David Peeler
David Peeler
Dr. David Peeler originally joined PNNL in 1993. He served as project lead for the Plutonium Immobilization Program, studied the effects of amorphous phase separation and crystallization on the durability of high-level waste glasses, and developed various composition-property relationships for multi-component borosilicate glass systems. In 1995, Dr. Peeler joined Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). During his 20 years at SRNL, he served as an advisory engineer in the Environmental Management Directorate and as the technical lead for Glass Science Research Programs.
In 2015, Dr. Peeler rejoined PNNL as chief scientist in the Energy and Environment Directorate’s Nuclear Sciences Division and Deputy Sector Manager for Environmental Management-Waste Processing. Dr. Peeler’s primary field of research focuses on glass formulation development and developing alternative processing strategies to improve waste loading, melt rate, and waste throughput for the Defense Waste Processing Facility in Aiken, South Carolina, and for the Hanford Tank Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant near Richland, Washington.
Dr. Peeler serves on the External Advisory Board for Clemson University's Material Science and Engineering Department and is an adjunct professor at Clemson. He is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) and has served as chair for the Nuclear and Environmental Technology Division, chair of the John Jeppson Award Committee, chair of the ACerS Awards Committee, chair of the Edward Orton Jr. Award Committee, and chair of the Robert C. Coble Award Committee He has also served on the ACerS President's Strategic Planning and Emerging Opportunities Committee and is a member of the International Congress on Glass's Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Vitrification Technical Committee.
He is co-editor of two volumes of the “Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries” in the Ceramic Transaction series. Dr. Peeler has more than 100 external or peer reviewed technical publications and more than 300 internal technical reports, and has issued three patent disclosures with one international patent awarded.
- PhD, ceramic engineering, Clemson University
- MS, ceramic engineering, Alfred University
- BS, ceramic engineering, Clemson University
Affiliations and Professional Service
- Clemson University, Material Science and Engineering Department, member, External Advisory Board; adjunct professor.
- American Ceramic Society (ACerS), Fellow; past-chair, Nuclear and Environmental Technology Division; past-chair, John Jeppson Award Committee; past-chair, ACerS Awards Committee; past-chair, Edward Orton Jr. Award Committee; past-chair, Robert C. Coble Award Committee; past-member, ACerS President's Strategic Planning and Emerging Opportunities Committee; member, International Congress on Glass's Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Vitrification Technical Committee.
Marcial J., J.J. Neeway, C.I. Pearce, L. Nava-Farias, M.J. Schweiger, D.K. Peeler, and C.L. Arendt, et al. 2023. Chemical durability assessment of enhanced low-activity waste glasses through EPA method 1313. PNNL-32663. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Chemical durability assessment of enhanced low-activity waste glasses through EPA method 1313
Matthews B.E., J.J. Neeway, L. Nava-Farias, J. Marcial, B.W. Arey, J.A. Soltis, and L. Kovarik, et al. 2023. "Micro- and Nanoscale Surface Analysis of Late Iron Age Glass from Broborg, a Vitrified Swedish Hillfort." Microscopy and Microanalysis 29, no. 1:50-68. PNNL-SA-163973. doi:10.1093/micmic/ozac032
Nava-Farias L., J.J. Neeway, M.J. Schweiger, J. Marcial, N.L. Canfield, C.I. Pearce, and D.K. Peeler, et al. 2021. "Applying laboratory methods for durability assessment of vitrified material to archaeological samples." npj Materials Degradation 5. PNNL-SA-161396. doi:10.1038/s41529-021-00204-2
