Earth Scientist
Biogeochemical Transformations
Earth Scientist
Biogeochemical Transformations


Dr. Alice Dohnalkova is an Earth scientist with the Biogeochemical Transformation team in PNNL’s Environmental Molecular Sciences Division and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) user program. ​​​​​

Research Interest

  • Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as a tool for investigation of cellular ultrastructure and processes in various environments 

  • Biogeochemistry: chemical imaging of microbial-mineral association and mineral transformation in soils by high resolution STEM, EDS, and SAED 

  • Cell biology: dynamic cellular processes studies using 3D reconstruction by TEM tomography, and cellular immune response by immunogold labeling 

  • CryoTEM: ultrastructural studies of vitrified and frozen-hydrated cellular material 


  • PhD in Environment and Natural Resources, Washington State University  

  • MS in Analytical Chemistry, University of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic

  • ERASMUS Scholarship, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie, Montpellier, France

Awards and Recognitions

Program chair, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2019



Kuang, W., W. D. Bennett, T. J. Roosendaal, B. W. Arey, A. Dohnalkova, G. Petrossian, and K. L. Simmons. 2021. “In Situ Friction and Wear Behavior of Rubber Materials Incorporating Various Fillers and/or a Plasticizer in High-Pressure Hydrogen.” Tribology International 153.


Boiteau, R. M., R. Kukkadapu, J. B. Cliff, C. R. Smallwood, L. Kovarik, M. G. Wirth, M. H. Engelhard, T. Varga, A. Dohnalkova, D. E. Perea, T. Wietsma, J. J. Moran, and K. S. Hofmockel. 2020. “Calcareous Organic Matter Coatings Sequester Siderophores in Alkaline Soils.” Science of the Total Environment 724.

Fujita, Y., M. Walton, G. Das, A. Dohnalkova, G. Vanzin, and A. Anderko. 2020. “Impacts of Anthropogenic Gadolinium on the Activity of the Ammonia Oxidizing Bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea.” Chemosphere 257.

Johnson, T. J., E. Diaz, K. D. Hughey, T. L. Myers, T. A. Blake, A. C. Dohnalkova, and S. D. Burton. 2020. “Infrared Optical Constants from Pressed Pellets of Powders: I. Improved n and k Values of (NH4)2SO4 from Single-Angle Reflectance.” Applied Spectroscopy 74 (8): 851-867.

Lemmer, K. C., F. Alberge, K. S. Myers, A. C. Dohnalkova, R. E. Schaub, J. D. Lenz, S. Imam, J. P. Dillard, D. R. Noguera, and T. J. Donohue. 2020. “The NtrYX Two-Component System Regulates the Bacterial Cell Envelope.” mBio 11 (3).

Mensch, A. C., E. S. Melby, E. D. Laudadio, I. U. Foreman-Ortiz, Y. Zhang, A. Dohnalkova, D. Hu, J. A. Pedersen, R. J. Hamers, and G. Orr. 2020. “Preferential Interactions of Primary Amine-Terminated Quantum Dots with Membrane Domain Boundaries and Lipid Rafts Revealed with Nanometer Resolution.” Environmental Science: Nano 7 (1): 149-161.


Brewer, A., A. Dohnalkova, V. Shutthanandan, L. Kovarik, E. Chang, A. M. Sawvel, H. E. Mason, D. Reed, C. Ye, W. F. Hynes, L. N. Lammers, D. M. Park, and Y. Jiao. 2019. “Microbe Encapsulation for Selective Rare-Earth Recovery from Electronic Waste Leachates.” Environmental Science and Technology 53 (23): 13888-13897.

Cui, Y., E. S. Melby, A. C. Mensch, E. D. Laudadio, M. N. Hang, A. Dohnalkova, D. Hu, R. J. Hamers, and G. Orr. 2019. “Quantitative Mapping of Oxidative Stress Response to Lithium Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles in Single Cells Using Multiplexed in Situ Gene Expression Analysis.” Nano Letters 19 (3): 1990-1997.

Dohnalkova, A., S. Bell, M. Smith, L. Kovarik, M. Bowden, and K. Hofmockel. 2019. “Mineral-Organic Interface on Clay Minerals: Imaging and Analytical Approaches.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (S2): 2438-2439.

