Michael Kintner-Meyer
Michael Kintner-Meyer
Dr. Michael Kintner-Meyer is a research engineer and systems analyst with more than 25 years in the area of energy/economy and multi-sector simulation and analysis for national and international clients. Educated in Germany with a Diplom Ingenieur Degree from RWTH Aachen in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D. from the University of Washington, Seattle, he work on European Union funded Energy/Economic research and on the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). He is currently leading the mobility and electrification of transportation research area as well as PNNL’s energy policy research and institutional support for the Grid Modernization Initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy.
For the past few years, Dr. Kintner-Meyer has been at the forefront of modernizing the nation’s power grid, leading key projects for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium. One project focuses on foundational metrics analysis. Here, Kintner-Meyer and his team developed a comprehensive compendium of grid metrics that include (1) reliability, (2) resilience, (3) flexibility, (4) sustainability, (5) affordability, and (6) physical security.
He has led several major national assessments for energy storage, Hyperloop technology impacts on the US Grid, EV grid impacts and valuation of EVs for renewables integration.
Additionally, Dr. Kintner-Meyer most recently headed a study that evaluated how an influx of electric vehicles (EVs) could impact the power grid in 2028. The team ran scenarios that included the evolution of the grid and its capacity at state and regional levels. The team focused on scenarios with the greatest potential for grid impacts. They found that bottlenecks due to new EV charging appeared the most in areas of California, including Los Angeles, which plans to go all-electric with its city fleet by 2030. In a follow-on study, the team will take a closer look at ways to integrate EVs into local and regional power distribution systems across the nation.
“We have the data and the method to run what-if scenarios,” said Kintner-Meyer. “With data from utilities about feeders and infrastructure, we can build out the models then hand it off so that cities can get ahead of the curve.”
Currently, Dr. Kintner-Meyer leads for PNNL the research activities in mobility research focusing on transitioning the transportation sector to meet the nation’s 21st century mobility needs under sustainability objectives. This includes decarbonization strategies, large scale traffic simulations of urban centers, connected vehicle controls research, as well as EV charging controls technology development
Dr. Kintner-Meyer holds 9 patents on EV charge management, grid-friendly appliances, and energy storage controls technologies.
Research Interest
- Decarbonization Strategies, Electrification of Transportation, EV-grid impacts, EV charge management, Storage valuation, optimal placement, sizing, control of energy storage, Grid, energy, economics, and environmental systems analysis, electric capacity expansion planning, optimal electric generation dispatch under security and emissions constraints, renewable energy resource assessments, integration of renewable technology into the grid, distribution system planning and automation, and residential, commercial and transportation demand modeling, valuation.
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, 1994
- M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Aachen, Germany, 1985
- BSME Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, 1980
Affiliations and Professional Service
- U.S. Patent No. 10,442,302, October 15, 2019, "Battery charging control methods, electrical vehicle charging methods, battery charging control apparatus, and electrical vehicles".
- U.S. Patent No. 9,753,440, September 5, 2017, "Grid Regulation Services for Energy Storage Devices Based on Grid Frequency".
- U.S. Patent No. 8,700,225, April 15, 2014, "Grid Regulation Services for Energy Storage Devices Based on Grid Frequency".
- U.S. Patent No. 8,478,452, July 2, 2013, "Grid Regulation Services for Energy Storage Devices Based on Grid Frequency".
- U.S. Patent No. 8,183,826, May 22, 2012, "Battery Charging Control Methods, Electric Vehicle Charging Methods, Battery Charging Apparatus and Rechargeable Battey Systems".
- U.S. Patent No. 7,420,293, September 2, 2008, "Electrical Appliance Energy Consumption Control Methods and Electrical Energy Consumption of Systems (Incorporates 12585-E, 12783-E thru 12790-E, 12805-E, & 12806-E GRID FRIENDLY) ".
- U.S. Patent No. 7,010,363, March 7, 2006, "Electrical Appliance Energy Consumption Control Methods and Electrical Energy Consumption of Systems (Incorporates 12585-E, 12783-E thru 12790-E, 12805-E, & 12806-E GRID FRIENDLY) ".
