Advisor, Environmental Remediation
Advisor, Environmental Remediation


Michael Truex is an Advisor for Environmental Remediation science and technology at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, Washington. Since 1992 he has worked in remediation research and field applications. Michael’s experience includes work at Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Defense (DoD), and private remediation sites. Major programs include support to the DOE Hanford Site providing technical and programmatic support for assessing and implementing improved remediation and characterization technologies.

Mike has also been a principle investigator for multiple treatability tests at the Hanford site. He has managed and participated in large programs providing technical support to the DoD installations and has been a co-principle investigator for multiple remediation technology demonstration projects funded through the DoD.

In addition to authoring numerous journal articles and technical reports, Mike has also authored multiple technical guidance documents. He led publication of technical guidance documents for performance assessment of soil vapor extraction systems and for pump-and-treat remediation. He has also authored and contributed to documents that provide guidance for Monitored Natural Attenuation, evaluation of contaminant transport in the vadose zone, development of conceptual models, remediation management of complex sites, and determination of environmental remediation end states.

Research Interest

  • Vadose zone remediation and monitoring
  • Scientific and technical support for remediation decisions
  • Research and applications related to natural attenuation

Disciplines and Skills

  • Environmental remediation and monitoring
  • Scientific and technical support for remediation decisions
  • Research and applications related to natural attenuation


  • M.S., Washington State University, Environmental Engineering, 1991
  • B.S., University of Illinois, Mechanical Engineering, 1986

Affiliations and Professional Service

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) — Led an international team in the development of “Determination of Environmental Remediation End States" (DERES), a guidance document to transition contaminated sites through the remediation process and toward end states, or the final disposition and use after cleanup has been completed. (Read more at


  • U.S. Patent, 6,387,669; Methods For Producing Hydrogen (Bi)Sulfide And/Or Removing Metals, Issued May 14, 2002
  • U.S. Patent, 5,641,642; In situ biofilm coupon device, Issued June 24, 1997.





  • Freedman V.L., M.J. Truex, M. Rockhold, D.H. Bacon, M.D. Freshley, and D.M. Wellman. 2017. "Elements of complexity in subsurface modeling, exemplified with three case studies." Hydrogeology Journal 25, no. 6:1853-1870. PNNL-SA-128996. doi:10.1007/s10040-017-1564-6
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, M.L. Rockhold, and T.C. Johnson. 2017. "Deep Vadose Zone Contaminant Flux Evaluation at the Hanford BY-Cribs Site using Forward and Imposed Concentration Modeling Approaches." Environmental Processes 4, no. 4:771-797. PNNL-SA-127119. doi:10.1007/s40710-017-0272-5
  • Strickland C.E., A.R. Lawter, N. Qafoku, J.E. Szecsody, M.J. Truex, and G. Wang. 2017. Evaluation of Iodine Remediation Technologies in Subsurface Sediments: Interim Status Report. PNNL-26957. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluation of Iodine Remediation Technologies in Subsurface Sediments: Interim Status Report
  • Strickland C.E., C.D. Johnson, B.D. Lee, N. Qafoku, J.E. Szecsody, M.J. Truex, and V.R. Vermeul. 2017. Identification of Promising Remediation Technologies for Iodine in the UP-1 Operable Unit. PNNL-26934. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Identification of Promising Remediation Technologies for Iodine in the UP-1 Operable Unit
  • Truex M.J., and C.D. Johnson. 2017. Incorporating Pump-and-Treat Performance Assessment Into Hanford Remedy Documents. PNNL-26930. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Incorporating Pump-and-Treat Performance Assessment Into Hanford Remedy Documents
  • Truex M.J., B.D. Lee, C.D. Johnson, N. Qafoku, J.E. Szecsody, J.E. Kyle, and M.M. Tfaily, et al. 2017. Conceptual Model of Iodine Behavior in the Subsurface at the Hanford Site. PNNL-24709 Rev. 2. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Conceptual Model of Iodine Behavior in the Subsurface at the Hanford Site
  • Truex M.J., J.E. Szecsody, N. Qafoku, C.E. Strickland, J.J. Moran, B.D. Lee, and M. Snyder, et al. 2017. Contaminant Attenuation and Transport Characterization of 200-DV-1 Operable Unit Sediment Samples. PNNL-26208; RPT-DVZ-AFRI-037. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Contaminant Attenuation and Transport Characterization of 200-DV-1 Operable Unit Sediment Samples


  • Lee M.H., M.J. Truex, M.D. Freshley, and D.M. Wellman. 2016. "IDAHO NATIONAL LABORATORY TEST AREA NORTH: APPLICATION OF ENDPOINTS TO GUIDE ADAPTIVE REMEDIATION AT A COMPLEX SITE." Remediation 26, no. 4:11-25. PNNL-SA-118280. doi:10.1002/rem.21483
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, G.V. Last, C.E. Strickland, and G.D. Tartakovsky. 2016. "Evaluation of Deep Vadose Zone Contaminant Flux into Groundwater: Approach and Case Study." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 189. PNNL-SA-117617. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2016.03.002
  • Truex M.J., and C.D. Johnson. 2016. Approach for Pump-and-Treat Performance Assessment at the Hanford Site. PNNL-25875. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Yang S., M. Oostrom, M.J. Truex, G. Li, and L. Zhong. 2016. "Injectable Silica-Permanganate Gel as a Slow-Release MnO4- Source for Groundwater Remediation: Rheological Properties and Release Dynamics." Environmental Science Processes & Impacts 18, no. 2:256-264. PNNL-SA-107472. doi:10.1039/C5EM00559K