Letourneau, M. K., M. J. Marshall, M. Grant, P. M. Freeze, D. G. Strawn, B. Lai, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. B. Harsh, D. M. Weller, and L. S. Thomashow. 2019. “Phenazine-1-Carboxylic Acid-Producing Bacteria Enhance the Reactivity of Iron Minerals in Dryland and Irrigated Wheat Rhizospheres.” Environmental Science and Technology 53 (24): 14273-14284.

Madigan, M. T., S. M. Resnick, M. L. Kempher, A. C. Dohnalkova, S. Takaichi, Z. Y. Wang-Otomo, A. Toyoda, K. Kurokawa, H. Mori, and Y. Tsukatani. 2019. “Blastochloris tepida, sp. nov., a Thermophilic Species of the Bacteriochlorophyll b-Containing Genus Blastochloris.” Archives of Microbiology 201 (10): 1351-1359.

Starke, R., N. Jehmlich, T. Alfaro, A. Dohnalkova, P. Capek, S. L. Bell, and K. S. Hofmockel. 2019. “Incomplete Cell Disruption of Resistant Microbes.” Scientific Reports 9 (1).

Tao, J., Y. Shin, R. Jayasinha, G. W. Buchko, S. D. Burton, A. C. Dohnalkova, Z. Wang, W. J. Shaw, and B. J. Tarasevich. 2019. “The Energetic Basis for Hydroxyapatite Mineralization by Amelogenin Variants Provides Insights into the Origin of amelogenesis imperfecta.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (28): 13867-13872.

Vasdekis, A. E., H. Alanazi, A. M. Silverman, C. J. Williams, A. J. Canul, J. B. Cliff, A. C. Dohnalkova, and G. Stephanopoulos. 2019. “Eliciting the Impacts of Cellular Noise on Metabolic Trade-Offs by Quantitative Mass Imaging.” Nature Communications 10 (1).


Arachchige, R. J., S. D. Burton, J. X. Lu, B. Ginovska, L. K. Harding, M. E. Taylor, J. Tao, A. Dohnalkova, B. J. Tarasevich, G. W. Buchko, and W. J. Shaw. 2018. “Solid-State NMR Identification of Intermolecular Interactions in Amelogenin Bound to Hydroxyapatite.” Biophysical Journal 115 (9): 1666-1672.

Cardon, Z. G., E. L. Peredo, A. C. Dohnalkova, H. L. Gershone, and M. Bezanilla. 2018. “A Model Suite of Green Algae within the Scenedesmaceae for Investigating Contrasting Desiccation Tolerance and Morphology.” Journal of Cell Science 131 (7).

Cole, J. K., B. R. Morton, H. C. Cardamone, H. R. R. Lake, A. C. Dohnalkova, Y. M. Kim, J. E. Kyle, Y. Maezato, K. L. Dana, T. O. Metz, M. F. Romine, W. C. Nelson, and S. R. Lindemann. 2018. “Salinivirga fredricksonii gen. nov., sp. nov., a Heterotrophic Halophile Isolated from a Photosynthetic Mat, a Member of a Novel Lineage (Salinarimonadaceae fam. nov.) within the Order Rhizobiales, and Reclassification of the Genus Salinarimonas Liu Et Al. 2010 into Salinarimonadaceae.” International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68 (5): 1591-1598.

Cole, J. K., B. R. Morton, H. C. Cardamone, H. R. R. Lake, A. C. Dohnalkova, Y.-M. Kim, J. E. Kyle, Y. Maezato, K. L. Dana, T. O. Metz, M. F. Romine, W. C. Nelson, and S. R. Lindemann. 2018. “Corrigendum: Salinivirga fredricksonii gen. nov., sp. nov., a Heterotrophic Halophile Isolated from a Photosynthetic Mat, a Member of a Novel Lineage (Salinarimonadaceae fam. nov.) within the Order Rhizobiales, and Reclassification of the Genus Salinarimonas Liu Et Al. 2010 into Salinarimonadaceae.” International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68 (6): 2116-2123.