- Voisin N., V.C. Tidwell, M. Kintner-Meyer, and F. Boltz. 2019. "Planning for sustained water-electricity resilience over the U.S. ; persistence of current water-electricity operations and long term transformative plans." Water Security 7. PNNL-SA-142793. doi:10.1016/j.wasec.2019.100035
- Crawford A.J., Q. Huang, M. Kintner-Meyer, J. Zhang, D.M. Reed, V.L. Sprenkle, and V.V. Viswanathan, et al. 2018. "Lifecycle Comparison of Selected Li-ion Battery Chemistries under Grid and Electric Vehicle Duty Cycle Combinations." Journal of Power Sources 380. PNNL-SA-128874. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.01.080
- Vernon C.R., J.S. Rice, N. Zuljevic, T.E. Seiple, M. Kintner-Meyer, C. Jin, and J. Olson, et al. 2018. "CERF - A Geospatial Model for Assessing Future Energy Production Technology Expansion Feasibility." Journal of Open Research Software. PNNL-SA-125186. doi:10.5334/jors.227
- Vernon C.R., N. Zuljevic, J.S. Rice, T.E. Seiple, M. Kintner-Meyer, N. Voisin, and I.P. Kraucunas, et al. 2018. "CERF - A Geospatial Model for Assessing Future Energy Production Technology Expansion Feasibility." Journal of Open Research Software 6, no. 1:20. PNNL-SA-133523. doi:10.5334/jors.227
- Voisin N., M. Kintner-Meyer, D. Wu, R. Skaggs, T. Fu, T. Zhou, and T.B. Nguyen, et al. 2018. "Opportunities for joint water-energy management: sensitivity of the 2010 Western U.S. electricity grid operations to climate oscillations." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99, no. 2:299-312. PNNL-SA-121241. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0253.1
- Wu D., P.J. Balducci, A.J. Crawford, V.V. Viswanathan, and M. Kintner-Meyer. 2018. "Optimal Control for Battery Storage Using Nonlinear Models." In Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT 2017), October 11-13, 2017, San Diego, CA. Washington D.C.:US Department of of Energy/Office of Electricity. PNNL-SA-122197.
- Kintner-Meyer M., J.S. Homer, P.J. Balducci, and M.R. Weimar. 2017. Valuation of Electric Power System Services and Technologies. PNNL-25633. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Valuation of Electric Power System Services and Technologies
- Wu D., M. Kintner-Meyer, T. Yang, and P.J. Balducci. 2017. "Analytical Sizing Methods for behind-the-meter Battery Storage." Journal of Energy Storage 12. PNNL-SA-122123. doi:10.1016/j.est.2017.04.009
- Ke X., D. Wu, J.S. Rice, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, and N. Lu. 2016. "Quantifying impacts of heat waves on power grid operation." Applied Energy 183. PNNL-SA-116806. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.08.188
- Voisin N., M.C. Kintner-Meyer, R. Skaggs, T.B. Nguyen, D. Wu, J.A. Dirks, and Y. Xie, et al. 2016. "Vulnerability of the US Western Electric Grid to Hydro-Climatological Conditions: How bad can it get?." Energy 115, no. Part 1:1-12. PNNL-SA-112684. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2016.08.059
- Wu D., M.C. Kintner-Meyer, T. Yang, and P.J. Balducci. 2016. "Economic Analysis and Optimal Sizing for behind-the-meter Battery Storage." In 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, July 17-21, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts, 1-5. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-114067. doi:10.1109/PESGM.2016.7741210
- Crawford A.J., V.V. Viswanathan, D.E. Stephenson, W. Wang, E.C. Thomsen, D.M. Reed, and B. Li, et al. 2015. "Comparative analysis for various redox flow batteries chemistries using a cost performance model." Journal of Power Sources 293. PNNL-SA-108277. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.05.066
- Ke X., N. Lu, D. Wu, and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2015. "A modified priority list-based MILP method for solving large-scale unit commitment problems." In 2015 IEEE Proceedings of Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 26-30, 2015, Denver, Colorado, 1-5. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-106918. doi:10.1109/PESGM.2015.7286561
- Ortega Vazquez M.A., and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2015. "Electric Vehicles and the Electric Grid." In Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, edited by JY Yan. 1-13. Chichester:John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. PNNL-SA-100548. doi:10.1002/9781118991978.hces105
- Viswanathan V.V., and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2015. "Repurposing of Batteries from Electric Vehicles." In Advances in Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles Technologies for Electric Road and Off-Road Vehicles, edited by B. Scrosati, J. Garche and W. Tillmetz. 389-415. Waltham, Massachusetts:Woodhead Publishing. PNNL-SA-106666.
