Earth Scientist
Earth Scientist


Eva Sinha is an Earth scientist in the Earth and Biological Science Directorate at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Her research interests include improving crop model representation in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Land Model (ELM), understanding the impact of fertilizer constraint on land and energy systems, and studying the impact of future socioeconomic pathways and climate outcomes on riverine nitrogen loading.

Research Interest

  • Earth system models
  • Crop modeling
  • Climate change
  • Nutrient load estimation 


PhD in Earth system science, Stanford University

MS in civil and environmental engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

BTech in civil engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • American Geophysical Union, member since 2012

Awards and Recognitions

  • Best Student Paper Award, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2018



  • Sinha, E., B. Bond-Lamberty, K. V. Calvin, B. A. Drewniak, G. Bisht, C. J. Bernacchi, B. J. Blakely, C. E. Moore. 2022 “The Impact of Crop Rotation and Spatially Varying Crop Parameters in the E3SM Land Model (ELMv2),” In Review, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.
  • Sinha, E., K. V. Calvin, B. Bond-Lamberty, B. A. Drewniak, D. Ricciuto, K. Sargsyan, Y. Cheng, C. J. Bernacchi, C. E. Moore. 2022 “Modeling bioenergy crops in the E3SM land model,” In Review, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
  • Sinha, E., A. M. Michalak, V. Balaji, L. Resplandy. 2022. “India’s Riverine Nitrogen Runoff Strongly Impacted by Monsoon Variability,” Environmental Science & Technology, 56(16), 11335-11342,
  • Cheng, Y., M. Huang, D. M. Lawrence, K. V. Calvin, D. L. Lombardozzi, E. Sinha, M. Pan, and X. He. 2022. “Future bioenergy expansion could alter carbon sequestration potential and exacerbate water stress in the United States,” Science Advances, 8(18),
  • Sinha, E., K. V. Calvin, P. G. Kyle, M. I. Hejazi, S. T. Waldhoff, M. Huang, S. Vishwakarma, X. Zhang. 2022. “Implication of imposing fertilizer limitations on energy, agriculture, and land systems,” Journal of Environmental Management, 305, 114391,


  • Ballard, C. T., E. Sinha, A. M. Michalak. 2019. “Long-Term Changes in Precipitation and Temperature Have Already Impacted Nitrogen Loading,” Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (9), 5080-5090,
  • Sinha, E., A. M. Michalak, K. V. Calvin, P. J. Lawrence. 2019. “Societal choices about climate mitigation will have dramatic impacts on eutrophication in the 21st century,” Nature Communications, 10 (1), 1-11,


  • Del Giudice D, Y. Zhou, E. Sinha, A. M. Michalak. 2018. “Long-Term Phosphorus Loading and Springtime Temperatures Explain Interannual Variability of Hypoxia in a Large Temperate Lake,” Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (4), 2046–2054,


  • Sinha, E., A. M. Michalak, V. Balaji. 2017. “Eutrophication will increase during the 21st century as a result of precipitation changes,” Science, 357 (6349), 405–408,


  • Sinha, E., A. M. Michalak. 2016. “Precipitation dominates interannual variability of riverine nitrogen loading across the continental United States,” Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (23), 12874–12884,


  • Li, C., E. Sinha, D. E. Horton, N. S. Diffenbaugh, A. M. Michalak. 2014. “Joint bias correc- tion of temperature and precipitation in climate model simulations,” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119 (23), 3153–13162,