  • Gartman B.N., N. Qafoku, J.E. Szecsody, R.K. Kukkadapu, Z. Wang, D.M. Wellman, and M.J. Truex. 2015. "Uranium Fate in Hanford Sediment Altered by Simulated Acid Waste Solutions." Applied Geochemistry 63, no. December 2015:1-9. PNNL-SA-105743. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.07.010
  • Szecsody J.E., M.J. Truex, L. Zhong, J.P. McKinley, N. Qafoku, B.D. Lee, and S.D. Saurey. 2015. "Remediation of Technetium in Vadose Zone Sediments Using Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Gases." Vadose Zone Journal 14, no. 7. PNNL-SA-107578. doi:10.2136/vzj2014.09.0134
  • Truex M.J., B.D. Lee, C.D. Johnson, N. Qafoku, G.V. Last, M.H. Lee, and D.I. Kaplan. 2015. Conceptual Model of Iodine Behavior in the Subsurface at the Hanford Site. PNNL-24709. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Conceptual Model of Iodine Behavior in the Subsurface at the Hanford Site
  • Truex M.J., C.D. Johnson, D. Becker, M.H. Lee, and M.J. Nimmons. 2015. Performance Assessment for Pump-and-Treat Closure or Transition. PNNL-24696. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Performance Assessment for Pump-and-Treat Closure or Transition
  • Truex M.J., C.E. Strickland, M. Oostrom, C.D. Johnson, G.D. Tartakovsky, T.C. Johnson, and R.E. Clayton, et al. 2015. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test for the Hanford Central Plateau: Interim Post-Desiccation Monitoring Results, Fiscal Year 2015. PNNL-24706. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test for the Hanford Central Plateau: Interim Post-Desiccation Monitoring Results, Fiscal Year 2015
  • Truex M.J., J.E. Szecsody, N. Qafoku, R. Sahajpal, L. Zhong, A.R. Lawter, and B.D. Lee. 2015. Assessment of Hexavalent Chromium Natural Attenuation for the Hanford Site 100 Area. PNNL-24705. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Assessment of Hexavalent Chromium Natural Attenuation for the Hanford Site 100 Area
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, and G.D. Tartakovsky. 2015. Evaluating Transport and Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in the Vadose Zone for Aqueous Waste Disposal Sites. PNNL-24731. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluating Transport and Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in the Vadose Zone for Aqueous Waste Disposal Sites
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, G.V. Last, C.E. Strickland, and G.D. Tartakovsky. 2015. Evaluating Contaminant Flux from the Vadose Zone to the Groundwater in the Hanford Central Plateau: SX Tank Farms Case Study. PNNL-23737. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluating Contaminant Flux from the Vadose Zone to the Groundwater in the Hanford Central Plateau: SX Tank Farms Case Study
  • Truex M.J., V.R. Vermeul, D. Adamson, M. Oostrom, L. Zhong, R.D. Mackley, and B.G. Fritz, et al. 2015. "Field Test of Enhanced Remedial Amendment Delivery Using a Shear-Thinning Fluid." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 35, no. 3:34-45. PNNL-SA-101736. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12101
  • Zhong L., J.E. Szecsody, M.J. Truex, M.D. Williams, and Y. Liu. 2015. "Ammonia Gas Transport and Reactions in Unsaturated Sediments: Implications for Use as an Amendment to Immobilize Inorganic Contaminants." Journal of Hazardous Materials 289. PNNL-SA-106198. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.02.025
  • Zhong L., M.J. Truex, N. Kananizadeh, Y. Li, A.S. Lea, and X. Yan. 2015. "Delivery of Vegetable Oil Suspensions in a Shear Thinning Fluid for Enhanced Bioremediation." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 175-176. PNNL-SA-106469. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2015.02.001


