kurtz, RN Nygren, R Raffray, M Sawan, PJ Sharpe, S Smolentsev, S Willms, and AY Ying. 2006. "Overview of Fusion Nuclear Technology in the US." In Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, ISFNT-7 Part A, May 22-27 2005. Published in Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 81, no. 1-7, ed. Shimizu, A.; Ando, T.; Akiba, M., pp. 33-43.  Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2005.06.359
  • Wong C, S Malang, M Sawan, M Dagher, S Smolentsev, B Merrill, M Youssef, S Reyes, DK Sze, NB Morley, S Sharafat, P Calderoni, G Sviatoslavsky, RJ Kurtz, PJ Fogarty, SJ Zinkle, and MA Abdou. 2006. "An overview of dual coolant Pb-17Li breeder first wall and blanket concept development for the US ITER-TBM design." Fusion Engineering and Design 81(1-7):461-467. 
  • Wong C, S Malang, M Sawan, M Dagher, S Smolentsev, B Merrill, M Youssef, S Reyes, DK Sze, NB Morley, S Sharafat, P Calderoni, G Sviatoslavsky, RJ Kurtz, PJ Fogarty, SJ Zinkle, and MA Abdou. 2006. "An overview of dual coolant Pb-17Li breeder first wall and blanket concept development for the US ITER-TBM design." In 7th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology , vol. 81, no. 1-7, ed. Shimizu, A.; Ando, T.; Akiba, M., pp. 461-467.  North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 
  • Yang L, X Zu, HY Xiao, F Gao, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and KZ Liu. 2006. "Atomistic simulation of helium-defect interaction in alpha-iron." Applied Physics Letters 88(9):Art. No. 091915. 
  • Yang L, X Zu, HY Xiao, F Gao, KZ Liu, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and SZ Yang. 2006. "Temperature Effects on He bubbles production due to cascades in alpha-iron ." Materials Science and Engineering. A. Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing 427(1-2):343-347. 
  • Ying A, MA Abdou, C Wong, S Malang, NB Morley, M Sawan, B Merrill, DK Sze, RJ Kurtz, S Willms, M Ulrickson, and SJ Zinkle. 2006. "An Overview of US ITER Test Blanket Module Program." In Seventh International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology , vol. 81, pp. 433-441.  Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 


  • Fukumoto K, S Takahashi, RJ Kurtz, DL Smith, and H Matsui. 2005. "Microstructural examination of V-(Fe or Cr)-Ti alloys after thermal-creep or irradiation-creep tests." Journal of Nuclear Materials 341(1):83-89.  doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2005.01.016
  • Gao F, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, YN Osetsky, and RG Hoagland. 2005. "Migration and Directional Change of Interstitial Clusters in a-Fe: Searching for Transition States by the Dimer Method." Philosophical Magazine. Structure and Properties of Condensed Matter 85(4-7):619-627. 


  • Gelles DS, and RJ Kurtz. 2004. "FURTHER MICROSTRUCTURAL EXAMINATIONS OF V-4Cr-4Ti PRESSURIZED CREEP TUBES." In Fusion Materials: Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2004, vol. 36, ed. R. L. Klueh and Teresa Roe, pp. 2-12.  DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington, DC. 
  • Heinisch HL, JR, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2004. "The Effects of Interfaces on Radiation Damage Production in Layered Metal Composites." Journal of Nuclear Materials 329-333(Pt. A):924-928. 
  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2004. "THE INTERACTION OF HELIUM ATOMS WITH EDGE DISLOCATIONS IN a-Fe." In Fusion Materials: Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2004, vol. 36, ed. R. L. Klueh and Teresa Roe, pp. 112-116.  DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington, DC. 
  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, RJ Kurtz, and EA Le. 2004. "THE INTERACTION OF HELIUM ATOMS WITH EDGE DISLOCATIONS IN alpha-Fe ." In Fusion Materials Semi-Annual Report for the period ending December 31, 2004 (DOE/ER-0313/37), pp. 116-119.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 
  • Henager CH, Jr, RJ Kurtz, and RG Hoagland. 2004. "Interactions of Dislocations with Disconnetions in FCC Metallic Nanolayered Materials." Philosophical Magazine. Structure and Properties of Condensed Matter 84(22):2277-2303. 
  • Kurtz RJ, K Abe, VM Chernov, DT Hoelzer, H Matsui, T Muroga, and GR Odette. 2004. "Recent Progress on Development of Vanadium Alloys for Fusion ." Journal of Nuclear Materials 329-33 (PtA):47-55. 
  • Toloczko MB, and RJ Kurtz. 2004. "ROOM TEMPERATURE COMPRESSION PROPERTIES OF TWO HEATS OF UNIRRADIATED V-4Cr-4Ti ." In Fusion Materials: Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2004, vol. 36, ed. R. L. Klueh and Teresa Roe, pp. 13-18.  DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington, DC. 
  • Toloczko MB, DS Gelles, FA Garner, RJ Kurtz, and K Abe. 2004. "Irradiation Creep and Swelling from 400°C to 600°C of the Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Alloy MA957 ." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report (DOE/ER-0313/35) for the period ending December 31, 2003., pp. 71-72  U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy, Springfield, VA. 
  • Hoagland RG, RJ Kurtz, and CH Henager, Jr. 2004. "Slip resistance of interfaces and the strength of metallic multilayer composites." Scripta Materialia 50(6):775-779. 
  • Kurtz RJ, and DS Gelles. 2004. "Extrapolation of Fracture Toughness Data for HT9 Irradiated at Temperatures 360-390°C ." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report (DOE/ER-313/35) covers the period from June 30, 2003 to December 31, 2003, vol. 35, pp. 115-128.  Fusion Materials Semiannual Report, Richland, WA. 
  • Kurtz RJ, and HL Heinisch. 2004. "The Effects of Grain Boundary Structure on Binding of He in Fe ." Journal of Nuclear Materials 329 - 333(Pt. A):1199 - 1203. 