Daly, P., S. C. López, M. Peng, C. S. Lancefield, S. O. Purvine, Y. M. Kim, E. M. Zink, A. Dohnalkova, V. R. Singan, A. Lipzen, D. Dilworth, M. Wang, V. Ng, E. Robinson, G. Orr, S. E. Baker, P. C. A. Bruijnincx, K. S. Hildén, I. V. Grigoriev, M. R. Mäkelä, and R. P. de Vries. 2018. “Dichomitus squalens Partially Tailors Its Molecular Responses to the Composition of Solid Wood.” Environmental Microbiology 20 (11): 4141-4156.

Hu, S., Y. Lu, L. Peng, P. Wang, M. Zhu, A. C. Dohnalkova, H. Chen, Z. Lin, Z. Dang, and Z. Shi. 2018. “Coupled Kinetics of Ferrihydrite Transformation and As(V) Sequestration under the Effect of Humic Acids: A Mechanistic and Quantitative Study.” Environmental Science and Technology 52 (20): 11632-11641.

LeTourneau, M. K., M. J. Marshall, J. B. Cliff, R. F. Bonsall, A. C. Dohnalkova, D. V. Mavrodi, S. I. Devi, O. V. Mavrodi, J. B. Harsh, D. M. Weller, and L. S. Thomashow. 2018. “Phenazine-1-Carboxylic Acid and Soil Moisture Influence Biofilm Development and Turnover of Rhizobacterial Biomass on Wheat Root Surfaces.” Environmental Microbiology 20 (6): 2178-2194.

Li, P., Q. Chen, T. C. Wang, N. A. Vermeulen, B. L. Mehdi, A. Dohnalkova, N. D. Browning, D. Shen, R. Anderson, D. A. Gómez-Gualdrón, F. M. Cetin, J. Jagiello, A. M. Asiri, J. F. Stoddart, and O. K. Farha. 2018. “Hierarchically Engineered Mesoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks toward Cell-Free Immobilized Enzyme Systems.” Chem 4 (5): 1022-1034.

Melby, E. S., Y. Cui, J. Borgatta, A. C. Mensch, M. N. Hang, W. B. Chrisler, A. Dohnalkova, J. M. Van Gilder, C. M. Alvarez, J. N. Smith, R. J. Hamers, and G. Orr. 2018. “Impact of Lithiated Cobalt Oxide and Phosphate Nanoparticles on Rainbow Trout Gill Epithelial Cells.” Nanotoxicology 12 (10): 1166-1181.


Buru, C. T., P. Li, B. L. Mehdi, A. Dohnalkova, A. E. Platero-Prats, N. D. Browning, K. W. Chapman, J. T. Hupp, and O. K. Farha. 2017. “Adsorption of a Catalytically Accessible Polyoxometalate in a Mesoporous Channel-Type Metal-Organic Framework.” Chemistry of Materials 29 (12): 5174-5181.

Dohnalkova, A., B. Arey, T. Varga, M. Miller, and L. Kovarik. 2017. “Imaging and Analytical Approaches for Characterization of Soil Mineral Weathering.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (S1): 2172-2173.

Dohnalkova, A. C., M. M. Tfaily, A. P. Smith, R. K. Chu, A. R. Crump, C. J. Brislawn, T. Varga, Z. Shi, L. S. Thomashow, J. B. Harsh, and C. K. Keller. 2017. “Molecular and Microscopic Insights into the Formation of Soil Organic Matter in a Red Pine Rhizosphere.” Soils 1 (1): 4.

Ha, P. T., S. R. Lindemann, L. Shi, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. K. Fredrickson, M. T. Madigan, and H. Beyenal. 2017. “Syntrophic Anaerobic Photosynthesis via Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer.” Nature Communications 8.

Hess, N. J., L. Paša-Tolić, V. L. Bailey, and A. C. Dohnalkova. 2017. “New Understanding of Rhizosphere Processes Enabled by Advances in Molecular and Spatially Resolved Techniques.” Rhizosphere 3: 209-211.

Kowalczyk, J. E., C. Khosravi, S. Purvine, A. Dohnalkova, W. B. Chrisler, G. Orr, E. Robinson, E. Zink, A. Wiebenga, M. Peng, E. Battaglia, S. Baker, and R. P. de Vries. 2017. “High Resolution Visualization and exo-proteomics Reveal the Physiological Role of XlnR and AraR in Plant Biomass Colonization and Degradation by Aspergillus niger.” Environmental Microbiology 19 (11): 4587-4598.