- Wu D., C. Jin, P.J. Balducci, and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2015. "An Energy Storage Assessment: Using Optimal Control Strategies to Capture Multiple Services." In IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, July 26-30, 2015, Denver, Colorado, 1-5. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-106768. doi:10.1109/PESGM.2015.7285820
- Hostick D.J., D.B. Belzer, S.W. Hadley, T. Markel, C. Marnay, and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2014. Projecting Electricity Demand in 2050. PNNL-23491. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Projecting Electricity Demand in 2050
- Kintner-Meyer M.C. 2014. "Regulatory Policy and Markets for Energy Storage in North America." Proceedings of the IEEE 102, no. 7:1065-1072. PNNL-SA-102045. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2014.2319243
- Viswanathan V.V., A.J. Crawford, D.E. Stephenson, S. Kim, W. Wang, B. Li, and G.W. Coffey, et al. 2014. "Cost and Performance Model for Redox Flow Batteries." Journal of Power Sources 247. PNNL-SA-91534. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2012.12.023
- Balducci P.J., C. Jin, D. Wu, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, P. Leslie, and C. Daitch. 2013. Assessment of Energy Storage Alternatives in the Puget Sound Energy System. PNNL-23040. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Assessment of Energy Storage Alternatives in the Puget Sound Energy System
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., and I.P. Kraucunas. 2013. "The ClimaGrowing Footprint of Climate Change: Can Systems Built Today Cope with Tomorrow's Weather Extremes?." Public Utilities Fortnightly. PNNL-SA-95659.
- Letendre S., K. Gowri, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, and R.M. Pratt. 2013. Intelligent Vehicle Charging Benefits Assessment Using EV Project Data. PNNL-23031. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Intelligent Vehicle Charging Benefits Assessment Using EV Project Data
- Wu D., C. Jin, P.J. Balducci, and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2013. Assessment of Energy Storage Alternatives in the Puget Sound Energy System Volume 2: Energy Storage Evaluation Tool. PNNL-23039. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Assessment of Energy Storage Alternatives in the Puget Sound Energy System Volume 2: Energy Storage Evaluation Tool
- Bray K.L., D.R. Conover, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, V. Viswanathan, S. Ferreira, D. Rose, and D. Schoenwald. 2012. Protocol for Uniformly Measuring and Expressing the Performance of Energy Storage Systems. PNNL-22010. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Protocol for Uniformly Measuring and Expressing the Performance of Energy Storage Systems
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., P.J. Balducci, W.G. Colella, M.A. Elizondo, C. Jin, T.B. Nguyen, and V.V. Viswanathan, et al. 2012. National Assessment of Energy Storage for Grid Balancing and Arbitrage: Phase 1, WECC. PNNL-21388. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. National Assessment of Energy Storage for Grid Balancing and Arbitrage: Phase 1, WECC
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., T.B. Nguyen, C. Jin, P.J. Balducci, M.A. Elizondo, V.V. Viswanathan, and Y. Zhang, et al. 2012. "EVALUATING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF ENERGY STORAGE FOR MITIGATING THE STOCHASTIC, VARIABLE ATTRIBUTES OF RENEWABLES ON THE GRID." In ASME 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, July 23-26, 2012, San Diego, California, 1073-1080; Paper No. ES2012-91482. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-86906. doi:10.1115/ES2012-91482
- Makarov Y.V., P. Du, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, C. Jin, and H. Illian. 2012. "Sizing Energy Storage to Accommodate High Penetration of Variable Energy Resources." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 3, no. 1:34-40. PNNL-SA-84388. doi:10.1109/TSTE.2011.2164101
- Tuffner F.K., F.S. Chassin, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, and K. Gowri. 2012. Utilizing Electric Vehicles to Assist Integration of Large Penetrations of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation Capacity. PNNL-22064. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Utilizing Electric Vehicles to Assist Integration of Large Penetrations of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation Capacity
