Senior Environmental Justice Advisor
Senior Environmental Justice Advisor


Dave Anderson has over 30 years of experience in environmental and economic modeling and analysis. His research interests include economic and environmental impact analysis, modeling, grid modernization, and industrial energy efficiency.

He has authored or co-authored more than 75 publications, including journal articles, conference proceedings, technical reports, and federal regulatory documents. He currently chairs the American Nuclear Society’s Working Group 2.35, developing a new standard for estimating socioeconomic and environmental justice impacts from future nuclear facility siting.

Mr. Anderson originally joined PNNL in 1991 and rejoined PNNL in 2001 after four years in the banking industry.

Disciplines and Skills

  • Equity and Environmental Justice Assessments
  • National and Regional Economic Impact Modeling
  • NEPA-Related Analysis (Socioeconomics, Demographics, Land Use Planning, GIS)
  • Natural Resource Economics
  • Grid Modernization Metrics, Valuation, and Impacts
  • Industrial Sector Energy Analysis


  • B.S., Forest Resources, Oregon State University
  • M.S., Forest Economics, Oregon State University

Affiliations and Professional Service

American Nuclear Society, Standards Committee, Working Group 2.35 and 2.6



  • Rinker M.W., K.M. Airhart, D.M. Anderson, L. Garavelli, O.A. Garayburu Caruso, M.E. Grear, and T.M. Harris, et al. 2021. Kelp Energy Products and Marine Renewable Energy for Coastal Alaska Communities. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. doi:10.2172/1632880.Kelp Energy Products and Marine Renewable Energy for Coastal Alaska Communities. PNNL-31092
  • Anderson D.M., and J.W. Saulsbury, 2021. FERC Environmental Justice. Online presentation to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Public Participation. PNNL-SA-163117
  • Anderson D.M. 2021. Electricity Affordability as One Equity Metric. Online Presentation to Department of Energy, Office of Electricity, Washington. PNNL-SA-162963.
  • Anderson D.M. 2021. Environmental Justice and Nuclear Power. Online Webinar, Washington. PNNL-SA-159030.


  • Anderson D.M., K.A. Cort, S. Ganguli, and S.R. Bender. 2020. 2020 Review Panel Workshop on Energy Intensity Indicators: Summary Findings and Meeting Notes. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. 2020 Review Panel Workshop on Energy Intensity Indicators: Summary Findings and Meeting Notes. PNNL-29798
  • Anderson D.M. 2020. Need for Power – Addressing NRC and IPUC Information Needs for a Proposed Nuclear Power Facility at INL. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PNNL-30675


  • Anderson D.M., S. Ganguli, A.L. Cooke, and M.L. Moore. 2019. Grid Modernization: Metrics Analysis (GMLC1.1) - Affordability. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Grid Modernization: Metrics Analysis (GMLC1.1) - Affordability PNNL-28562.
  • Anderson D.M. 2019. GIS Documentation for 17 Nuclear Power Plant Sites. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. PNNL-29095


  • Weimar M.R., D.M. Anderson, B. Kravitz, R.T. Dahowski, S.A. Brown, J.M. Niemeyer, and A. Somani, et al. 2018. Methodology for Valuing Resilience to Severe Events for Department of Energy Sites. PNNL-27257. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Methodology for Valuing Resilience to Severe Events for Department of Energy Sites
  • Anderson, D.M., American Nuclear Society Standards Committee Working Group ANS-2.6. 2018. American National Standard Guidelines for Estimating Present & Projecting Future Population Distributions Surrounding Nuclear Facility Sites. La Grange Park, Illinois: American Nuclear Society.
  • Anderson D.M. 2018. Draft NEPA Stepwise Guidance – Environmental Justice. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. PNNL-28236
  • Anderson D.M. 2018. NMSS NEPA Guidance Primer - Environmental Justice. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. PNNL-28133
  • Anderson D.M. 2018. Electricity Affordability Metrics for the U.S. Clean Energy States Alliance Online Webinar, United States. PNNL-SA-135678