  • Mainhagu J., C. Morrison, M.J. Truex, M. Oostrom, and M. Brusseau. 2014. "Measuring Spatial Variability of Vapor Flux to Characterize Vadose-zone VOC Sources: Flow-cell Experiments." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 167. PNNL-SA-104210. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2014.07.007
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, A.K. Rice, C.D. Johnson, K.C. Carroll, D. Becker, and M.A. Simon. 2014. "Estimating the Impact of Vadose Zone Sources on Groundwater to Support Performance Assessment of Soil Vapor Extraction." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 34, no. 2:71-84. PNNL-SA-90992.
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, A.K. Rice, C.D. Johnson, K.C. Carroll, D. Becker, and M.A. Simon. 2014. "Estimating the Impact of Vadose Zone Sources on Groundwater to Support Performance Assessment of Soil Vapor Extraction." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 34, no. 2:71-84. PNNL-SA-93903.
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, T.W. Wietsma, and G.D. Tartakovsky. 2014. "Pore-Water Extraction from Unsaturated Porous Media: Intermediate-Scale Laboratory." Vadose Zone Journal 13, no. 8. PNNL-SA-102165. doi:10.2136/vzj2014.04.0044
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, V.R. Vermeul, L. Zhong, G.D. Tartakovsky, and T.W. Wietsma. 2014. "Remedial Amendment Delivery near the Water Table Using Shear Thinning Fluids: Experiments and Numerical Simulations." Environmental Processes 1, no. 4:331-351. PNNL-SA-103590. doi:10.1007/s40710-014-0031-9
  • Szecsody J.E., V.R. Vermeul, M.D. Williams, and M.J. Truex. 2014. Hanford Apatite Treatability Test Report Errata: Apatite Mass Loading Calculation. PNNL-23367. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hanford Apatite Treatability Test Report Errata: Apatite Mass Loading Calculation
  • Truex M.J., C.E. Strickland, C.D. Johnson, T.C. Johnson, R.E. Clayton, and G.B. Chronister. 2014. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test for the Hanford Central Plateau: Interim Post-Desiccation Monitoring Results, Fiscal Year 2014. PNNL-23731. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test for the Hanford Central Plateau: Interim Post-Desiccation Monitoring Results, Fiscal Year 2014
  • Truex M.J., J.E. Szecsody, L. Zhong, and N. Qafoku. 2014. Gas-Phase Treatment of Technetium in the Vadose Zone at the Hanford Site Central Plateau. PNNL-23665; RPT-DVZ-AFRI-023. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Gas-Phase Treatment of Technetium in the Vadose Zone at the Hanford Site Central Plateau
  • Truex M.J., J.E. Szecsody, L. Zhong, J.N. Thomle, and T.C. Johnson. 2014. Scale-Up Information for Gas-Phase Ammonia Treatment of Uranium in the Vadose Zone at the Hanford Site Central Plateau. PNNL-23699. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Scale-Up Information for Gas-Phase Ammonia Treatment of Uranium in the Vadose Zone at the Hanford Site Central Plateau
  • Truex M.J., J.E. Szecsody, N. Qafoku, and R.J. Serne. 2014. Conceptual Model of Uranium in the Vadose Zone for Acidic and Alkaline Wastes Discharged at the Hanford Site Central Plateau. PNNL-23666; RPT-DVZ-AFRI-024. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Conceptual Model of Uranium in the Vadose Zone for Acidic and Alkaline Wastes Discharged at the Hanford Site Central Plateau
  • Truex M.J., V.R. Vermeul, N. Qafoku, and B.D. Lee. 2014. Sampling Instruction: 100-D-100 and 100-D-30/104 Excavation Sites. PNNL-23542. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Sampling Instruction: 100-D-100 and 100-D-30/104 Excavation Sites