Plymale A.E., J.R. Wells, C.I. Pearce, C.J. Brislawn, E.B. Graham, T. Cheeke, and J.L. Allen, et al. 2021. "Niche partitioning of microbial communities at an ancient vitrified hillfort: implications for vitrified radioactive waste disposal." Geomicrobiology Journal 38, no. 1:36-56. PNNL-SA-150253. doi:10.1080/01490451.2020.1807658
Weaver J.L., C.I. Pearce, R. Sjoblom, J.S. McCloy, M.D. Miller, T. Varga, and B.W. Arey, et al. 2018. "Pre-Viking Swedish Hillfort Glass: A Prospective Long-Term Alteration Analogue for Vitrified Nuclear Waste." International Journal of Applied Glass Science 9, no. 4:540-544. PNNL-26864. doi:10.1111/ijag.12351
Sjoblom R., J.L. Weaver, D.K. Peeler, J.S. Mccloy, A.A. Kruger, E. Ogenhall, and E. Hjarthner-Jolder. 2016. "Vitrified hillforts as anthropogenic analogues for nuclear waste glasses - project planning and initiation." International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 11, no. 6:897-906. PNNL-SA-118241. doi:10.2495/SDP-V11-N6-897-906
Peeler D.K., D. Kim, J.D. Vienna, M.J. Schweiger, and G.F. Piepel. 2015. Office of River Protection Advanced Low-Activity Waste Glass Research and Development Plan. PNNL-24883; EWG-RPT-008. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Office of River Protection Advanced Low-Activity Waste Glass Research and Development Plan
Peeler D.K., J.D. Vienna, M.J. Schweiger, K.M. Fox, and K.M. Fox. 2015. Advanced High-Level Waste Glass Research and Development Plan. PNNL-24450. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Advanced High-Level Waste Glass Research and Development Plan
Schulz R.L., T.H. Lorier, D.K. Peeler, K.G. Brown, I.A. Reamer, I.A. Reamer, and J.D. Vienna, et al. 2002. Hanford Immobilized LAW Product Acceptance: Tanks Focus Area Testing Data Package II. PNNL-13344. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hanford Immobilized LAW Product Acceptance: Tanks Focus Area Testing Data Package II
Vienna J.D., W.C. Buchmiller, J.V. Crum, D.D. Graham, D. Kim, B.D. Macisaac, and M.J. Schweiger, et al. 2002. Glass Formulation Development for INEEL Sodium-Bearing Waste. PNNL-14050. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Glass Formulation Development for INEEL Sodium-Bearing Waste
Crum J.V., J.D. Vienna, D.K. Peeler, and I.A. Reamer. 2001. Formulation Efforts for Direct Vitrification of INEEL Blend Calcine Waste Simulate: Fiscal Year 2000. PNNL-13483. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Formulation Efforts for Direct Vitrification of INEEL Blend Calcine Waste Simulate: Fiscal Year 2000
Perez J.M., D.F. Bickford, D.E. Day, D. Kim, S.L. Lambert, S.L. Marra, and D.K. Peeler, et al. 2001. High-Level Waste Melter Study Report. PNNL-13582. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. High-Level Waste Melter Study Report
Peeler D.K., J.E. Marra, I.A. Reamer, J.D. Vienna, and H. Li. 2000. "Development of the Am/Cm Batch Vitrification Process." In Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries V, Ceramic Transactions, 107, 397-406. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-31739.
Peeler D.K., T.B. Edwards, I.A. Reamer, J.D. Vienna, D.E. Smith, M.J. Schweiger, and B.J. Riley, et al. 2000. "Composition/Property Relationships for the Phase I Am/Cm Glass Variability Study." In Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries V, Americam Ceramic Society Conf., Ceramic Transactions, 107, 427-439. Westerville, Ohio:Americam Ceramic Society. PNWD-SA-4651.
Vienna J.D., T.J. Plaisted, R.L. Plaisted, J.V. Crum, D.K. Peeler, and I.A. Reamer. 2000. "Glass Formulation for Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Zirconia High-Activity Waste." In Environmental Issues and Waste Mangement Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries V, Ceramic Transactions, 107, 451-459. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-31726.
Riley B.J., J.D. Vienna, M.J. Schweiger, D.K. Peeler, and I.A. Reamer. 1999. "Liquidus Temperature Of Rare Earth-Aluminoborosilicate Glasses For Treatment Of Americium And Curium." In Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIII. (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 608), 23, 677-682. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-32376.