Lemmer, K. C., W. Zhang, S. J. Langer, A. C. Dohnalkova, D. Hu, R. A. Lemke, J. S. Piotrowski, G. Orr, D. R. Noguera, and T. J. Donohue. 2017. “Mutations That Alter the Bacterial Cell Envelope Increase Lipid Production.” mBio 8 (3).

Li, P., N. A. Vermeulen, C. D. Malliakas, D. A. Gómez-Gualdrón, A. J. Howarth, B. L. Mehdi, A. Dohnalkova, N. D. Browning, M. O'Keeffe, and O. K. Farha. 2017. “Bottom-up Construction of a Superstructure in a Porous Uranium-Organic Crystal.” Science 356 (6338): 624-627.

Madigan, M. T., M. L. Kempher, K. S. Bender, P. Sullivan, W. Matthew Sattley, A. C. Dohnalkova, and S. B. Joye. 2017. “Characterization of a Cold-Active Bacterium Isolated from the South Pole “Ice Tunnel”.” Extremophiles 21 (5): 891-901.

Platero-Prats, A. E., A. B. League, V. Bernales, J. Ye, L. C. Gallington, A. Vjunov, N. M. Schweitzer, Z. Li, J. Zheng, B. L. Mehdi, A. J. Stevens, A. Dohnalkova, M. Balasubramanian, O. K. Farha, J. T. Hupp, N. D. Browning, J. L. Fulton, D. M. Camaioni, J. A. Lercher, D. G. Truhlar, L. Gagliardi, C. J. Cramer, and K. W. Chapman. 2017. “Bridging Zirconia Nodes within a Metal-Organic Framework Via Catalytic Ni-Hydroxo Clusters to Form Heterobimetallic Nanowires.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (30): 10410-10418.

Romano, C. A., M. Zhou, Y. Song, V. H. Wysocki, A. C. Dohnalkova, L. Kovarik, L. Paša-Tolić, and B. M. Tebo. 2017. “Biogenic Manganese Oxide Nanoparticle Formation by a Multimeric Multicopper Oxidase Mnx.” Nature Communications 8 (1).

Tian, L., Z. Shi, Y. Lu, A. C. Dohnalkova, Z. Lin, and Z. Dang. 2017. “Kinetics of Cation and Oxyanion Adsorption and Desorption on Ferrihydrite: Roles of Ferrihydrite Binding Sites and a Unified Model.” Environmental Science and Technology 51 (18): 10605-10614.


Kali, A., I. Cokic, R. Tang, A. Dohnalkova, L. Kovarik, H. J. Yang, A. Kumar, F. S. Prato, J. C. Wood, D. Underhill, E. Marbán, and R. Dharmakumar. 2016. “Persistent Microvascular Obstruction after Myocardial Infarction Culminates in the Confluence of Ferric Iron Oxide Crystals, Proinflammatory Burden, and Adverse Remodeling.” Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging 9 (11).

Kaplan, D. I., R. Kukkadapu, J. C. Seaman, B. W. Arey, A. C. Dohnalkova, S. Buettner, D. Li, T. Varga, K. G. Scheckel, and P. R. Jaffé. 2016. “Iron Mineralogy and Uranium-Binding Environment in the Rhizosphere of a Wetland Soil.” Science of the Total Environment 569-570: 53-64.

Mitchell, H. D., L. M. Markillie, W. B. Chrisler, M. J. Gaffrey, D. Hu, C. J. Szymanski, Y. Xie, E. S. Melby, A. Dohnalkova, R. C. Taylor, E. K. Grate, S. K. Cooley, J. E. McDermott, A. Heredia-Langner, and G. Orr. 2016. “Cells Respond to Distinct Nanoparticle Properties with Multiple Strategies as Revealed by Single-Cell RNA-Seq.” ACS Nano 10 (11): 10173-10185.

Overton, K. W., D. M. Park, M. C. Yung, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. Smit, and Y. Jiao. 2016. “Two Outer Membrane Proteins Contribute to Caulobacter crescentus Cellular Fitness by Preventing Intracellular S-Layer Protein Accumulation.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82 (23): 6961-6972.