  • Brusseau M.L., K.C. Carroll, M.J. Truex, and D. Becker. 2013. "Characterization and Remediation of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Contaminants in the Vadose Zone." Vadose Zone Journal 12, no. 4:1-17. PNNL-SA-91175. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0137
  • Bunn A.L., M.J. Truex, M. Oostrom, K.C. Carroll, and D.M. Wellman. 2013. "Integrated Systems-Based Approach to Monitoring Environmental Remediation." In Proceedings of the Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2013): International Collaboration and Continuous Improvement, February 24-28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona USA, 7, 5469-5477, Paper No. 13211. Tucson, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-92011.
  • Carroll K.C., M.J. Truex, M.L. Brusseau, K.R. Parker, R.D. Mackley, and V.J. Rohay. 2013. "Characterization of Persistent Volatile Contaminant Sources in the Vadose Zone." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 33, no. 2:68-84. PNNL-SA-89088. doi:10.1111/gwmr.12006
  • Johnson T.C., M. Oostrom, M.J. Truex, J.N. Thomle, and T.W. Wietsma. 2013. "Determination of water saturation using gas phase partitioning tracers and time-lapse electrical conductivity measurements." Vadose Zone Journal 12, no. 2. PNNL-SA-91015. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0142
  • Lee M.H., D.M. Wellman, M.J. Truex, K.S. Sorenson, Jr., R. Wymore, and M.D. Freshley. 2013. "Integrated Systems-Based Approach for Reaching Acceptable End Points for Groundwater." In Proceedings of the Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2013), February 24-28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, 7, 5518-5531, Paper No. 13629. Tucson, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-92923.
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, K. Carroll, and G.B. Chronister. 2013. "Perched-Water Analysis Related to Deep Vadose Zone Contaminant Transport and Impact to Groundwater." Journal of Hydrology 505. PNNL-SA-96597. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.10.001
  • Szecsody J.E., M.J. Truex, N. Qafoku, D.M. Wellman, C.T. Resch, and L. Zhong. 2013. "Influence of Acidic and Alkaline Waste Solution Properties on Uranium Migration in Subsurface Sediments." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 151. PNNL-SA-96107. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2013.05.009
  • Truex M.J., and K.C. Carroll. 2013. Remedy Evaluation Framework for Inorganic, Non-Volatile Contaminants in the Vadose Zone. PNNL-21815; RPT-DVZ-AFRI-004. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Remedy Evaluation Framework for Inorganic, Non-Volatile Contaminants in the Vadose Zone
  • Truex M.J., and M. Oostrom. 2013. Field Test Design Simulations of Pore-Water Extraction for the SX Tank Farm. PNNL-22662. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Field Test Design Simulations of Pore-Water Extraction for the SX Tank Farm
  • Truex M.J., D. Becker, M.A. Simon, M. Oostrom, A.K. Rice, and C.D. Johnson. 2013. Soil Vapor Extraction System Optimization, Transition, and Closure Guidance. PNNL-21843. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Soil Vapor Extraction System Optimization, Transition, and Closure Guidance
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, C.E. Strickland, T.C. Johnson, C.D. Johnson, R.E. Clayton, and G.B. Chronister. 2013. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test for the Hanford Central Plateau: Interim Post-Desiccation Monitoring Results. PNNL-22826. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test for the Hanford Central Plateau: Interim Post-Desiccation Monitoring Results
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, K. Carroll, and G.B. Chronister. 2013. Perched-Water Evaluation for the Deep Vadose Zone Beneath the B, BX, and BY Tank Farms Area of the Hanford Site. PNNL-22499; RPT-DVZ-AFRI-013. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Perched-Water Evaluation for the Deep Vadose Zone Beneath the B, BX, and BY Tank Farms Area of the Hanford Site
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, T.W. Wietsma, G.V. Last, and D.C. Lanigan. 2013. Pore-Water Extraction Scale-Up Study for the SX Tank Farm. PNNL-21882; RPT-DVZ-AFRI-011. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Pore-Water Extraction Scale-Up Study for the SX Tank Farm
  • Truex M.J., T.C. Johnson, C.E. Strickland, J.E. Peterson, and S.S. Hubbard. 2013. "Monitoring Vadose Zone Desiccation with Geophysical Methods." Vadose Zone Journal 12, no. 2. PNNL-SA-90886. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0147
  • Wellman D.M., M.D. Freshley, M.B. Triplett, M.J. Truex, and M.H. Lee. 2013. Mitigating the Risks of Contamination within Vadose Zone Environments. PNNL-22618. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Mitigating the Risks of Contamination within Vadose Zone Environments
  • Wellman D.M., M.D. Freshley, M.J. Truex, and M.H. Lee. 2013. "Alternate Endpoints for Deep Vadose Zone Environments: Challenges, Opportunities, and Progress." In Proceedings of the Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2013): International Collaboration and Continuous Improvement, February 24-28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, 7, 5567-5580, Paper No. 13036. Tucson, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-92761.
  • Wellman D.M., M.D. Freshley, M.J. Truex, and M.H. Lee. 2013. "Deep Vadose Zone Remediation: Technical and Policy Challenges, Opportunities, and Progress in Achieving Cleanup Endpoints." In Proceedings of the ASME 2013 15th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM2013), September 8-12, 2013, Brussels, Belgium, 2, Paper No. ICEM2013-96011. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-93886. doi:10.1115/ICEM2013-96011
  • Wellman D.M., M.J. Truex, T.C. Johnson, A.L. Bunn, and E.C. Golovich. 2013. Deep Vadose Zone-Applied Field Research Initiative Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report. PNNL-22322. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Deep Vadose Zone-Applied Field Research Initiative Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report
  • Zhong L., M. Oostrom, M.J. Truex, V.R. Vermeul, and J.E. Szecsody. 2013. "Rheological Behavior of Xanthan Gum Solution Related to Shear Thinning Fluid Delivery for Subsurface Remediation." Journal of Hazardous Materials 244-245. PNNL-SA-87185. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2012.11.028