  • Anderson D.M., 2016. New Reactors Office Internal Process Documentation for NEPA Review Guidance – Land Use. Washington DC: Prepared for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. PNNL-25795
  • Anderson DM, 2016. New Reactors Office Internal Process Documentation for NEPA Review Guidance – Benefit Cost Balance. Washington DC: Prepared for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. PNNL-25589 
  • Anderson DM, 2016. New Reactors Office Internal Process Documentation for NEPA Review Guidance – Socioeconomics and Environmental Justice. Washington DC: Prepared for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. PNNL-25474





  • Anderson D.M., B.K. Boyd, J.E. Cabe, B.W. Russell, L.C. Schmidt. 2011. Electric System Impacts of Utility Large-Scale Investment in Building Energy Efficiency. Denver, CO: Presented at the 2011 ACEEE National Conference on Energy Efficiency. PNNL-SA-83024


  • Dirks J.A., D.M. Anderson, D.J. Hostick, D.B. Belzer, and K.A. Cort. 2008. Lost Opportunities in the Buildings Sector: Energy-Efficiency Analysis and Results. PNNL-17623. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Lost Opportunities in the Buildings Sector: Energy-Efficiency Analysis and Results
  • Scott M.J., J.M. Roop, R.W. Schultz, D.M. Anderson, and K.A. Cort. 2008. "The Impact of DOE Building Technology Energy Efficiency Programs on U.S. Employment, Income, and Investment." Energy Economics 30, no. 5:22832301. PNNL-SA-48831.
  • Anderson D.M., V.L. Bailey, K.A. Cort, R.J. Orth, and M.J. Scott, 2008. Biofuel Mandates and Mass Balance: Community-Level Socioeconomic and Land Use Impacts in the Pacific Northwest. Bethesda, MD: Presented by David Anderson (Invited Poster) at Joint Genomics: GTL Awardee Workshop VI and Metabolic Engineering 2008. PNNL-SA-59012. 


  • Anderson D.M., and J.M. Roop. 2007. "Book Review: The Technology-Energy-Environment-Health (TEEH) Chain in China: A Case Study of Cokemaking." Journal of Regional Science 47, no. 2:397398. PNNL-SA-51074. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9787.2007.00513_13.x



  • Brook M., M.C. Kintner-Meyer, M.R. Brambley, and D.M. Anderson. 2004. "Assessing the Impacts of Energy Saving Products and Technologies: The Importance of Revealing Underlying Assumptions." In 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 4-234-35. Washington, District of Columbia: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-41749.
  • Elliott D.B., D.M. Anderson, D.B. Belzer, K.A. Cort, J.A. Dirks, and D.J. Hostick. 2004. Baseline Inputs for BEAMS: Data used in preparing Methodological Framework for Analysis of Building-Related Programs: The GPRA Metrics Effort, June 2004. PNNL-14696. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Baseline Inputs for BEAMS: Data used in preparing Methodological Framework for Analysis of Building-Related Programs: The GPRA Metrics Effort, June 2004
  • Elliott D.B., D.M. Anderson, D.B. Belzer, K.A. Cort, J.A. Dirks, and D.J. Hostick. 2004. Methodological Framework for Analysis of Buildings-Related Programs: The GPRA Metrics Effort. PNNL-14697. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Methodological Framework for Analysis of Buildings-Related Programs: The GPRA Metrics Effort
  • Hostick D.J., D.M. Anderson, D.B. Belzer, K.A. Cort, J.P. Dion, J.A. Dirks, and S.C. McDonald. 2004. "Scenario-Based R&D Portfolio Analysis: Informing the Tough Decisions." In 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 4-1484-162. Washington, District of Columbia: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-41698.
  • Scott M.J., D.M. Anderson, D.B. Belzer, K.A. Cort, J.A. Dirks, D.B. Elliott, and D.J. Hostick. 2004. Impact of the FY 2005 Building Technologies Program on United States Employment and Earned Income. PNNL-14813. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Impact of the FY 2005 Building Technologies Program on United States Employment and Earned Income