Şengör, S. S., G. Singh, A. Dohnalkova, N. Spycher, T. R. Ginn, B. M. Peyton, and R. K. Sani. 2016. “Impact of Different Environmental Conditions on the Aggregation of Biogenic U(IV) Nanoparticles Synthesized by Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20.” BioMetals 29 (6): 965-980.

Tanzil, A. H., S. T. Sultana, S. R. Saunders, A. C. Dohnalkova, L. Shi, E. Davenport, P. Ha, and H. Beyenal. 2016. “Production of Gold Nanoparticles by Electrode-Respiring Geobacter sulfurreducens Biofilms.” Enzyme and Microbial Technology 95: 69-75.


Burnet, M. C., A. C. Dohnalkova, A. P. Neumann, M. S. Lipton, R. D. Smith, G. Suen, and S. J. Callister. 2015. “Evaluating Models of Cellulose Degradation by Fibrobacter succinogenes S85.” PLoS ONE 10 (12).

Dodsworth, J. A., J. C. Ong, A. J. Williams, A. C. Dohnalkova, and B. P. Hedlund. 2015. “Thermocrinis jamiesonii sp. nov a Thiosulfate-Oxidizing, Autotropic Thermophile Isolated from a Geothermal Spring.” International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (12): 4769-4775.

Jay, Z. J., J. P. Beam, A. Dohnalkova, R. Lohmayer, B. Bodle, B. Planer-Friedrich, M. Romine, and W. P. Inskeep. 2015. “Pyrobaculum yellowstonensis Strain WP30 Respires on Elemental Sulfur and/or Arsenate in Circumneutral Sulfidic Geothermal Sediments of Yellowstone National Park.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (17): 5907-5916.

Lee, J. H., J. K. Fredrickson, A. E. Plymale, A. C. Dohnalkova, C. T. Resch, J. P. McKinley, and L. Shi. 2015. “An Autotrophic H2-Oxidizing, Nitrate-Respiring, Tc(VII)-Reducing Acidovorax sp. Isolated from a Subsurface Oxic-Anoxic Transition Zone.” Environmental Microbiology Reports 7 (3): 395-403.

Lemmer, K. C., A. C. Dohnalkov, D. R. Noguera, and T. J. Donohue. 2015. “Oxygen-Dependent Regulation of Bacterial Lipid Production.” Journal of Bacteriology 197 (9): 1649-1658.

Nune, S. K., P. K. Thallapally, B. P. McGrail, H. V. R. Annapureddy, L. X. Dang, D. Mei, N. Karri, K. J. Alvine, M. J. Olszta, B. W. Arey, and A. Dohnalkova. 2015. “Adsorption Kinetics in Nanoscale Porous Coordination Polymers.” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 7 (39): 21712-21716.

Pomraning, K. R., S. Wei, S. A. Karagiosis, Y. M. Kim, A. C. Dohnalkova, B. W. Arey, E. L. Bredeweg, G. Orr, T. O. Metz, and S. E. Baker. 2015. “Comprehensive Metabolomic, Lipidomic and Microscopic Profiling of Yarrowia lipolytica During Lipid Accumulation Identifies Targets for Increased Lipogenesis.” PLoS ONE 10 (4).


Cole, J. K., J. R. Hutchison, R. S. Renslow, Y. M. Kim, W. B. Chrisler, H. E. Engelmann, A. C. Dohnalkova, D. Hu, T. O. Metz, J. K. Fredrickson, and S. R. Lindemann. 2014. “Phototrophic Biofilm Assembly in Microbial-Mat-Derived Unicyanobacterial Consortia: Model Systems for the Study of Autotroph-Heterotroph Interactions.” Frontiers in Microbiology 5 (APR).

Dodsworth, J. A., J. Gevorkian, F. Despujos, J. K. Cole, S. K. Murugapiran, H. Ming, W. J. Li, G. Zhang, A. Dohnalkova, and B. P. Hedlund. 2014. “Thermoflexus hugenholtzii gen. nov., sp. nov., a Thermophilic, Microaerophilic, Filamentous Bacterium Representing a Novel Class in the Chloroflexi, Thermoflexia classis nov., and Description of Thermoflexaceae fam. nov. and Thermoflexales ord. nov.” International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64 (PART 6): 2119-2127.