  • Amonette J.E., P.M. Jeffers, O. Qafoku, C.K. Russell, D.R. Humphrys, T.W. Wietsma, and M.J. Truex. 2012. Abiotic degradation rates for carbon tetrachloride and chloroform: Final report. PNNL-22062; RPT-DVZ-AFRI-012. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Abiotic degradation rates for carbon tetrachloride and chloroform: Final report.
  • Bunn A.L., D.M. Wellman, R.A. Deeb, E.L. Hawley, M.J. Truex, M. Peterson, and M.D. Freshley, et al. 2012. "Scientific Opportunities for Monitoring of Environmental Remediation Sites - (SOMERS)." In Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2012): Improving the Future in Waste Management, February 26 - March 1, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, Paper No. 12224. Phoenix, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-85078.
  • Bunn A.L., D.M. Wellman, R.A. Deeb, E.L. Hawley, M.J. Truex, M. Peterson, and M.D. Freshley, et al. 2012. Scientific Opportunities for Monitoring at Environmental Remediation Sites (SOMERS): Integrated Systems-Based Approaches to Monitoring. PNNL-21379. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Scientific Opportunities for Monitoring at Environmental Remediation Sites (SOMERS): Integrated Systems-Based Approaches to Monitoring
  • Carroll K.C., M. Oostrom, M.J. Truex, V.J. Rohay, and M.L. Brusseau. 2012. "Assessing performance and closure for soil vapor extraction: Integrating vapor discharge and impact to groundwater quality." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 128, no. 1-4:71-82. PNNL-SA-80001. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2011.10.003
  • Johnson T.C., W.J. Greenwood, C.E. Strickland, M.J. Truex, V.L. Freedman, G.B. Chronister, and D.F. Rucker. 2012. "3D Characterization and Time-Lapse Imaging of the Desiccation Treatability Test at the Hanford BC-Cribs and Trenches Site using High Performance Electrical Resistivity Imaging." In Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2012): Improving the Future in Waste Management, February 26 - March 1, 2012, Pheonix AZ, 2181-2189. Tucson, Arizona:Waste Management Symposia, Inc. PNNL-SA-84065.
  • Oostrom M., K.V. Smoot, T.W. Wietsma, M.J. Truex, M.W. Benecke, and G.B. Chronister. 2012. "Vadose Zone Soil Moisture Wicking Using Super Absorbent Polymers." Vadose Zone Journal 11, no. 4. PNNL-SA-84832. doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0200
  • Oostrom M., T.W. Wietsma, C.E. Strickland, V.L. Freedman, and M.J. Truex. 2012. "Sensor and numerical simulator evaluation for porous medium desiccation and rewetting at the intermediate laboratory scale." Vadose Zone Journal 11, no. 1:Article No. 0089. PNNL-SA-83396. doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0089
  • Oostrom M., V.L. Freedman, T.W. Wietsma, J.H. Dane, and M.J. Truex. 2012. "Effects of Porous Medium Heterogeneity on Vadose Zone Desiccation: Intermediate-scale Laboratory Experiments and Simulations." Vadose Zone Journal 11, no. 4. PNNL-SA-84135. doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0168
  • Szecsody J.E., M.J. Truex, L. Zhong, T.C. Johnson, N. Qafoku, M.D. Williams, and W.J. Greenwood, et al. 2012. "Geochemical and Geophysical Changes during Ammonia Gas Treatment of Vadose Zone Sediments for Uranium Remediation." Vadose Zone Journal 11, no. 4. PNNL-SA-86840. doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0158
  • Truex M.J., and V.R. Vermeul. 2012. Sampling Instruction: Investigation of Hexavalent Chromium Flux to Groundwater at the 100-C-7:1 Excavation Site. PNNL-21393. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Sampling Instruction: Investigation of Hexavalent Chromium Flux to Groundwater at the 100-C-7:1 Excavation Site
  • Truex M.J., K.C. Carroll, and M. Oostrom. 2012. "Assessing Soil Vapor Extraction Remediation Performance and Closure: A Review." In Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2012): Improving the Future in Waste Management, February 26 - March 1, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, Paper No. 12188. Tucson, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-84158.
  • Truex M.J., K.C. Carroll, V.J. Rohay, R.D. Mackley, and K.R. Parker. 2012. Treatability Test Report: Characterization of Vadose Zone Carbon Tetrachloride Source Strength Using Tomographic Methods at the 216-Z-9 Site. PNNL-21326. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Treatability Test Report: Characterization of Vadose Zone Carbon Tetrachloride Source Strength Using Tomographic Methods at the 216-Z-9 Site
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, C.E. Strickland, G.B. Chronister, M.W. Benecke, and C.D. Johnson. 2012. "Field-Scale Assessment of Desiccation Implementation for Deep Vadose Zone Contaminants." Vadose Zone Journal 11, no. 4. PNNL-SA-83775. doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0144
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, C.E. Strickland, T.C. Johnson, V.L. Freedman, C.D. Johnson, and W.J. Greenwood, et al. 2012. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test for the Hanford Central Plateau: Soil Desiccation Pilot Test Results. PNNL-21369. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test for the Hanford Central Plateau: Soil Desiccation Pilot Test Results
  • Truex M.J., V.R. Vermeul, B.G. Fritz, R.D. Mackley, J.A. Horner, C.D. Johnson, and D.R. Newcomer. 2012. Investigation of Hexavalent Chromium Flux to Groundwater at the 100-C-7:1 Excavation Site. PNNL-21845; RPT-DVZ-AFRI-005. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Investigation of Hexavalent Chromium Flux to Groundwater at the 100-C-7:1 Excavation Site
  • Wellman D.M., M.J. Truex, M.D. Freshley, P.E. Dresel, and K.J. Cantrell. 2012. "Technical and Policy Challenges in Deep Vadose Zone Remediation of Metals and Radionuclides." In Annual Waste Management Symposium (WM2012): Improving the Future in Waste Management, February 26 - March 1, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, Paper No. 12025. Tucson, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-84253.