  • Anderson D.M., and D.J. Hostick. 2003. Post Hoc Evaluation of Long-Term Goals for Energy Savings in the Buildings Sector: Lessons from Hindsight. PNNL-14262. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Post Hoc Evaluation of Long-Term Goals for Energy Savings in the Buildings Sector: Lessons from Hindsight
  • Anderson D.M., and J.M. Roop. 2003. The Role of Steel in the US Economy: Decomposing the 1982-1997 Forward and Backward Linkages of the Steel Industry. ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, 6-136-23. Rye, New York: ACEEE. PNNL-SA-38223.
  • Anderson D.M., and J.M. Roop. 2003. The Role of Steel in the US Economy: Decomposing the 19821997 Forward and Backward Linkages of the Steel Industry. Washington, District of Columbia: In Proceedings2003 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry : Sustainability and Industry : Increasing Energy Efficiency and Reducing Emissions, CD-ROM. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. PNNL-SA-39413.
  • Anderson D.M., D.B. Belzer, K.A. Cort, J.A. Dirks, D.B. Elliott, D.J. Hostick, and M.J. Scott. 2003. Methodological Framework for Analysis of GPRA Metrics: Application to FY04 Projects in BT and WIP. PNNL-14231. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Methodological Framework for Analysis of GPRA Metrics: Application to FY04 Projects in BT and WIP
  • Fathelrahman E.M., and D.M. Anderson. 2003. "Market Penetration of Competing New Technology: A Maximum Likelihood (MLE) Approach to Modeling the Emergence of the Electronic Ballasts." In 2003 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference Proceedings. Evaluation: Meeting Diverse Needs, August 2022, 2003, Seattle, WA. Madison, Wisconsin: IEPEC Committee. PNWD-SA-5914.
  • Hostick D.J., K.A. Cort, D.B. Belzer, J.A. Dirks, D.B. Elliott, D.M. Anderson, and J.P. Dion. 2003. Measurement and Baseline Issues Related to Evaluating a Diverse Portfolio of Federally-Supported Building Energy-Saving Programs. Madison, Wisconsin: IEPEC Committee, in 2003 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference Proceedings. Evaluation: Meeting Diverse Needs, August 20–22, 2003, Seattle, WA. PNNL-SA-38308.
  • Kintner-Meyer M.C., D.M. Anderson, and D.J. Hostick. 2003. Final Report for the Energy Efficient and Affordable Small Commercial and Residential Buildings Research Program Project 6.6 Development of the Assessment Framework. PNNL-14343. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Final Report for the Energy Efficient and Affordable Small Commercial and Residential Buildings Research Program Project 6.6 Development of the Assessment Framework