Marshall, M. J., S. M. Belchik, A. E. Tucker, W. B. Chrisler, M. Thomas, R. S. Renslow, A. P. Kuprat, A. C. Dohnalkova, and C. J. Hirschmugl. 2014. “Chemical Imaging of Biofilms: The Integration of Synchrotron Imaging, Electron Microscopy and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Technologies.”  20 (3): 1178-1179.

Shi, Z., Z. Balogh-Brunstad, M. Grant, J. Harsh, R. Gill, L. Thomashow, A. Dohnalkova, D. Stacks, M. Letourneau, and C. K. Keller. 2014. “Cation Uptake and Allocation by Red Pine Seedlings under Cation-Nutrient Stress in a Column Growth Experiment.” Plant and Soil 378 (1-2): 83-98.

Wilkins, M. J., D. W. Hoyt, M. J. Marshall, P. A. Alderson, A. E. Plymale, L. M. Markilli, A. E. Tucker, E. D. Walter, B. E. Linggi, A. C. Dohnalkova, and R. C. Taylor. 2014. “CO2 Exposure at Pressure Impacts Metabolism and Stress Responses in the Model Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris Strain Hildenborough.” Frontiers in Microbiology 5 (SEP).


Cardiel, J. J., A. C. Dohnalkova, N. Dubash, Y. Zhao, P. Cheung, and A. Q. Shen. 2013. “Microstructure and Rheology of a Flow-Induced Structured Phase in Wormlike Micellar Solutions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (18): E1653-E1660.

Cardiel, J. J., L. Tonggu, A. C. Dohnalkova, P. De La Iglesia, D. C. Pozzo, L. Wang, and A. Q. Shen. 2013. “Worming Their Way into Shape: Toroidal Formations in Micellar Solutions.” ACS Nano 7 (11): 9704-9713.

Cole, J. K., B. A. Gieler, D. L. Heisler, M. M. Palisoc, A. J. Williams, A. C. Dohnalkova, H. Ming, T. T. Yu, J. A. Dodsworth, W. J. Li, and B. P. Hedlund. 2013. “Kallotenue papyrolyticum gen. nov., sp. nov., a Cellulolytic and Filamentous Thermophile That Represents a Novel Lineage (Kallotenuales ord. nov., Kallotenuaceae Fam. nov.) within the Class Chloroflexia.” International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63 (PART 12): 4675-4682.

Lindemann, S. R., J. J. Moran, J. C. Stegen, R. S. Renslow, J. R. Hutchison, J. K. Cole, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. Tremblay, K. Singh, S. A. Malfatti, F. Chen, S. G. Tringe, H. Beyenal, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2013. “The Epsomitic Phototrophic Microbial Mat of Hot Lake, Washington: Community Structural Responses to Seasonal Cycling.” Frontiers in Microbiology 4 (NOV).

Lu, N., T. Bevard, A. Massoudieh, C. Zhang, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. L. Zilles, and T. H. Nguyen. 2013. “Erratum: Flagella-Mediated Differences in Deposition Dynamics for Azotobacter vinelandii in Porous Media (Environmental Science and Technology (2013) 47:10 (5162-5170) doi:10.1021/Es3053398).” Environmental Science and Technology 47 (14): 8082.

Renslow, R. S., J. T. Babauta, A. C. Dohnalkova, M. I. Boyanov, K. M. Kemner, P. D. Majors, J. K. Fredrickson, and H. Beyenal. 2013. “Metabolic Spatial Variability in Electrode-Respiring Geobacter sulfurreducens Biofilms.” Energy and Environmental Science 6 (6): 1827-1836.

Straub, T. M., J. R. Hutchison, R. A. Bartholomew, C. O. Valdez, N. B. Valentine, A. Dohnalkova, R. M. Ozanich, and C. J. Bruckner-Lea. 2013. “Defining Cell Culture Conditions to Improve Human Norovirus Infectivity Assays.” Water Science and Technology 67 (4): 863-868.

White, G. F., Z. Shi, L. Shi, Z. Wang, A. C. Dohnalkova, M. J. Marshall, J. K. Fredrickson, J. M. Zachara, J. N. Butt, D. J. Richardson, and T. A. Clarke. 2013. “Rapid Electron Exchange between Surface-Exposed Bacterial Cytochromes and Fe(III) Minerals.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (16): 6346-6351.

