Lawrence Greenwood
Lawrence Greenwood
Development of nuclear data for reactor dosimetry, nuclear forensics, calculation of radiation damage in irradiated materials, novel radiation detectors, and production of medical isotopes. Lead scientist for the U. S. certified laboratory for the International Monitoring System of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization.
Lead Scientist for Radioanalytical Applications Team - Directed analytical work and research of up to 20 staff in the Radiochemical Processing Group at PNNL, primarily for radiochemical separations and nuclear analysis of highly radioactive storage tank waste, soil, water, air and sewer effluent samples at the Hanford site. Primary focus is the development of new methods and analytical techniques.
Reactor Dosimetry and Radiation Damage - Recognized as an international authority on the measurement of neutron exposure in fission reactors and accelerator-based neutron sources. Developed computer code STAYSL_PNNL for neutron spectral analysis. Developed the SPECTER computer code widely used for fundamental radiation damage calculations during materials irradiations including work on the activation and transmutation of materials. Measurements have produced an extensive database of neutron exposure and radiation damage data from numerous fission reactors that is widely used to correlate and interpret property effects of irradiated materials, especially for the fusion reactor materials program.
Research Interest
- Nuclear Data – Consultant for the International Atomic Energy Agency for nuclear data for the International Reactor Dosimetry File 2002 and the new International Reactor Dosimetry Fission Fusion File 2014. Measured neutron activation cross sections for dosimetry at fission reactors and particle accelerators; data used to calculate the production of long-lived radioisotopes in fusion reactor materials. Pioneered the technique of integral testing of neutron activation cross sections at particle accelerators from 14 to 800 MeV. Studied nuclear structure by the measurement of charged particle reactions at various particle accelerators. Compiled and published nuclear data in Nuclear Data Sheets for six mass chains for the Nuclear Data Project.
- Nuclear Instrumentation – Broad experience in the use of alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron detector instrumentation and applications and interpretation of data. Helped to develop software for rapid analysis and reporting of complex gamma spectra. Developed Compton Suppression and gamma-gamma coincidence systems for nuclear forensics applications. Developed new neutron-sensitive liquid scintillation detectors for the ultra-low detection of fissile material. Helped to design an orbiting gamma ray telescope for arms control and astronomical applications.
- Ph.D. Degree, Physics/Nuclear, Rice University, Houston, TX, 1970
- Bachelor, Rice, Physics/Mathematics University, Houston, TX, 1966
Affiliations and Professional Service
- PI for the U. S. Certified Laboratory for the International Monitoring System of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization
- Consultant to the International Atomic Energy Agency for the development of the International Reactor Dosimetry Fission and Fusion File (IRDFF)
- Coordinated Research Project with the International Atomic Energy Agency for Primary Radiation Damage Cross Sections
Awards and Recognitions
- 2016 Secretary's Achievement Award for Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Technical Assessment Team and Accident Investigation Board by EJ Moniz
- 2006 Federal Laboratory Consortium Award with IsoRay for producing seeds for the treatment of prostate cancer
- 2006 R&D 100 Award with IsoRay for producing seeds for the treatment of prostate cancer
Over 200 publications and 100 presentations at national and international meetings
- B. D. Pierson, A. M. Prinke, L. R. Greenwood, S. C. Stave, R. S. Wittman, J. G. Burch, J. T. Burke, S. W. Padgett, J. J. Ressler, G. Slavik, A. Tamashiro, A. Tonchev, and W. Younes, Improved Cumulative Fission Yield Measurements with Fission Spectrum Neutrons on 235U, Nuclear Data Sheets, 155, (2019) 86-97,
- LR Greenwood, BP Pierson, and CD Johnson, Enhancement of STAYSL PNNL with IRDFF to 60 MeV, Reactor Dosimetry: 16th International Symposium, ASTM STP1608, M. H. Sparks, K. R. DePriest, and D. W. Vehar, Eds., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2018, pp. 265–275,
- L. M. Arrigo, L. R. Greenwood, B. D. Pierson, L. A. Metz, J. I. Friese, Radiochemical separations and experimental measurements of short-lived fission products from 14 MeV irradiation of depleted uranium, Jou. Radio. and Nucl. Chem., (2018),