Other Publications

  • Anderson DM, Scott MJ, Bunn AL, Fowler RA, Prendergast EL, Miley TB and Eschbach TO, 2002.  "2001 Columbia River Recreation Survey -- Implications for Hanford Site Integrated Assessment." PNNL-13840, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Anderson, D. M., 1997, "Practicing Responsible Tourism: International Case Studies in Tourism Planning and Development,” a book review, Journal of Regional Science 37(2):373-374, 1997.
  • Anderson, D. M., T. L. Marsh, D.E. Deonigi, 1996, "Developing Food Production and Consumption Information for 131I Dose Estimation: The Hanford Experience,” Health Physics 71(4):578-587, October 1996.
  • Anderson, D. M., P. Godoy-Kain, A. Y. Gu, C. A. Ulibarri, 1996, "Socioeconomic Effects of Power Marketing Alternatives for the Central Valley and Washoe Projects: 2005 Regional Economic Impact Analysis Using IMPLAN," PNNL-11411, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, November 1996. 
  • Anderson, D. M., P. Godoy-Kain, A. Y. Gu, C. A. Ulibarri, 1996, Socioeconomic Effects of DRAFT Power Marketing Options for the Central Valley and Washoe Projects: 2005 Regional Economic Impact Analysis Using IMPLAN, PNNL-11135, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, April 1996. 
  • Anderson, D. M., 1995, Economic Impact of Selected Energy-Intensive Industries on the Economies of the United States, California, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, and Texas.  Invited presentation at the First Industrial Energy Efficiency Symposium and Exposition, Washington, DC, May 1-3, 1995; sponsored by the DOE Office of Industrial Technology.
  • Anderson, D. M., 1995, "Everyday Travel Through Cyberspace", Inventor-Assistance Program News, No. 39, February, 1995, pp. 5-10. A publication of the Department of Energy's States Inventors Initiative.
  • Anderson, D. M., T. L. Marsh, D.E. Deonigi, 1994, "Developing Food Production and Consumption Information for Use in Dose Estimation", PNWD-SA-3960 HEDR, Poster Session Presented at the Health Physics Society 39th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, June 26-30, 1994.
  • Anderson, D.M., and M. J. Scott, 1993, "Valuing the Salmon Resource: Columbia River Stocks Under Climate Change and Fisheries Enhancement", Proceedings of the 27th Annual Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference, pp. 83-88. Northwest Policy Center, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
  • Anderson, D.M., D.J. Bates, T.L. Marsh, 1993.  “Estimation of 1945 to 1957 Food Consumption," PNWD-2113-HEDR, Battelle Pacific Northwest Division, Richland, Washington.
  • Anderson, D.M., S.A. Shankle, M.J. Scott, D.A. Neitzel, and J.C. Chatters, 1993.  "Costs of Climate Change: Economic Value of the Yakima River Salmon", Contemporary Economic Policy, XI:4, October 1993, pp. 82-94. 
  • Anderson, D.M., S.A. Shankle, M.J. Scott, D.A. Neitzel, and J.C. Chatters, 1992.  "Costs of Climate Change: Economic Value of the Yakima River Salmon", PNL-SA-20998, Presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the Western Economics Association International, San Francisco, California, July 1992.
  • Anderson, D.M., 1992.  “Methodology for Reconstruction Historical Food Consumption Estimates," PNL-8123-HEDR, Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Anderson, David M., 1991.  “Current and future economic impact of Mount Hood National Forest outdoor recreation consumption.”  Thesis (M.S.) -- Oregon State University, 1992.  OSU Valley Library: LD4330 1992 .A53.
  • Bailey VL, DM Anderson, and RS Butner, 2009.  "Agricultural Considerations in Region Selection for Biofuel Economic Impact Modeling."  Presented by Vanessa L. Bailey (Invited Poster) at GTL Contractor-Grantee Workshop VII USDA-DOE Plant Feedstock Genomics for Bioenergy Awardees’ Workshop 2009, Bethesda, MD on February 9, 2009.  PNNL-SA-64678. 
  • Binn TM, and DM Anderson, 2010.  "Enzymatic Bioprocessing of Lignocellulosic Biomass: the Impact of Process Design Variation and Genetic Manipulation towards a Future of Affordable Biofuels."  PNNL-SA-74711, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. Submitted to the Journal of Undergraduate Research.
  • Bonneville Power Administration, 1995, “Yakima River Fisheries Project Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement." DOE/EIS-0169, (Socioeconomics preparer), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Brook M, M Kintner-Meyer, MR Brambley, and DM Anderson, 2004.  "Assessing the Impacts of Energy Saving Products and Technologies: The Importance of Revealing Underlying Assumptions."  Proceedings of the 2004 Summer Study, pp. p4-23 through 4-35.  ACEEE Proceedings, Washington, DC. 