  • Heinisch HL, F Gao, and RJ Kurtz. 2003. "The Effects of Interfaces on Radiation Damage Production in Layered Metal Composites ." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for period ending December 31, 2003., vol. DOE/ER-313/35, pp. 172-178.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge , TN. 
  • de Koning M, RJ Kurtz, VV Bulatov, CH Henager, Jr, RG Hoagland, W Cai, and M Nomura. 2003. "Modeling of Dislocation-Grain Boundary Interactions in FCC Metals." Journal of Nuclear Materials 323 [2-3]:281-289. 


  • Greenwood LR, DL Baldwin, GW Hollenberg, and RJ Kurtz. 2002. "Evaluation of the DHCE Experiment." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending June 30, 2001, vol. 30, pp. 15-29.  DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington DC. 
  • Kurtz RJ, and AM Ermi. 2002. "AN UPDATE ON BIAXIAL THERMAL CREEP OF VANADIUM ALLOYS." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 2001, vol. 31, pp. 7-16.  DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington DC. 
  • Toloczko MB, RJ Kurtz, A Hasegawa, and K Abe. 2002. "Shear Punch Tests Performed Using a New Low Compliance Test Fixture." Journal of Nuclear Materials 307(Pt B):1619-1623. 
  • Hoagland RG, and RJ Kurtz. 2002. "The Relation Between Grain-Boundary Structure and Sliding Resistance." Philosophical Magazine A 82(6):1073-1092.  doi:10.1080/01418610110096084


  • Henager CH, Jr, HL Heinisch, RJ Kurtz, and RG Hoagland. 2001. "Atomistic Simulations of Steps in Bimetallic Interfaces as Barriers to Interface Slip Transmission." In Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nanophase Materials--Theory and Computer Simulations vs. Experiment, MRS Proceedings , vol. 634, no. Paper #: B4.8 , ed. D. Farkas.  Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA. 
  • Kurtz RJ, RG Hoagland, and HL Heinisch. 2001. "Computer Simulation of Misfit Dislocation Mobility in Cu/Ni and Cu/Ag Interfaces." In Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nanophase Materials--Theory and Computer Simulations vs. Experiment, MRS Proceedings, vol. 634, p. B2.9.  Material Research Society , Warrendale, PA. 
  • Toloczko M, K Abe, ML Hamilton, FA Garner, and RJ Kurtz. 2001. "The Effect of Test Machine Compliance on the Measured Shear Punch Yield Stress as Predicted Using Finite Element Analysis." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 2000, vol. 29, pp. 148-159.  US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington DC. 


  • Kurtz RJ, and ML Hamilton. 2000. "Biaxial Thermal Creep of V-4Cr-4Ti AT 700C and 800C ." In Fusion Materials: Semi Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 1999, vol. 27, ed. Rowcliffe, A.F., pp. 107-110.  US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Sciences, Washington DC. 
  • Kurtz RJ, and ML Hamilton. 2000. "Biaxial Thermal Creep of V-4Cr-4Ti at 700°C and 800°C." Journal of Nuclear Materials 283-287(1):628-632 .  doi:10.1016/S0022-3115(00)00274-9
  • Kurtz RJ. 2000. "Effect of Oxygen on the Crack Growth Behavior of V-4Cr-4Ti at 600C." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 1999, vol. 27, ed. Rowcliffe, A.F., pp. 32-39.  US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Sciences, Washington, DC. 
  • Kurtz RJ. 2000. "Effect of Oxygen on the Crack Growth Behavior of V-4Cr-4Ti at 600 degree C ." Journal of Nuclear Materials 283(Part B):822-826. 
  • Jaffe JE, RJ Kurtz, and MS Gutowski. 2000. "Comparison of Embedded-Atom Models and First-Principles Calculations for Al Phase Equilibrium ." Computational Materials Science 18(2):199-204.