- M. J. Jackson, C. Gilligan, A. Davies, R. Britton, J. Friese, L. Greenwood, B. Pierson, et al, International Inter-Comparison on 153Sm, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV), 2018
- Griffiths M, L Walters, LR Greenwood, and FA Garner. 2017. "Accelerated Materials Evaluation for Nuclear Applications." Journal of Nuclear Materials 488:46-62. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.02.039
LR Greenwood, MG Cantaloub, JL Burnett, AW Myers, CT Overman, JB Forrester, BD Glasgow, HS Miley, Low-Background Gamma Spectrometry for the International Monitoring System, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 126, 240-242, 2017,
BD Pierson, LR Greenwood, S Pozzi, M Flaska, Fission Product Yields from 232Th, 238U, and 235U Using 14 MeV Neutrons, Nuclear Data Sheets, Vol., 139 (2017)171-189,
- Metz LA, JI Friese, EC Finn, LR Greenwood, CC Hines, MD King, and DE Wall. 2016. "Fission products measured from highly-enriched uranium irradiated under 10B4C in a research reactor." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307(3):2321-2326. doi:10.1007/s10967-015-4437-2
- Pool KN, MJ Minette, JH Wahl, LR Greenwood, DS Coffey, BK McNamara, SA Bryan, RD Scheele, CH Delegard, SI Sinkov, CZ Soderquist, SK Fiskum, GN Brown, and RA Clark. 2016. Compilation of PRF Canyon Floor Pan Sample Analysis Results. PNNL-25254 Rev 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Simakov S, R Capote Noy, LR Greenwood, PJ Griffin, A Kahler, V Pronyaev, A Trkov, and KI Zolotarev. 2016. "Validation of IRDFF in 252Cf standard and IRDF-2002 reference neutron fields." In 15th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry (ISRD 15), May 18-23, 2014, Aix en Provence, France,, vol. 106, ed. Abdallah Lyoussi, p. Paper No. 04011. EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France. doi:10.1051/epjconf/201610604011
- Finn EC, BK McNamara, LR Greenwood, RS Wittman, CZ Soderquist, VT Woods, BA VanDevender, LA Metz, and JI Friese. 2015. "Modeling and production of 240Am by deuteron-induced activation of a 240Pu target ." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 349:39-44. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2015.02.001
- Finn EC, LA Metz, LR Greenwood, B Pierson, RS Wittman, JI Friese, and RF Kephart. 2015. "Cumulative fission yields of short-lived isotopes under natural-abundance-boron-carbide-moderated neutron spectrum." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 301(1):79-91. doi:10.1007/s10967-015-4085-6
- Morley SM, BN Seiner, EC Finn, LR Greenwood, SC Smith, SJ Gregory, MM Haney, DD Lucas, LM Arrigo, TA Beacham, KJ Swearingen, JI Friese, M Douglas, and LA Metz. 2015. "Integrated separation scheme for measuring a suite of fission and activation products from a fresh mixed fission and activation product sample." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 304(2):509-515. doi:10.1007/s10967-014-3826-2
- Greenwood LR, RS Wittman, LA Metz, EC Finn, and JI Friese. 2014. "Design and Testing of a 10B4C Capsule for Spectral-Tailoring in Mixed-Spectrum Reactors." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 743:121-123. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2014.01.013
- Hayes JW, EC Finn, LR Greenwood, and RS Wittman. 2014. "Characterization of a Thermo Scientific D711 D-T Neutron Generator Located in a Low-Scatter Facility." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 741:57-66. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2013.11.023
- Guillen D, LR Greenwood, and J Parry. 2014. "High Conduction Neutron Absorber to Simulate Fast Reactor Environment in an Existing Test Reactor." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 302(1):413-424. doi:10.1007/s10967-014-3251-6
- Simakov S, LR Greenwood, and R Capote Noy. 2014. "Validation of the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File." In The 12th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-12) and the 17th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of ANS (RPSD-2012), September 2-7, 2012, Nara, Japan. Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, vol. 4, pp. 591-595. Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
- Pierson BD, EC Finn, JI Friese, LR Greenwood, JD Kephart, RF Kephart, and LA Metz. 2013. "Identifying and quantifying short-lived fission products from thermal fission of HEU using portable HPGe detectors." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 295(3):1881 - 1885. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2109-z