  • Brooks, KP, LJ Snowden-Swan, SB Jones, MG Butcher, GSJ Lee, DM Anderson JG Frye, and JE Holladay, 2014.  Opportunities for the Development of Ethanol to Jet Fuel Components, PNWD-4410; Prepared by Battelle for LanzaTech and the Federal Aviation Administration.
  • Brooks KP, SP Pilli, DM Anderson, V Srivastava, and A Makhmalbaf.  2013.  "Economic and Engineering Assessment of Combined Heat and Power Fuel Cell Systems Installed in Commercial Buildings."  Presented by Kriston Brooks at 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA on November 4, 2013.  PNNL-SA-99226.  
  • Brooks KP, A Makhmalbaf, DM Anderson, JP Amaya, SP Pilli, V Srivastava, and JF Upton.  2013.  Business Case for a Micro-Combined Heat and Power Fuel Cell System in Commercial Applications.  PNNL-22831, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
  • Chatters, J.C., V. Butler, M.J. Scott, D.M. Anderson, D.A. Neitzel, 1995.  "A Paleoscience Approach to Estimating the Effects of Climatic Warming on the Salmonid Fisheries of the Columbia River Basin", Climate Change & Northern Fish Populations, Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 121, pp. 489-496, R.J. Beamish, editor, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Quebec.
  • Cooke AL, DM Anderson, DW Winiarski, ET Mayhorn, AR Fisher, and RT Carmichael, 2014.  “Analysis of Large- Capacity Water Heaters in Electric Thermal Storage Programs”, PNNL-23697.
  • Cort KA, DM Anderson, DB Belzer, JA Dirks, and DJ Hostick, 2006.  "Technical Appendix: BT FY07 GPRA Documentation."  Projected Benefits of Federal Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs: FY 2007 Budget Request.  DOE-EERE, Washington, DC.  PNNL-SA-48274
  • Cort KA, DM Anderson, DB Belzer, JA Dirks, and DJ Hostick, 2005.  "Technical Appendix: GPRA FY06 Building Technologies Program Documentation."   Projected Benefits of Federal Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs FY 2006 - FY 2050.  DOE-EERE, Washington, DC.
  • Cort KA, DM Anderson, DB Belzer, JA Dirks, and DJ Hostick.  2004.  "Technical Appendix: GPRA 05 Building Technologies Program Documentation."  External Report: EERE FY05 GPRA Documentation.  PNNL-SA-41706, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Deonigi, D.E., D.M. Anderson, G.L. Wilfert, 1994, “Commercial Milk Production and Marketing in the HEDR Region, 1944-1951," PNWD-2218-HEDR, Battelle Pacific Northwest Division, Richland, Washington.
  • Department of Energy, 2017.  “DRAFT-EA for PNNL Richland Campus Future Development,”  DOE/EA-2025, (Socioeconomics, Environmental Justice, Transportation, Land Use, Utilities preparer) for DOE-SC, Pacific Northwest Site Office.
  • Department of Energy, 2013.  “Environmental Assessment for Future Development on the South Federal Campus, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington,”  DOE/EIS-1958, (Transportation, Land Use, Cumulative Impacts, and Resource Commitments preparer) for DOE-SC, Pacific Northwest Site Office.
  • Department of Energy, 1997.  “Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Disposal Phase Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement," DOE/EIS-0026, (Socioeconomics preparer), Carlsbad Area Office, Department of Energy, Carlsbad, New Mexico, September 1997.
  • Department of Energy, 1995.  “Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility Final Environmental Impact Statement," DOE/EIS-0228, (Socioeconomics preparer), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, August 1995.
  • Department of Energy, 1995.  “Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from the Hanford K-Basins Draft Environmental Impact Statement," DOE/EIS-0245D, (Socioeconomics preparer), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, August, 1995.
  • Dirks JA, DM Anderson, DJ Hostick, DB Belzer, and KA Cort, 2008.  "Lost Opportunities in the Buildings Sector: Energy-Efficiency Analysis and Results." PNNL-17623, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Dirks JA, DJ Hostick, KA Cort, DM Anderson, SC McDonald, and JP Dion.  2004.  "Scenario-Based R&D Portfolio Analysis: Informing the Tough Decisions."  Presented at ACEEE 2004 Summer Study in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA on August 23, 2004.  PNNL-SA-40057, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Elliott DB, DM Anderson, DB Belzer, KA Cort, JA Dirks, and DJ  Hostick.  2004. "Methodological Framework for Analysis of Buildings-Related Programs: The GPRA Metrics Effort."  PNNL-14697, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
  • Elliott DB, DM Anderson, DB Belzer, KA Cort, JA Dirks, and DJ Hostick.  2004.  "Baseline Inputs for BEAMS: Data used in preparing Methodological Framework for Analysis of Building-Related Programs: The GPRA Metrics Effort," June 2004.  PNNL-14696, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