  • Dresel P.E., D.M. Wellman, K.J. Cantrell, and M.J. Truex. 2011. "Review: Technical and Policy Challenges in Deep Vadose Zone Remediation of Metals and Radionuclides." Environmental Science & Technology 45, no. 10:4207-4216. PNNL-SA-71305. doi:10.1021/es101211t
  • Johnson T.C., M.J. Truex, D.M. Wellman, and J. Marble. 2011. "Characterization and monitoring of subsurface processes using parallel computing and electrical resistivity imaging." AGU Hydrology Section Newsletter. PNNL-SA-80302.
  • Oostrom M., G.D. Tartakovsky, T.W. Wietsma, M.J. Truex, and J.H. Dane. 2011. "Determination of Water Saturation in Relatively Dry Porous Media Using Gas-phase Tracer Tests." Vadose Zone Journal 10, no. 2:634-641. PNNL-SA-74637.
  • Oostrom M., V.L. Freedman, T.W. Wietsma, and M.J. Truex. 2011. Pore-Water Extraction Intermediate-Scale Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulations. PNNL-20507. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Pore-Water Extraction Intermediate-Scale Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulations
  • Truex M.J., E.M. Pierce, M.J. Nimmons, and S.V. Mattigod. 2011. Evaluation of In Situ Grouting as a Potential Remediation Method for the Hanford Central Plateau Deep Vadose Zone. PNNL-20051. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluation of In Situ Grouting as a Potential Remediation Method for the Hanford Central Plateau Deep Vadose Zone
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, V.L. Freedman, C.E. Strickland, T.W. Wietsma, G.D. Tartakovsky, and A.L. Ward. 2011. Laboratory and Modeling Evaluations in Support of Field Testing for Desiccation at the Hanford Site. PNNL-20146. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Laboratory and Modeling Evaluations in Support of Field Testing for Desiccation at the Hanford Site
  • Truex M.J., T. Macbeth, V.R. Vermeul, B.G. Fritz, D.P. Mendoza, R.D. Mackley, and T.W. Wietsma, et al. 2011. "Demonstration of Combined Zero-Valent Iron and Electrical Resistance Heating for In Situ Trichloroethene Remediation." Environmental Science & Technology 45, no. 12:5346-5351. PNNL-SA-76701. doi:10.1021/es104266a
  • Truex M.J., V.R. Vermeul, D.P. Mendoza, B.G. Fritz, R.D. Mackley, M. Oostrom, and T.W. Wietsma, et al. 2011. "Injection of Zero Valent Iron into an Unconfined Aquifer Using Shear-Thinning Fluids." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 31, no. 1:50-58. PNNL-SA-70324.
  • Wellman D.M., M.B. Triplett, M.D. Freshley, M.J. Truex, R.E. Gephart, T.C. Johnson, and G.B. Chronister, et al. 2011. "DEEP VADOSE ZONE APPLIED FIELD RESEARCH CENTER: TRANSFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION." In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Radioactive Waste Management Symposium (WM 2011): Global Achievements and Challenges in Waste Management, February 27-March 3, 2011, Phoenix, Arizona, 6, 4969-4982, Paper No. 11074. Tucson, Arizona:WM Symposia. PNNL-SA-76702.
  • Wellman D.M., M.J. Truex, M.D. Freshley, R.E. Gephart, M.B. Triplett, and T.C. Johnson. 2011. Implementation Plan for the Deep Vadose Zone-Applied Field Research Center. PNNL-20209. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Implementation Plan for the Deep Vadose Zone-Applied Field Research Center
  • Wellman D.M., T.C. Johnson, R.M. Smith, M.J. Truex, and H.E. Matthews. 2011. Deep Vadose Zone-Applied Field Research Initiative Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Report. PNNL-20757. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Deep Vadose Zone-Applied Field Research Initiative Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Report
  • Zhong L., J.E. Szecsody, M. Oostrom, M.J. Truex, X. Shen, and X. Li. 2011. "Enhanced Remedial Amendment Delivery to Subsurface Using Shear Thinning Fluid and Aqueous Foam." Journal of Hazardous Materials 191, no. 1-3:249-257. PNNL-SA-77161. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.04.074