- Doll CG, EC Finn, MG Cantaloub, LR Greenwood, J Kephart, and RF Kephart. 2013. "Comparison of Impurities in Charcoal Sorbents Found by Neutron Activation Analysis." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 295(1):331-334. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2239-3
- Erikson LE, ME Keillor, CE Aalseth, TW Hossbach, LK Mizouni, TJ Stavenger, BS McDonald, EA Lepel, LR Greenwood, and CE Rutherford. 2013. "Determining HPGe Total Detection Efficiency Using ?-? Coincidence." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296(2):705-710. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2186-z
- Forrester JB, LR Greenwood, HS Miley, AW Myers, and CT Overman. 2013. "Construction of a Shallow Underground Low-background Detector for a CTBT Radionuclide Laboratory." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296(2):1061-1064. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2202-3
- Fountain MS, SK Fiskum, DL Baldwin, RC Daniel, SJ Bos, CA Burns, CD Carlson, DS Coffey, CH Delegard, MK Edwards, LR Greenwood, D Neiner, BM Oliver, KN Pool, AJ Schmidt, RW Shimskey, SI Sinkov, LA Snow, CZ Soderquist, CJ Thompson, TLT Trang-Le, and MW Urie. 2013. Characterization Data Package for Containerized Sludge Samples Collected from Engineered Container SCS-CON-210. PNNL-20650 Rev. 2, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Greenwood LR, and CD Johnson. 2013. User Guide for the STAYSL PNNL Suite of Software Tools. PNNL-22253, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Griffiths M, GA Bickel, SA Donohue, P Feenstra, CD Judge, D Poff, L Walters, MD Wright, LR Greenwood, and FA Garner. 2013. "Degradation of Ni-alloy Components in CANDU Reactor Cores." In 16th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactors, August 11-15, 2016, Asheville, North Carolina, pp. 1008-1030. NACE International, HOUSTON, TX.
- Liu H, MA Abdou, and LR Greenwood. 2013. "55Fe effect on enhancing ferritic steel He/dpa ratio in fission reactor irradiations to simulate fusion conditions." Fusion Engineering and Design 88(11):2860-2864. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2013.05.067
- Metz LA, JI Friese, EC Finn, LR Greenwood, RF Kephart, CC Hines, MD King, K Henry, and DE Wall. 2013. "Fission Yield Measurements from Highly Enriched Uranium Irradiated Inside a Boron Carbide Capsule." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296(2):763-767. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2089-z
- Miley HS, TW Bowyer, MD Engelmann, PW Eslinger, JI Friese, LR Greenwood, DA Haas, JC Hayes, ME Keillor, RA Kiddy, II, RR Kirkham, JW Landen, EA Lepel, LS Lidey, KE Litke, SJ Morris, KB Olsen, RC Thompson, BR Valenzuela, VT Woods, and SR Biegalski. 2013. "Measurement of Fukushima Aerosol Debris in Sequim and Richland, WA and Ketchikan, AK." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296(2):877-882. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2231-y
- Woods VT, TW Bowyer, S Biegalski, LR Greenwood, DA Haas, JC Hayes, EA Lepel, HS Miley, and SJ Morris. 2013. "Parallel Radioisotope Collection and Analysis in Response to the Fukushima Release." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296(2):883-888. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2210-3
- Aalseth CE, R Bonicalzi, MG Cantaloub, AR Day, LE Erikson, JE Fast, JB Forrester, ES Fuller, BD Glasgow, LR Greenwood, EW Hoppe, TW Hossbach, BJ Hyronimus, ME Keillor, EK Mace, JI McIntyre, JH Merriman, AW Myers, CT Overman, NR Overman, ME Panisko, A Seifert, GA Warren, and RC Runkle. 2012. "A Shallow Underground Laboratory for Low-Background Radiation Measurements and Materials Development." Review of Scientific Instruments 83(11):Article No. 113503. doi:10.1063/1.4761923
- Biegalski SR, TW Bowyer, PW Eslinger, JI Friese, LR Greenwood, DA Haas, JC Hayes, I Hoffman, ME Keillor, HS Miley, and MP Morin. 2012. "Analysis of data from sensitive U.S. monitoring stations for the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactor accident." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 114:15-21. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2011.11.007
- Finn EC, LA Metz, LR Greenwood, BD Pierson, JI Friese, RF Kephart, and JD Kephart. 2012. "Short-lived fission product measurements from >0.1 MeV neutron-induced fission using boron carbide." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 293(1):267-272. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-1652-y
- Greenwood LR, RS Wittman, BD Pierson, LA Metz, RF Payne, EC Finn, and JI Friese. 2012. "Design and Testing of a Boron Carbide Capsule for Spectral Tailoring in Mixed-Spectrum Reactors." Journal of ASTM International. JAI 9(3):Article No. JAI103959.