- Gowri K., R.M. Pratt, F.K. Tuffner, and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2011. Vehicle to Grid Communication Standards Development, Testing and Validation - Status Report. PNNL-20844. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Vehicle to Grid Communication Standards Development, Testing and Validation - Status Report
- Hafen R.P., V.V. Vishwanathan, K. Subbarao, and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2011. Requirements for Defining Utility Drive Cycles: An Exploratory Analysis of Grid Frequency Regulation Data for Establishing Battery Performance Testing Standards. PNNL-20849. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Requirements for Defining Utility Drive Cycles: An Exploratory Analysis of Grid Frequency Regulation Data for Establishing Battery Performance Testing Standards
- Hoffman M.G., M.C. Kintner-Meyer, J.G. DeSteese, and A. Sadovsky. 2011. "ANALYSIS TOOLS FOR SIZING AND PLACEMENT OF ENERGY STORAGE IN GRID APPLICATIONS." In ASME 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability (ES 2011), August 7-10, 2011, Washington DC, 1565-1573. New York, New York:ASME. PNNL-SA-80447. doi:10.1115/ES2011-54834
- Kintner-Meyer M.C. 2011. "Editorial: Should We Develop a Sense of Urgency in Science and Technology Development?." Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 3, no. 4:Art. No. 040401. PNNL-SA-82234. doi:10.1063/1.3634041
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., C. Jin, P.J. Balducci, M.A. Elizondo, X. Guo, T.B. Nguyen, and F.K. Tuffner, et al. 2011. "Energy Storage for Variable Renewable Energy Resource Integration - A Regional Assessment for the Northwest Power Pool (NWPP)." In 2011 IEEE PES Power Systems Conference & Exhibition (PSCE), March 20-23, 2011, Phoenix, Arizona. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-76628. doi:10.1109/PSCE.2011.5772548
- Tuffner F.K., and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2011. "Using Electric Vehicles to Mitigate Imbalance Requirements Associated with an Increased Penetration of Wind Generation." In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, July 24-29, 2011, Detroit, Michigan. Piscataway, New Jersey:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. PNNL-SA-76661. doi:10.1109/PES.2011.6039894
- Tuffner F.K., and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2011. Using Electric Vehicles to Meet Balancing Requirements Associated with Wind Power. PNNL-20501. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Using Electric Vehicles to Meet Balancing Requirements Associated with Wind Power
- Yang Z., J. Zhang, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, X. Lu, D. Choi, J.P. Lemmon, and J. Liu. 2011. "Electrochemical Energy Storage for Green Grid." Chemical Reviews 111, no. 5:3577-3613. PNNL-SA-76053. doi:10.1021/cr100290v
- Gerkensmeyer C., M.C. Kintner-Meyer, and J.G. DeSteese. 2010. Technical Challenges of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Impacts to the US Power System: Distribution System Analysis. PNNL-19165. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Technical Challenges of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Impacts to the US Power System: Distribution System Analysis
- Hoffman M.G., M.C. Kintner-Meyer, A. Sadovsky, and J.G. DeSteese. 2010. Analysis Tools for Sizing and Placement of Energy Storage for Grid Applications - A Literature Review. PNNL-19703. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Analysis Tools for Sizing and Placement of Energy Storage for Grid Applications - A Literature Review
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., K. Subbarao, N. Prakash Kumar, G.K. Bandyopadhyay, C. Finley, V.S. Koritarov, and J.C. Molburg, et al. 2010. The Role of Energy Storage in Commercial Building. PNNL-19853. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The Role of Energy Storage in Commercial Building
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., P.J. Balducci, C. Jin, T.B. Nguyen, M.A. Elizondo, V.V. Viswanathan, and X. Guo, et al. 2010. Energy Storage for Power Systems Applications: A Regional Assessment for the Northwest Power Pool (NWPP). PNNL-19300. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Energy Storage for Power Systems Applications: A Regional Assessment for the Northwest Power Pool (NWPP)
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., T.B. Nguyen, C. Jin, P.J. Balducci, and T.J. Secrest. 2010. "Impact Assessment of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles on the U.S. Power Grid." In Proceedings of the 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, November 5-9, 2010, Shenzhen, China. Golden, Colorado:National Renewable Energy Laboratory. PNNL-SA-74948.