  • Eto J.H., A. Mills, K.H. Lacommare, D.M. Anderson, M. Kintner-Meyer, S. Ganguli, and A. Eberle, et al. 2019. Grid Modernization: Metrics Analysis (GMLC1.1) - Executive Summary. PNNL-28570. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Fathelrahman EM, DM Anderson, and Kintner-Meyer, 2003. "Market Penetration of Competing New Technology: A Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) Approach to Modeling the Emergence of the Electronic Ballast." Proceedings of the 2003 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference.  IEPEC, Seattle, WA. 
  • Ganguli S., D.M. Anderson, and M.L. Moore. 2019.  "Quantifying Electricity Affordability." Presented by S. Ganguli at Pacific Northwest Regional Economics Conference, Seaside, Oregon, 05/22/2019. PNNL-SA-143551.
  • Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium, 2017.  Grid Modernization: Metrics Analysis (GMLC1.1) Reference Document, Version 2.1.  PNNL-26541, (Affordability Lead).  Publication of the Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium.
  • Hostick DJ, and DM Anderson.  2006.  "Technical Appendix: WIP FY07 GPRA Documentation."  Projected Benefits of Federal Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs: FY 2007 Budget Request.  DOE-EERE, Washington, DC.  PNNL-SA-48269
  • Hostick DJ, DM Anderson, DB Belzer, KA Cort, DE Deonigi, JA Dirks, NL Moore, and L Vimmerstedt.  2005.  "Technical Appendix: WIP FY06 GPRA Documentation."  Projected Benefits of Federal Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs FY 2006 - FY 2050.  DOE-EERE, Washington, DC.
  • Hostick DJ, DM Anderson, DB Belzer, KA Cort, DE Deonigi, JA Dirks, NL Moore, and L Vimmerstedt.  2004.  "Technical Appendix: WIP FY05 GPRA Documentation."  External Report: EERE FY05 GPRA Documentation.  PNNL-SA-41707, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
  • Hostick DJ, KA Cort, DB Belzer, JA Dirks, DB Elliott, DM Anderson, and JP Dion. 2003. "Measurement and Baseline Issues Related to Evaluating a Diverse Portfolio of Federally-Supported Building Energy-Saving Programs." Proceedings of the 2003 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference. IEPEC, Seattle, WA.
  • Johnson KK, and DM Anderson.  2012.  "Methods in R to analyze electricity generation."  PNNL-SA-90230, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
  • Johnson, R. L., D. Hospodarsky, and D. M. Anderson, 1989, “Economic Impact of Projected Outdoor Recreation Consumption on the Mount Hood National Forest," report prepared for the Mount Hood National Forest. Department of Forest Resources, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
  • Judd KS, DM Anderson, DB Belzer, JA Dirks, and BE Ford.  2014.  Analysis of Federal Agency Facility Energy Reduction Potential and Goal-Setting Approaches in 2025.  PNNL-23063, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.  
  • Kavanaugh, D.C., D.M. Anderson, T.L. Marsh, A.D. Lee, S. Onisko, 1994, “Key Elements Affecting Manufactured Home Household Investments in Energy-Efficiency: An Empirical Analysis." DOE/BP-2335, Bonneville Power Administration, March 1994, Portland, Oregon.
  • Kavanaugh, D.C., and D.M. Anderson, 1993, "Regional Analysis of Alternative Energy Paths,” Working Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics, October 11, 1993, Seattle, Washington.
  • Kavanaugh, D.C., D.M. Anderson, P.J. Barton, K.F. Gygi, C.D. McGee, W.H. Monroe, L.J. Sandahl, G.A. Wright, AES Corp., 1993, “A Simulation Model for Resource and Rate Impacts in the Western Area Power Administration Service Areas," PNL-8721, Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Kavanaugh, D.C., D.M. Anderson, G.S. Sullivan, 1992, “Economic Analysis of the Camp Pendleton Lighting Retrofit Program," Report prepared for the Energy Systems Modernization Office, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Kavanaugh, D.C., R. Berrens, D.M. Anderson, K.R. Hughes, J.E. Englin, 1992, “Approaches and Plan for the Analysis of Recreation Participation and Valuation on Federal Hydroelectric Projects on the Columbia River System," Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power Administration, and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, by Battelle Portland, Portland, Oregon.
  • Kintner-Meyer M, Anderson DM and Hostick DJ, 2003.  "Final Report for the Energy Efficient and Affordable Small Commercial and Residential Buildings Research Program -- Project 6.6 - Development of the Assessment Framework".  PNNL-14343, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • La Riviere JS, DM Anderson, and VL Bailey.  2010.  "Land Use Impacts of Second-Generation Biofuel Mandates in the Pacific Northwest."  Presented by Jacob La Riviere (Invited Poster) at 2010 Genomic Science Contractor-Grantee and Knowledgebase Workshop, Arlington, VA on February 8, 2010.  PNNL-SA-70816.