- Finn EC, LA Metz, RF Payne, JI Friese, LR Greenwood, JD Kephart, BD Pierson, and TA Ellis. 2011. Methods to Collect, Compile, and Analyze Observed Short-lived Fission Product Gamma Data. PNNL-20141, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Forrester JB, TW Bowyer, F Carty, L Comes, PW Eslinger, LR Greenwood, DA Haas, JC Hayes, RR Kirkham, EA Lepel, KE Litke, HS Miley, SJ Morris, BT Schrom, P Van Davelaar, and VT Woods. 2011. "LESSONS LEARNED IN AEROSOL MONITORING WITH THE RASA." In Proceedings of the 2011 Monitoring Research Review: Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, September 13-15, 2011, Tucson, Arizona, vol. 2, no. LA-UR-11-04823, p. 681-688. National Nuclear Security Administration, Washington DC.
- Greenwood LR, DC Glasgow, and CA Baldwin. 2010. "Neutron Fluences and Radiation Damage Parameters for the HFIR-MFE-RB-14J Experiment." Chapter 10 in Fusion Reactor Materials Program Semiannual Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2010, vol. 48; DOE/ER-0313/48, pp. 149-153. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
- Greenwood LR, and JP Foster. 2009. "Retrospective Reactor Dosimetry with Zirconium Alloy Samples." In Reactor Dosimetry State of the Art 2008: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, May 25-30, 2008, Akersloot, The Netherlands, ed. W Voorbraak, L Debarberis, P D'Hondt, J Wagemans, pp. 58-66. World Scientific, Bukit Batok, Singapore.
- Barnett JM, VI Cullinan, DS Barnett, TLT Trang-Le, M Bliss, LR Greenwood, and MY Ballinger. 2009. Results of Self-Absorption Study on the Versapor 3000 Filters for Radioactive Particulate Air Sampling. PNNL-SA-62011 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Douglas M, JI Friese, LR Greenwood, OT Farmer, III, LMP Thomas, TC Maiti, EC Finn, SJ Garofoli, PL Gassman, MM Huff, SM Schulte, SC Smith, KK Thomas, and PP Bachelor. 2009. "Separation and Quantification of Chemically Diverse Analytes in Neutron Irradiated Fissile Materials." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 282(1):63-68.
- Friese JI, RF Payne, LR Greenwood, CZ Soderquist, and SJ Garofoli. 2009. "Half-life and gamma abundance ratio measurements of Sm-153." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 282(2):369-372.
- Metz LA, RF Payne, JI Friese, LR Greenwood, JD Kephart, and BD Pierson. 2009. "Experimental Measurements of Short-Lived Fission Products from Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium and Americium." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 282(2):373-377. doi:10.1007/s10967-009-0225-1
- Payne RF, JA Drader, JI Friese, LR Greenwood, CC Hines, LA Metz, JD Kephart, MD King, BD Pierson, JD Smith, and DE Wall. 2009. "Neutron fluence and energy reproducibility of a 2-dollar TRIGA reactor Pulse." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 282(1):59-62.
- Schwantes JM, M Douglas, SE Bonde, D Briggs, OT Farmer, III, LR Greenwood, EA Lepel, CR Orton, JF Wacker, and AT Luksic. 2009. "Nuclear Archeology in a Bottle: Evidence of Pre-Trinity U.S. Weapons Activities from a Waste Burial Site." Analytical Chemistry 81(4):1297-1306.