- Makarov Y.V., P. Du, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, C. Jin, and H. Illian. 2010. "Optimal Size of Energy Storage to Accommodate High Penetration of Renewable Resources in WECC." In Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2010), January 19-21, 2010, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-69243. doi:10.1109/ISGT.2010.5434768
- Markel T., T. Mai, and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2010. "Transportation Electrification Load Development For a Renewable Future Analysis." In Proceedings of the 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, November 5-9, 2010, Shenzhen, China, NREL/CP-5400-49181. Golden, Colorado:National Renewable Energy Laboratory. PNNL-SA-74813.
- Pratt R.G., P.J. Balducci, C. Gerkensmeyer, S. Katipamula, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, T.F. Sanquist, and K.P. Schneider, et al. 2010. The Smart Grid: An Estimation of the Energy and CO2 Benefits. PNNL-19112 Rev 1. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The Smart Grid: An Estimation of the Energy and CO2 Benefits
- Pratt R.G., P.J. Balducci, C. Gerkensmeyer, S. Katipamula, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, T.F. Sanquist, and K.P. Schneider, et al. 2010. The Smart Grid: An Estimation of the Energy and CO2 Benefits. PNNL-19112. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The Smart Grid: An Estimation of the Energy and CO2 Benefits
- Viswanathan V.V., and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2010. "Second use of transportation batteries: Maximizing the value of batteries for transportation and grid services." IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60, no. 7:2963-2970. PNNL-SA-75405. doi:10.1109/TVT.2011.2160378
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., R.G. Pratt, and K.P. Schneider. 2008. "Comprehensive Well to Wheel Analysis for Plug-in-Hybrid Electric Vehicles in the U.S." In Proceedings of FISITA World Automotive Congress, September 14-19, 2008, Munich, Germany. Wiesbaden:Springer Automotive Media/GWV Fachverl. PNNL-SA-60637.
- Lu S., and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2008. Scoping Study for Demand Respose DFT II Project in Morgantown, WV. PNNL-17474. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Scoping Study for Demand Respose DFT II Project in Morgantown, WV
- Schneider K.P., C.E. Gerkensmeyer, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, and R. Fletcher. 2008. "Impact Assessment of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles on Pacific Northwest Distribution Systems." In IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, 1 - 6. New York, New York:IEEE. PNNL-SA-58348. doi:10.1109/PES.2008.4596392
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., K.P. Schneider, and R.G. Pratt. 2007. "Impacts Assessment of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles on Electric Utilities and Regional US Power Grids: Part 1: Technical Analysis." Online Journal of EUEC 1. PNNL-SA-61669.
- Scott M.J., M.C. Kintner-Meyer, D.B. Elliott, and W.M. Warwick. 2007. "Economic Assessment And Impacts Assessment Of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles On Electric Utilities And Regional U.S. Power Grids." Online Journal of EUEC 1. PNNL-SA-53523.
- Kintner-Meyer M.C. 2006. "Grid Friendly™ Appliances balance system supply and demand." AutomatedBuildings.com. PNNL-SA-47877.
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., and M.R. Brambley. 2006. "Are Wireless Sensors and Controls Ready for the Building Automation Industry? Selected Case Studies and Technology Development Activities." In World Energy Engineering Congress Conference Proceedings, WEEC 2006, September 13-15, 2006, Washington DC, 19 pages. Atlanta, Georgia:Association of Energy Engineers. PNNL-SA-50970.
- Brambley M.R., M.C. Kintner-Meyer, S. Katipamula, and P. O'Neill. 2005. "Wireless Sensor Applications for Building Operation and Management." In Web Based Energy Information and Control Systems: Case Studies and Applications, edited by B.L. Capehart, L.C. Capehart. 341-367. Lilburn Ga:Fairmont Press/CRC Press. PNNL-SA-43465.
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., B.J. Burghard, and L.D. Reid. 2005. Final Report Providing the Design for Low-Cost Wireless Current Transducer and Electric Power Sensor Prototype. PNNL-15016. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Final Report Providing the Design for Low-Cost Wireless Current Transducer and Electric Power Sensor Prototype
- Brook M., M.C. Kintner-Meyer, M.R. Brambley, and D.M. Anderson. 2004. "Assessing the Impacts of Energy Saving Products and Technologies: The Importance of Revealing Underlying Assumptions." In 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 4-23 - 4-35. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-41749.