  • Lester, M., and D.M. Anderson, 1995, “The Distribution of Minority and Low-Income Populations of the Western Sacramento Region (Western Area Power Administration)," BSRC-700/95/006, Battelle Seattle Research Center, Seattle, Washington.
  • Livingston, Olga V., Trenton C. Pulsipher, David M. Anderson, Alex Vlachokostas, Na Wang, 2018.  An analysis of utility meter data aggregation and tenant privacy to support energy use disclosure in commercial buildings, Energy, Volume 159, 2018, Pages 302-309, ISSN 0360-5442,
  • Livingston OV, DM Anderson, TC Pulsipher, N Wang.  2014. “Commercial Building Tenant Energy Usage Data Aggregation and Privacy”.  PNNL-23786, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
  • Livingston OV, DM Anderson, RS Butner, EL Jessup, H Khachatryan, J Sage, CO Stöckle, J. Wu, F. Ye.  2012.  “Employment, Income, Revenue and Land Use Impacts of Biofuel Mandates in Pacific Northwest Regions Incorporating Land Classes into Regional CGE.”  Presented by Olga Livingston at the Mid‐Continent Regional Science Association 43rd Annual Conference, Bloomington, MN., June 6-8, 2012.  PNNL-SA-88424.
  • Livingston OV, DM Anderson, EL Jessup, H Khachatryan, J Sage, CO Stöckle, J. Wu, F. Ye.  2011. “Impacts of Biofuel Mandates in Pacific Northwest Regions: Incorporating Land into a Regional CGE Model.” Presented by Olga Livingston at the 2011 Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference, Victoria, BC, May 12-13, 2011.  PNNL-SA-79957.
  • Livingston OV, DM Anderson, and RS Butner.  2010.  "CGE Approach to Estimating Employment, Income, and Revenue Impacts of Biofuel Mandates in Pacific Northwest Regions."  Presented by Olga Livingston (Invited Poster) at 2010 Genomic Science Contractor-Grantee and Knowledgebase Workshop, Arlington, VA on February 8, 2010.  PNNL-SA-70745. 
  • Mackley RD, DM Anderson, JN Thomle, and CE Strickland. 2015. Technical and Economic Assessment of Solar PV for Groundwater Extraction on the Hanford Site. PNNL-24741, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
  • Marsh, T.L., D.M. Anderson, W.T. Farris, T.A. Ikenberry, B.A. Napier, G.L. Wilfert, 1992, “Commercial Production and Distribution of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: A Scoping Study on the Importance of Produce Pathways to Dose," PNWD-2022-HEDR, Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2019.  Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Clinch River Nuclear Site: Final Report (NUREG-2226), Socioeconomics, Environmental Justice, and Land Use preparer, Office of New Reactors, Washington, DC.
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2020.  “Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Subsequent License Renewal for Surry Power Station Units 2 and 3 (NUREG-1437, Supplement 6, Second Renewal) Final Report, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Washington, DC.
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2020.  “Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Subsequent License Renewal for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 (NUREG-1437, Supplement 10, Second Renewal) Final Report, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Washington, DC.
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2019.  “Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Subsequent License Renewal for Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 3 and 4 (NUREG-1437, Supplement 5, Second Renewal) Final Report, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Washington, DC
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2018.  Preparation of Environmental Reports
  • for Nuclear Power Stations, Regulatory Guide 4.2 - Revision 3 (Socioeconomics, Environmental Justice).  Office of New Reactors, Washington, DC.
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2018.  Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants – Regarding River Bend Station, Unit 1 – Final Report (NUREG-1437, Supplement 58), Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Washington, DC
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  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2006.  “Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit Regarding the Grand Gulf Early Site Permit Site.”  NUREG-1817 (Land Use and Transmission Lines preparer), Final Report.  Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Washington, DC.
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