- Griffiths M, FJ Butcher, I Ariani, S Douglas, FA Garner, and LR Greenwood. 2008. "Spectral Effects on Stress Relaxation of Inconel X-750 Springs in CANDU Reactors ." In 8th International CANDU Maintenance Conference. Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto.
- Miley HS, TW Bowyer, LR Greenwood, and RJ Arthur. 2008. "Fission Product Ratios as Treaty Monitoring Discriminants." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276(2):483-487. doi:10.1007/s10967-008-0530-0
- Garner FA, BM Oliver, LR Greenwood, DL Porter, and T Allen. 2007. "Measurement of Helium Generation in AISI 304 Reflector and Blanket Assemblies after Long-Term Irradiation in EBR-II." Journal of ASTM International. JAI 4(1):Article No. JAI100342. doi:10.1520/JAI100342
- Greenwood LR, FA Garner, BM Oliver, and SM Bruemmer. 2007. "Determination of Neutron Exposure of AISI 304 Stainless Steel from a BWR Top Guide using Retrospective Dosimetry ." Journal of Nuclear Materials 361(1):1-9.
- Greenwood LR. 2006. "Gas Production in Reactor Materials." Journal of ASTM International. JAI 3(2):Art. no. JAI13485.
- Bersillon O, LR Greenwood, PJ Griffin, W Mannhart, HJ Nolthenius, R Paviotti-Corcuera, KI Zolotarev, and EM Zsolnay. 2006. International Reactor Dosimetry File 2002 (IRDF-2002),Technical Report Series No. 452. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
- Garner FA, BM Oliver, LR Greenwood, DJ Edwards, SM Bruemmer, and ML Grossbeck. 2006. "Generation and Retention of Helium and Hydrogen in Austenitic Steels Irradiated in a Variety of LWR and Test Reactor Spectral Environments." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2001, DOE-ER-0313/30, pp. 127-147. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
- Garner FA, EP Simonen, BM Oliver, LR Greenwood, ML Grossbeck, WG Wolfer, and PM Scott. 2006. "Retention of Hydrogen in FCC Metals Irradiated at Temperatures Leading to High Densities of Bubbles or Voids." Journal of Nuclear Materials 356(1-3):122-135.
- Posakony GJ, LR Greenwood, and S Ahmed. 2006. "Stable Multibubble Sonoluminescence Bubble Patterns." Ultrasonics 44(Suppl. 1):e445-e449.
- Greenwood LR, and BM Oliver. 2005. "Comparison of Predicted and Measured Helium Production in US BWR Reactors." Journal of ASTM International. JAI 3(3):Art. no. JAI13490.
- Hrma PR, JV Crum, DJ Bates, P Bredt, LR Greenwood, and HD Smith. 2005. "Vitrification and testing of a Hanford high-level waste sample. Part 1: Glass fabrication, and chemical and radiochemical analysis." Journal of Nuclear Materials 345(1):19-30 . doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2005.03.026
- Hrma PR, JV Crum, P Bredt, LR Greenwood, and HD Smith. 2005. "Vitrification and testing of a Hanford high-level waste sample, Part 2: Phase identification and waste form leachability." Journal of Nuclear Materials 345(1):31-40.
- Greenwood LR, and FA Garner. 2004. "Impact of Transmutation Issues on Interpretation of Data Obtained From Fast Reactor Irradiation Experiments ." In Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for the period ending December 31, 2003, DOE/ER-313/35, pp. 233-239. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
- Greenwood LR, and FA Garner. 2004. "Impact of Transmutation Issues on Interpretation of Data Obtained from Fast Reactor Irradiation Experiments." Journal of Nuclear Materials 329-333:1147-1150 Part B.
- Greenwood LR, FA Garner, BM Oliver, ML Grossbeck, and WG Wolfer. 2004. "Surprisingly Large Generation and Retention of Helium and Hydrogen in Pure Nickel Irradiated at High Temperatures and High Neutron Exposures." Journal of ASTM International. JAI 1(4):529-539. doi:10.1520/JAI11365
- Heinisch HL, LR Greenwood, WJ Weber, and RE Williford. 2004. "Displacement Damage in Silicon Carbide Irradiated in Fission Reactors." Journal of Nuclear Materials 327(2-3):175-181.