- Kintner-Meyer M.C. 2004. "Opportunities of Wireless Sensors and Controls for Building Operation." In Proceedings of World Energy Engineering Congress. Atlanta, Georgia:Association of Energy Engineers. PNNL-SA-42345.
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., and R. Conant. 2004. "Opportunities of Wireless Sensors and Controls for Building Operation." In Proceedings of 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 3-139 through 3-152. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-41972. Opportunities of Wireless Sensors and Controls for Building Operation
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., J.R. Skorpik, and L.D. Reid. 2004. Report on Cost-Effectiveness and Energy Svaings from Application of Low-Cost Wireless Sensing. PNNL-15018. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Report on Cost-Effectiveness and Energy Svaings from Application of Low-Cost Wireless Sensing
- Kannberg L.D., D.P. Chassin, J.G. DeSteese, S.G. Hauser, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, R.G. Pratt, and L.A. Schienbein, et al. 2003. GridWiseTM: The Benefits of a Transformed Energy System. PNNL-14396. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. GridWiseTM: The Benefits of a Transformed Energy System
- Kintner-Meyer M.C. 2003. "Assessment of New York Independent System Operator's Demand Response Program." In Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2003, Energietechnik f�r die Zukunft, 94, 341-349. D�sseldorf:VDE Verlag. PNNL-SA-39000.
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., C. Goldman, O. Sezgen, and D. Pratt. 2003. "Dividends with Demand Response." ASHRAE Journal 45, no. 10:37-42. PNNL-SA-38609.
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., D.M. Anderson, and D.J. Hostick. 2003. Final Report for the Energy Efficient and Affordable Small Commercial and Residential Buildings Research Program -- Project 6.6 - Development of the Assessment Framework. PNNL-14343. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Final Report for the Energy Efficient and Affordable Small Commercial and Residential Buildings Research Program -- Project 6.6 - Development of the Assessment Framework
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., R.T. Guttromson, D.L. Oedingen, and S. Lang. 2003. Final Report for the Energy Efficient and Affordable Small Commercial and Residential Buildings Research Program - Project 3.3 - Smart Load Control and Grid Friendly Appliances. PNNL-14342. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Final Report for the Energy Efficient and Affordable Small Commercial and Residential Buildings Research Program - Project 3.3 - Smart Load Control and Grid Friendly Appliances
- Goldman C., G. Heffner, and M.C. Kintner-Meyer. 2002. Impact of Enabling Technologies on Customer Load Curtailment Performance Summer 2001 Results from NYSERDA's PON 585 and 577 Programs and NYISO's Emergency Demand Response Program. PNNL-13844. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Impact of Enabling Technologies on Customer Load Curtailment Performance Summer 2001 Results from NYSERDA's PON 585 and 577 Programs and NYISO's Emergency Demand Response Program
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., and M.R. Brambley. 2002. "Pros & Cons of Wireless." ASHRAE Journal 44, no. 11:54-61. PNNL-SA-36839.
- Kintner-Meyer M.C., M.R. Brambley, T.A. Carlon, and N.N. Bauman. 2002. "Wireless Sensors: Technology and Cost-Savings for Commercial Buildings." In Teaming for Efficiency: Proceedings, 2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings : Aug. 18-23, 2002, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California. Vol.7; Information and Electronic Technologies; Promises and Pitfalls., 7, 7.121-7.134. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Council for Energy Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-36346.
- Brambley M.R., P.R. Armstrong, M.C. Kintner-Meyer, R.G. Pratt, and S. Katipamula. 2001. "Intelligent Buildings." In Handbook of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning: Handbook Series for Mechanical Engineering, edited by Jan F. Kreider. 5-46 through 5-59. Boca Raton, Florida:CRC Press. PNNL-SA-33476.
- Kintner-Meyer M.C. 2000. Electric Demand Reduction for the U.S. Navy Public Works Center San Diego, California. PNNL-13350. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Electric Demand Reduction for the U.S. Navy Public Works Center San Diego, California