  • Amonette J.E., P.M. Jeffers, O. Qafoku, C.K. Russell, D.R. Humphrys, T.W. Wietsma, and M.J. Truex. 2010. Abiotic Degradation Rates for Carbon Tetrachloride and Chloroform: Progress in FY 2010. PNNL-20044. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Abiotic Degradation Rates for Carbon Tetrachloride and Chloroform: Progress in FY 2010
  • Amonette J.E., P.M. Jeffers, O. Qafoku, C.K. Russell, T.W. Wietsma, and M.J. Truex. 2010. Abiotic Degradation Rates for Carbon Tetrachloride and Chloroform: Progress in FY2009. PNNL-19142. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Abiotic Degradation Rates for Carbon Tetrachloride and Chloroform: Progress in FY2009
  • Brusseau M., V.J. Rohay, and M.J. Truex. 2010. "Analysis of Soil Vapor Extraction Data to Evaluate Mass-Transfer Constraints and Estimate Source-Zone Mass Flux." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 30, no. 3:57-64. PNNL-SA-68743.
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, G.D. Tartakovsky, and T.W. Wietsma. 2010. "Three-Dimensional Simulation of Volatile Organic Compound Mass Flux from the Vadose Zone to Groundwater." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 30, no. 3:45-56. PNNL-SA-68431. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6592.2010.01285.x
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, G.D. Tartakovsky, and T.W. Wietsma. 2010. "Three-Dimensional Simulation of Volatile Organic Compound Mass Flux from the Vadose Zone to Groundwater." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 30, no. 3:45-56. PNNL-SA-70865.
  • Szecsody J.E., L. Zhong, M.J. Truex, C.T. Resch, and M.D. Williams. 2010. "Use of Gas Transported Reactants for Uranium Remediation in Vadose Zone Sediments." In 36th Annual Radioactive Waste Management Symposia, WM 2010, March 7-11, Phoenix, AZ, 4, 3418-3430. Tucson, Arizona:Waste Management Symposia, Inc. PNNL-SA-69758.
  • Szecsody J.E., M.J. Truex, L. Zhong, M.D. Williams, C.T. Resch, and J.P. McKinley. 2010. Remediation of Uranium in the Hanford Vadose Zone Using Gas-Transported Reactants: Laboratory Scale Experiments in Support of the Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test Plan for the Hanford Central Plateau. PNNL-18879. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Remediation of Uranium in the Hanford Vadose Zone Using Gas-Transported Reactants: Laboratory Scale Experiments in Support of the Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test Plan for the Hanford Central Plateau
  • Szecsody J.E., M.J. Truex, L. Zhong, N. Qafoku, M.D. Williams, J.P. McKinley, and Z. Wang, et al. 2010. Remediation of Uranium in the Hanford Vadose Zone Using Ammonia Gas: FY 2010 Laboratory-Scale Experiments. PNNL-20004. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Remediation of Uranium in the Hanford Vadose Zone Using Ammonia Gas: FY 2010 Laboratory-Scale Experiments
  • Triplett M.B., M.D. Freshley, M.J. Truex, D.M. Wellman, K.D. Gerdes, B.L. Charboneau, and J.G. Morse, et al. 2010. "Integrated Strategy to Address Hanford's Deep Vadose Zone Remediation Challenges." In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. ICEM-2010, October 3-7, 2010, Tsukuba, Ibaraki Japan, Paper No. ICEM2010-40262. New York, New York:American Society of Mechanical Engineers. PNNL-SA-73041.
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, Z.F. Zhang, K.C. Carroll, J.A. Schramke, T.W. Wietsma, and G.D. Tartakovsky, et al. 2010. Evaluation of Soil Flushing for Application to the Deep Vadose Zone in the Hanford Central Plateau. PNNL-19938. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluation of Soil Flushing for Application to the Deep Vadose Zone in the Hanford Central Plateau


  • Amonette J.E., O. Qafoku, T.W. Wietsma, P.M. Jeffers, C.K. Russell, and M.J. Truex. 2009. Carbon Tetrachloride and Chloroform Attenuation Parameter Studies: Heterogeneous Hydrolytic Reactions -- Status Report. PNNL-18735. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Carbon Tetrachloride and Chloroform Attenuation Parameter Studies: Heterogeneous Hydrolytic Reactions -- Status Report
  • Oostrom M., T.W. Wietsma, J.H. Dane, M.J. Truex, and A.L. Ward. 2009. "Desiccation of unsaturated porous media: Intermediate-scale experiments and numerical simulation." Vadose Zone Journal 8, no. 3:643-650. PNNL-SA-64019.
  • Truex M.J., M. Oostrom, and M. Brusseau. 2009. "Estimating Persistent Mass Flux of Volatile Contaminants from the Vadose Zone to Ground Water." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 29, no. 2:63-72. PNNL-SA-62637.
  • Truex M.J., V.R. Vermeul, B.G. Fritz, R.D. Mackley, D.P. Mendoza, R.P. Elmore, and A.V. Mitroshkov, et al. 2009. Hanford 100-D Area Biostimulation Treatability Test Results. PNNL-18784. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hanford 100-D Area Biostimulation Treatability Test Results
  • Um W., M.J. Truex, M.M. Valenta, C. Iovin, I.V. Kutnyakov, H. Chang, and R.E. Clayton, et al. 2009. Characterization of Sediments from the Soil Desiccation Pilot Test (SDPT) Site in the BC Cribs and Trenches Area. PNNL-18800. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Characterization of Sediments from the Soil Desiccation Pilot Test (SDPT) Site in the BC Cribs and Trenches Area