- Murphy MK, RK Piper, LR Greenwood, MG Mitch, PJ Lamperti, SM Seltzer, MJ Bales, and MH Phillips. 2004. "Evaluation of the new cesium-131 seed for use in low-energy x-ray brachytherapy." Medical Physics 31(6):1529-1538.
- Edwards DJ, EP Simonen, FA Garner, LR Greenwood, BM Oliver, and SM Bruemmer. 2003. "Influence of Irradiation Temperature and Dose Gradients on the Microstructural Evolution in Neutron-Irradiated 316SS." Journal of Nuclear Materials 317(1):32-45.
- Greenwood LR, and BM Oliver. 2003. "Retrospective Reactor Dosimetry for Neutron Fluence, Helium, and Boron Measurements." In 11th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry. ISRD 2002. Hotel Metropole, Brussels, Belgium, August 18-23, 2002, pp. 32-40. World Scientific, River Edge, NJ.
- Heinisch HL, LR Greenwood, WJ Weber, and RE Williford. 2003. "Total DPA Cross Sections for SiC as a Function of Neutron Energy." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 2002, vol. 33, ed. Ron Klueh and Renetta Godfrey, pp. 44-48. DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington DC.
- Senor DJ, GE Youngblood, LR Greenwood, DV Archer, DL Alexander, MC Chen, and GA Newsome. 2003. "Defect Structure and Evolution in Silicon Carbide Irradiated to 1 dpa-SiC at 1100 degrees C." Journal of Nuclear Materials 317(2-3):145-159.
- Greenwood LR, DL Baldwin, GW Hollenberg, and RJ Kurtz. 2002. "Evaluation of the DHCE Experiment." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending June 30, 2001, vol. 30, pp. 15-29. DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington DC.
- Eisterer M, BA Glowacki, HW Weber, LR Greenwood, and M Majoros. 2002. "Enhanced Transport Currents in Cu-Sheathed MgB2 Wires." Superconductor Science & Technology 15:1088-1091.
- Eisterer M, M Zehetmayer, S Tonies, HW Weber, M Kambara, NH Babu, DA Cardwell, and LR Greenwood. 2002. "Neutron irradiation of MgB2 bulk superconductors." Superconductor Science & Technology 15(2):L9-L12.
- Garner FA, BM Oliver, LR Greenwood, DJ Edwards, SM Bruemmer, and ML Grossbeck. 2002. "Generation and Retention of Helium and Hydrogen in Austenitic Steels Irradiated in a Variety of LWR and Test Reactor Spectral Environments." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending June 30, 2001, vol. 30, pp. 127-147. DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington DC.
- Garner FA, LR Greenwood, T Okita, N Sekimura, and WG Wolfer. 2002. "NEUTRON-INDUCED SWELLING OF Fe-Cr BINARY ALLOYS IN FFTF AT ~400 DEGREES C ." In Fusion Materials: Semiannual Progress Report for Period ending December 31, 2002, vol. 33, ed. Ron Klueh and Renetta Godfrey, pp. 99-104. DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington, DC.
- Gelles DS, ML Hamilton, BM Oliver, LR Greenwood, S Ohnuki, K Shiba, Y Kohno, A Kohyama, and JP Robertson. 2002. "Recent Results for the Ferritics Isotopic Tailoring (FIST) Experiment." Journal of Nuclear Materials 307-311:212-216 Part A.
- Heinisch HL, LR Greenwood, WJ Weber, and RE Williford. 2002. "Displacement Damage Cross Sections for Neutron-irradiated Silicon Carbide." Journal of Nuclear Materials 307-311(Part 2):895-899.
