Division Director, Physical Detection Systems and Deployment
Division Director, Physical Detection Systems and Deployment


Bob is the Division Director for Physical Detection Systems and Deployment in the National Security Directorate at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The Division specializes in providing operational science and technology solutions through the integration of technology, policy, and field operations to deliver mission-critical solutions to complex global security challenges using a systems approach. 

Bob is a physicist by training and recently led an effort to change the nation’s approach to disrupting illicit nuclear trafficking. His scientific contributions to national security include development of algorithms for radiation detectors used for law enforcement and international border security. Bob has had the honor of publishing 78 peer-reviewed articles with colleagues, including four review articles in the field of radiation detection. One of his favorite sidebar activities is teaching a two-week summer school for graduate students titled “Radiation Detection for Nuclear Security.” Originally from upstate New York, Bob joined PNNL in 2003 after receiving a PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.