  • Dresel P.E., M.J. Truex, and M.D. Sweeney. 2007. Review of Techniques to Characterize the Distribution of Chromate Contamination in the Vadose Zone of the 100 Areas at the Hanford Site. PNNL-16760. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Review of Techniques to Characterize the Distribution of Chromate Contamination in the Vadose Zone of the 100 Areas at the Hanford Site
  • Gilmore T.J., M.J. Truex, and M.D. Williams. 2007. "GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SOLUTIONS AT HANFORD." In Waste management symposium 2007 : Global Accomplishments in Environmental and Radioactive Waste Management - Education and Opportunity for the next Generation of Waste Management Professionals: February 25-March 1, 2007, Tucson, Arizona. Tucson, Az:WM Symposia, Inc. PNNL-SA-53502.
  • Murray C.J., Y. Bott, and M.J. Truex. 2007. Geostatistical Analyses of the Persistence and Inventory of Carbon Tetrachloride in the 200 West Area of the Hanford Site. PNNL-16509. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Geostatistical Analyses of the Persistence and Inventory of Carbon Tetrachloride in the 200 West Area of the Hanford Site
  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, P.D. Thorne, and T.W. Wietsma. 2007. "Three-Dimensional Multifluid Flow and Transport at the Brooklawn Site near Baton Rouge, LA: A Case Study." Soil & Sediment Contamination 16, no. 2:109-141. PNWD-SA-7319.
  • Oostrom M., M.L. Rockhold, P.D. Thorne, M.J. Truex, G.V. Last, and V.J. Rohay. 2007. "Carbon Tetrachloride Flow and Transport in the Subsurface of the 216-Z-9 Trench at the Hanford Site." Vadose Zone Journal 6, no. 4:971-984. PNNL-SA-52843. doi:10.2136/vzj2006.0166
  • Szecsody J.E., C.A. Burns, R.C. Moore, J.S. Fruchter, V.R. Vermeul, M.D. Williams, and D.C. Girvin, et al. 2007. Hanford 100N Area Apatite Emplacement: Laboratory Results of Ca-Citrate-PO4 Solution Injection and Sr-90 Immobilization in 100N Sediments. PNNL-16891. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hanford 100N Area Apatite Emplacement: Laboratory Results of Ca-Citrate-PO4 Solution Injection and Sr-90 Immobilization in 100N Sediments
  • Thompson K.M., S.W. Petersen, J.S. Fruchter, C.C. Ainsworth, V.R. Vermeul, D.M. Wellman, and J.E. Szecsody, et al. 2007. "Supplemental Groundwater Remediation Technologies to Protect the Columbia River at Hanford, WA." In Waste management symposium 2007 : Global Accomplishments in Environmental and Radioactive Waste Management - Education and Opportunity for the Next Generation of Waste Management Professionals : February 25 March 1, 2007, Tucson, Arizona. Tucson, Arizona:Waste Management Symposia. PNNL-SA-53193.
  • Truex M.J., C.D. Johnson, and M.J. Nimmons. 2007. Technology Survey to Support Revision to the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan for the 200--SW--2 Operable Unit at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site. PNNL-16105. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Technology Survey to Support Revision to the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan for the 200--SW--2 Operable Unit at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site
  • Truex M.J., C.D. Johnson, J.R. Spencer, and T.P. Clement. 2007. "A Deterministic Approach to Evaluate and Implement Monitored Natural Attenuation for Chlorinated Solvents." Remediation 17, no. 4:23-40. PNWD-SA-7682. doi:10.1002/rem.20141
  • Truex M.J., T. Powell, and K.P. Lynch. 2007. "In Situ Dechlorination of TCE During Aquifer Heating." Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 27, no. 2:96-105. PNNL-SA-48752.
  • Truex M.J., V.R. Vermeul, P.E. Long, F.J. Brockman, M. Oostrom, S. Hubbard, and R.C. Borden, et al. 2007. Treatability Test Plan for an In Situ Biostimulation Reducing Barrier. PNNL-16424 Rev. 1. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Treatability Test Plan for an In Situ Biostimulation Reducing Barrier
  • Truex M.J., V.R. Vermeul, P.E. Long, F.J. Brockman, M. Oostrom, S. Hubbard, and R.C. Borden, et al. 2007. Treatability Test Plan for an In Situ Biostimulation Reducing Barrier. PNNL-16424. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Treatability Test Plan for an In Situ Biostimulation Reducing Barrier





  • Devary J.L., P.J. Bengtson, J.W. Graybeal, M.J. Truex, J.S. Fruchter, T.L. Liikala, and D.L. Greenslade. 2003. "PNNL Continues Progress in Cleanup Technology Development at DOE Labs." Environmental Business Journal XV, no. 9/10:30-31. PNNL-SA-37921.
  • Oostrom M., P.D. Thorne, M.D. White, M.J. Truex, and T.W. Wietsma. 2003. "Numerical Modeling to Assess DNAPL Movement and Removal at the Scenic Site Operable Unit Near Baton Rouge, Louisiana: A Case Study." Soil & Sediment Contamination 12, no. 6:901 - 926. PNNL-SA-38784.


  • Clement T.P., M.J. Truex, and P.B. Lee. 2002. "A case study for demonstrating the application of US EPA's monitored natural attenuation screening protocol at a hazardous waste site." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 59, no. 1-2:p.133-162. PNWD-SA-6029.


  • Riley R.G., C.J. Thompson, M.H. Huesemann, Z. Wang, B.M. Peyton, T.J. Fortman, and M.J. Truex, et al. 2001. "Artificial Aging of Phenanthrene in Porous Silicas Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide." Environmental Science & Technology 35, no. 18:3707-3712. PNNL-SA-34512.
  • Truex M.J., C.J. Murray, C.R. Cole, R.J. Cameron, M.D. Johnson, R.S. Skeen, and C.D. Johnson. 2001. Assessment of Carbon Tetrachloride Groundwater Transport in Support of the Hanford Carbon Tetrachloride Innovative Technology Demonstration Program. PNNL-13560. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Assessment of Carbon Tetrachloride Groundwater Transport in Support of the Hanford Carbon Tetrachloride Innovative Technology Demonstration Program
  • Wang Z., D. Friedrich, M.R. Beversluis, S.L. Hemmer, A.G. Joly, M.H. Huesemann, and M.J. Truex, et al. 2001. "A Fluorescence Spectroscopic Study of Phenanthrene Sorbed on Porous Silica." Environmental Science & Technology 35, no. 13:2710-2716. PNNL-SA-33334.