- Lumetta GJ, LP Darnell, PA Garza, LR Greenwood, BM Oliver, DE Rinehart, DR Sanders, CZ Soderquist, TLT Trang-Le, MW Urie, and JJ Wagner. 2002. Caustic Leaching of Hanford Tank T-110 Sludge. PNNL-13956, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Okita T, T Sato, N Sekimura, FA Garner, and LR Greenwood. 2002. "The Primary Origin of Dose Rate Effects on Microstructural Evolution of Austenitic Alloys During Neutron Irradiation." Journal of Nuclear Materials 307 Pt. A:322-326.
- Greenwood LR, and CA Baldwin. 2001. "Neutron Dosimetry and Damage Calculations for the HFIR-RB-11J,12J Irradiations ." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 2001, vol. 30, pp. 214-219. US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington DC.
- Greenwood LR. 2001. "Integral Testing of Spallation Cross Sections for Neutron Dosimetry at 113 and 256 MeV." In International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry; Radiation Metrology and Assessment, ASTM Special Technical Publication, vol. 1398, ed. Williams, J.G., pp. 409-416. American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
- Garner FA, BM Oliver, LR Greenwood, MR James, PD Ferguson, SA Maloy, and WF Sommer. 2001. "Determination of Helium and Hydrogen Yield From Measurements on Pure Metals and Alloys Irradiated by Mixed High Energy Proton and Spallation Neutron Spectra in LANSCE." Journal of Nuclear Materials 296:66-82.
- Gelles DS, ML Hamilton, BM Oliver, LR Greenwood, S Ohnuki, K Shiba, Y Kohno, A Kohyama, and JP Robertson. 2001. "Recent Results for the Ferritics Isotopic Tailoring (FIST) Experiment." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress for Period Report Ending December 31, 2000, vol. 29, pp. 93-102. US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington, DC.
- Holden NE, JP Hu, DD Greenberg, RN Reciniello, K Farrell, and LR Greenwood. 2001. "Radiation Dosimetry at the BNL High Flux Beam Reactor and Medical Research Reactor." In Reactor Dosimetry: Radiation Metrology and Assessment. International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry (10th : 1999 : Osaka, Japan), vol. STP 1398, ed. J. G. Williams, D. W. Vehar, F. H. Ruddy, and D. M. Gilliam, pp. 223-230. ASTM , West Conshohocken , PA.
- Lumetta GJ, KJ Carson, LP Darnell, LR Greenwood, FV Hoopes, RL Sell, SI Sinkov, CZ Soderquist, MW Urie, and JJ Wagner. 2001. Caustic Leaching of Hanford Tank S-110 Sludge . PNNL-13702, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Okita T, T Sato, N Sekimura, FA Garner, LR Greenwood, WG Wolfer, and Y Isobe. 2001. "Neutron-Induced Microstructural Evolution of Fe-15Cr-16Ni Alloys at ~400 C During Neutron Irradiation in the FFTF Fast Reactor." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2001, vol. 30, pp. 148-164. US Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington, DC.
- Smith GL, DJ Bates, RW Goles, LR Greenwood, RC Lettau, GF Piepel, MJ Schweiger, HD Smith, MW Urie, and JJ Wagner. 2001. Vitrification and Product Testing of C-104 and AZ-102 Pretreated Sludge Mixed with Flowsheet Quantities of Secondary Wastes. PNNL-13452, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Stoller RE, and LR Greenwood. 2001. "A Comparison of the NRT Displacement Model and Primary Damage Formation Observed in Molecular Dynamics Cascade Simulations, ASTM STP 1398, 2001." In International symposium on reactor dosimetry; rediation metrology and assessment. 10th -- 1999 Sep: Osaka, Japan, ed. Williams, J. G. , pp. p. 633-640. American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
- Oliver BM, FA Garner, LR Greenwood, and J Abrefah. 2000. "High-Sensitivity Quadrupole Mass Spectometry System for the Determination of Hydrogen in Irradiated Materials." Journal of Nuclear Materials 283(Pt B):1006-1010.
