Rebe Feraldi
Rebe Feraldi
Rebe Feraldi, a senior systems engineer, joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Earth Systems Science division in 2022 as a subject-matter expert in life cycle assessment (LCA) and biomimicry. She solves sustainability and energy transition analyses using a data-driven approach and natural systems-level thinking.
Since 2008, Feraldi has been performing LCAs for fuels, energy pathways, materials, chemicals, bio-based processes and products, industrial processes, infrastructural elements, building and vehicle products and processes, waste management, and emerging technologies. Currently, she is working on standardizing LCA-based environmental product declaration labels considering recent state- and federal-level green public procurement initiatives—especially the Federal Sustainability Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act.
Feraldi is proficient with modeling and data management for multiple LCA software platforms and databases; establishing and maintaining LCA projects and tools; and supporting outside-of-the box thinking and pivotal process improvements to sustainability, innovation, and LCA and sustainability analyses and analysis systems. She trains users in data collection, compilation, modeling, quality control, analysis, visualization, interoperability, curation, reporting, and publishing.
Research Interest
- Life Cycle Assessment
- Life Cycle Inventory
- Environmental Product Declarations
- Product Category Rules
- Industrial Ecology
- Industrial Symbiosis
- Biomimicry
- MS, biomimicry, Arizona State University
- MS, environmental science and management, University of California - Santa Barbara
- BS, environmental chemistry and engineering, Colorado School of Mines
Awards and Recognitions
- Outstanding Performance Award, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2022
- Leadership in Government Award, American Center for Life Cycle Assessment, 2022
Bhat, C.G., Adhikari T, Mellentine J, Feraldi R, Lasso A, Swack T, Mukherjee A, Dylla H, Rangelov M. 2022 ACLCA PCR Guidance – Process and Methods Toolkit. Version May 2022. American Centre for Life Cycle Assessment
NREL (2018-2021). USLCI Data Submission Guidelines – Guidance Document for Preparing & Publishing data with the USLCI. Published and maintained on the USLCI GitHub Support Content site: admin/uslci-content.
NREL (2019). US Federal LCA Data Commons: Coordination Report: LCA within DOE EERE Programs, Current Status of the Federal LCA Commons, & Opportunities to Support DOE EERE Goals & Objectives:
EPA (2016). Life Cycle Assessment of Cookstove Fuels in India and China, Office of Research & Development, NRMRL, EPA/600/R-15/325|April 2016: content/uploads/2021/07/496-1.pdf.
IFCO (2016). Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Reusable Plastic Containers (RPCs) and Display and Non-Display Ready Corrugated Containers Used for Fresh Produce Applications, Performed for IFCO Corporation by Franklin Associates, A Division of ERG, June 2013, Updated 2016: and and_pdf.
OECD (2014). Nanotechnology and Tyres: Greening Industry and Transport, Chapter 4: Environmental impacts in the context of life cycle assessment, Published on July 18, 2014: and
Franklin Associates (2014). Impacts of Plastics Packaging on Life Cycle Energy Consumption & Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States and Canada: Substitution Analysis, Prepared for The American Chemistry Council (ACC) and The Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) by Franklin Associates, A Division of ERG, January 2014: and content/uploads/2018/11/
Feraldi R, Cashman S, Huff M, Raahauge L (2012). Comparative LCA of treatment options for US scrap tires: material recycling and tire-derived fuel combustion, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18(3): 613- 625:
Franklin Associates (2011). Life Cycle Inventory of Plastic Fabrication Processes: Injection Molding and Thermoforming, Submitted to Rigid Plastic Packaging Group (RPPG) by Franklin Associates, A Division of Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), September 2011:, products/plastics#Resource-EnvironmentalProfileAnalyses and
Franklin Associates (2011). Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Inventory of Nine Plastic Resins and Four Polyurethane Precursors, Prepared for Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) by Franklin Associates, A Division of Eastern Research Group, Inc., August 2011: and and
Feraldi R, Huff M, Cashman S (2011). Material Recycling Vs. Tire-Derived Fuel Combustion for Scrap Tire Treatment: Comparative Attributional and Consequential Life Cycle Assessments, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, PA, March 27-30, 2011:
Bumby S., Druzhinina E., Feraldi R., Werthmann D., Geyer R., Sahl J., (2010). Life cycle assessment of overhead and underground primary power distribution, Environmental Science & Technology, 44: 5587- 5593:
Bumby S, Druzhinina E, Feraldi R, Werthmann D, Geyer R, Sahl J (2009). Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of overhead and underground medium voltage power distribution, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems & Technology (ISSST), Tempe, Arizona, May 18-20: