Jongmin Woo
Jongmin Woo
Dr. Jongmin Woo is a post doctoral research with the Instrument Development Lab in the Environmental Molecular Sciences Division and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory user program. He provides expert skills and knowledge in the field of single-cell proteomics. Since joining PNNL in 2019, he has used mass spectrometry to focus on global proteomics and develop proteomics technology used to study protein heterogeneity between single cells. Woo is involved in a single-cell proteomics study, requiring ultra-high sensitivity, that will contribute to the development of techniques to minimize sample loss and improve the sensitivity of analysis using nanoPOTS robots developed by PNNL. These techniques will be available for application in many fields in the future.
Based on his medical science major, he is currently conducting lung cell type research as part of the National Institutes of Health-funded Lung Map project by applying single-cell proteomics technology. Through this study, it will be possible to identify unknown lung cell type proteins, further clarify molecular mechanisms, and discover lung-related disease biomarkers at the molecular level. Woo is not only leading the latest research in this field with single-cell proteomics studies, but is also expected to benefit most from the resources developed by PNNL.
Research Interest
Single-cell proteomics
Clinical proteomics
Development of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method
PhD in Biomedical Science, Seoul National University, 2018
MS in Biomedical Science, Seoul National University
BS in University of Oklahoma, 2010
Affiliations and Professional Service
Post Doctoral Research Associate, PNNL (2019 – Present)
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University of North Carolina (2018 – 2019)
J Woo, PR Sudhir, Q Zhang, 2020. Pancreatic Tissue Proteomics Unveils Key Proteins, Pathways, and Networks Associated with Type 1 Diabetes, PROTEOMICS–Clinical Applications 14 (6), 2000053.
YG Kim, J Woo, J Park, S Kim, YS Lee, Y Kim, SJ Kim, 2020. Quantitative proteomics reveals distinct molecular signatures of different cerebellum-dependent learning paradigms, Journal of Proteome Research 19 (5), 2011-2025.
DK Kim, D Han, J Park, H Choi, JC Park, MY Cha, J Woo, MS Byun, DY Lee, Y Kim, I Mook-Jung, 2019. "Deep proteome profiling of the hippocampus in the 5XFAD mouse model reveals biological process alterations and a novel biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease," Experimental & molecular medicine 51 (11), 1-17.
DK Kim, J Park, D Han, J Yang, A Kim, J Woo, Y Kim, I Mook-Jung, 2018. Molecular and functional signatures in a novel Alzheimer’s disease mouse model assessed by quantitative proteomics, Molecular neurodegeneration 13 (1), 1-19.
MS Jin, H Lee, J Woo, S Choi, MS Do, K Kim, MJ Song, Y Kim, IA Park, D Han, HS Ryu, 2018. Integrated Multi‐Omic Analyses Support Distinguishing Secretory Carcinoma of the Breast from Basal‐Like Triple‐Negative Breast Cancer, PROTEOMICS–Clinical Applications 12 (5), 1700125.
H Lee, K Kim, J Woo, J Park, H Kim, KE Lee, H Kim, Y Kim, KC Moon, JY Kim, IA Park, BB Shim, JH Moon, D Han, HS Ryu, 2018. Quantitative proteomic analysis identifies AHNAK (neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK) as a novel candidate biomarker for bladder urothelial carcinoma diagnosis by Liquid-based Cytology, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 17 (9), 1788-1802.
J Park, D Han, M Do, J Woo, JI Wang, Y Han, W Kwon, SW Kim, JY Jang, Y Kim, 2017. Proteome characterization of human pancreatic cyst fluid from intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 31 (20), 1761-1772.
J Woo, D Han, JI Wang, J Park, H Kim, Y Kim, 2017. Quantitative proteomics reveals temporal proteomic changes in signaling pathways during BV2 mouse microglial cell activation, Journal of Proteome Research 16 (9), 3419-3432.
JY Kim, H Lee, J Woo, W Yue, K Kim, S Choi, JJ Jang, Y Kim, IA Park, D Han, HS Ryu, 2017. Reconstruction of pathway modification induced by nicotinamide using multi-omic network analyses in triple negative breast cancer, Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-13.
J Woo, D Han, J Park, SJ Kim, Y Kim, 2015. In‐depth characterization of the secretome of mouse CNS cell lines by LC‐MS/MS without prefractionation, Proteomics 15 (21), 3617-3622.
D Han, J Jin, J Woo, H Min, Y Kim, 2014. Proteomic analysis of mouse astrocytes and their secretome by a combination of FASP and StageTip‐based, high pH, reversed‐phase fractionation, Proteomics 14 (13-14), 1604-1609.