- Fiskum SK, PR Bredt, JA Campbell, OT Farmer, III, LR Greenwood, EW Hoppe, FV Hoopes, GJ Lumetta, GM Mong, RT Ratner, CZ Soderquist, MJ Steele, RG Swoboda, MW Urie, and JJ Wagner. 2000. Inorganic, Radioisotopic, and Organic Analysis of 241-AP-101 Tank Waste. PNNL-13354, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Garner FA, MB Toloczko, LR Greenwood, CR Eiholzer, MM Paxton, and RJ Puigh. 2000. "Swelling, irradiation creep and growth of pure rhenium irradiated with fast neutrons at 1030-1330 degrees C." Journal of Nuclear Materials 283-287(Part 1):380-385.
- Gelles DS, ML Hamilton, BM Oliver, and LR Greenwood. 2000. "On Hydrogen and Helium embrittlement in Isotopic tailoring Experiments." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 1999, vol. 27, ed. Rowcliffe, A.F., pp. 149-153. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington DC.
- Greenwood LR, BM Oliver, DS Gelles, DL Baldwin, M Dalle Donne, H Kawamura, and F Scaffidi-Aregentina. 2000. "Measurement and Calculation of Helium Generation in Beryllium Pebbles Irradiated in EBR-II." In Effects of Radiation on Materials: 19th International Symposium, ed. M.L. Hamilton, S.T. Rosinski, A.S. Kumar, et al, pp. 1062-1074. Standard Technical Publication, West Conshohocken, PA.
- Greenwood LR, BM Oliver, S Ohnuki, K Shiba, Y Kohno, A Kohyama, JP Robertson, JW Meadows, and DS Gelles. 2000. "Accelerated Helium and Hydrogen Production in Fe-54 Doped Alloys - Measurements and Calculations for the FIST Experiment." In Fusion Materials: Semi-Annual Progress Report Ending December 31, 1999, vol. 27, ed. Rowcliffe, A.F., p. 236. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, Washington DC .
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- Smith GL, LR Greenwood, GF Piepel, MJ Schweiger, HD Smith, MW Urie, and JJ Wagner. 2000. Vitrification and Product Testing of AW-101 and AN-107 Pretreated Waste. PNNL-13372, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Stoller RE, and LR Greenwood. 2000. "An Evaluation of Neutron Energy Spectrum Effects in Iron Based on Molecular Dynamics Displacement Cascade Simulations." In Effects of Radiation on Materials : 19th International Symposium. ASTM Special Technical Publication, vol. 1366, ed. Margaret L Hamilton, et al, pp. 548-559. American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
- Greenwood LR. 1999. Radiation Damage Calculations for the FUBR and BEATRIX Irradiations of Lithium Compounds in EBR-II and FFTF. PNNL-12200, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Garner FA, LR Greenwood, and P Roy. 1999. "An Assessment of Potential Gamma Ray Enhancement of Embrittlement in ABWR Pressure Vessel Walls." In Effects Of Radiation On Materials: 18th International Symposium; ASTM STP, vol. 1325, ed. R.K . Nanstad, M. Hamilton et al, pp. 52-74 . American Society Testing And Materials, W Conshohocken.
- Klinger GS, BM Oliver, SC Marschman, J Abrefah, LR Greenwood, PJ MacFarlan, and GA Ritter. 1999. Drying Results of K-Basin Fuel Element 6603M (Run 5). PNNL-11841, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Mcneece JP, BD Reid, WC Morgan, EF Love, Jr, DC Gerlach, SL Petersen, JV Livingston, and LR Greenwood. 1999. Graphite Isotope Ratio Method Development Report: Irradiation Test Demonstration of Uranium as a Low Fluence Indicator. PNNL-13056, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
- Stoller RE, and LR Greenwood. 1999. "Subcascade formation in displacement cascade simulations: Implications for fusion reactor materials." Journal of Nuclear Materials 272:57-62.
- Garner FA, BM Oliver, and LR Greenwood. 1998. "The Dependence of Helium Generation Rate on Nickel Content of Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys Irradiated to High dpa Levels in EBR-II." Journal of Nuclear Materials 263(Part B):1740-1744.
- Kazakov VA, HC Tsai, VP Chakin, FW Wiffen, AF Rowcliffe, DL Smith, AE Rusanov, AA Teikovtsev, NV Markina, and LR Greenwood. 1998. "Experience in irradiation testing of low-activation structural materials in fast reactor BOR-60." Journal of Nuclear Materials 263(Part B):1458-1465.