Williams, K. H., M. J. Wilkins, A. L. N'Guessan, B. Arey, E. Dodova, A. Dohnalkova, D. Holmes, D. R. Lovley, and P. E. Long. 2013. “Field Evidence of Selenium Bioreduction in a Uranium-Contaminated Aquifer.” Environmental Microbiology Reports 5 (3): 444-452.

⸻. 2013. “Flagella-Mediated Differences in Deposition Dynamics for Azotobacter vinelandii in Porous Media.” Environmental Science and Technology 47 (10): 5162-5170.


Ahmed, B., B. Cao, J. S. McLean, T. Ica, A. Dohnalkova, O. Istanbullu, A. Paksoy, J. K. Fredrickson, and H. Beyenal. 2012. “Fe(III) Reduction and U(VI) Immobilization by Paenibacillus sp. Strain 300a, Isolated from Hanford 300A Subsurface Sediments.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78 (22): 8001-8009.

Dohnalkova, A., M. J. Marshall, A. L. D. Kilcoyne, E. A. Hill, C. Hirschmugl, and C. Szymanski. 2012. “Optimization of Biological Samples for Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy and Infrared Environmental Imaging.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 18 (S2): 858-859.

Lindemann, S. R., J. J. Moran, A. Dohnalkova, Y. M. Kim, D. W. Kennedy, S. M. Stolyar, P. D. Majors, H. S. Wiley, A. E. Konopka, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2012. “Microbial Diversity and Biogeochemical Function of the Phototrophic Microbial Mats of Epsomitic Hot Lake, WA.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 18 (S2): 10-11.

Marshall, M. J., B. Cao, S. M. Belchik, E. A. Hill, L. A. Kucek, M. Thomas, J. P. Carson, T. A. White, H. Beyenal, E. A. Miller, and A. C. Dohnalkova. 2012. “Correlative Microscopy and Chemical Imaging to Characterize the Structure and Biogeochemical Function of Biofilms.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 18: 844-845.

Renslow, R., P. Majors, J. Babauta, A. Dohnalkova, H. Mehta, and H. Beyenal. 2012. “Integration of Electrochemical Methods with Magnetic Resonance and Electron Microscopies for the Study of Geobacter sulfurreducens Biofilms.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 18: 14-15.

Šmíd, B., Z. Li, A. Dohnálková, B. W. Arey, R. S. Smith, V. Matolín, B. D. Kay, and Z. Dohnálek. 2012. “Characterization of Nanoporous WO3 Films Grown Via Ballistic Deposition.” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (19): 10649-10655.

White, G. F., Z. Shi, L. Shi, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. K. Fredrickson, J. M. Zachara, J. N. Butt, D. J. Richardson, and T. A. Clarke. 2012. “Development of a Proteoliposome Model to Probe Transmembrane Electron-Transfer Reactions.” Biochemical Society Transactions 40 (6): 1257-1260.


Belchik, S. M., D. W. Kennedy, A. C. Dohnalkova, Y. Wang, P. C. Sevinc, H. Wu, Y. Lin, H. P. Lu, J. K. Fredrickson, and L. Shi. 2011. “Extracellular Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium by Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77 (12): 4035-4041.

Dohnalkova, A. C., M. J. Marshall, B. W. Arey, K. H. Williams, E. C. Buck, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2011. “Imaging Hydrated Microbial Extracellular Polymers: Comparative Analysis by Electron Microscopy.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77 (4): 1254-1262.

Du, D., J. Wang, D. Lu, A. Dohnalkova, and Y. Lin. 2011. “Multiplexed Electrochemical Immunoassay of Phosphorylated Proteins Based on Enzyme-Functionalized Gold Nanorod Labels and Electric Field-Driven Acceleration.” Analytical Chemistry 83 (17): 6580-6585.

Lee, J. H., D. W. Kennedy, A. Dohnalkova, D. A. Moore, P. Nachimuthu, S. B. Reed, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2011. “Manganese Sulfide Formation Via Concomitant Microbial Manganese Oxide and Thiosulfate Reduction.” Environmental Microbiology 13 (12): 3275-3288.

Plymale, A. E., J. K. Fredrickson, J. M. Zachara, A. C. Dohnalkova, S. M. Heald, D. A. Moore, D. W. Kennedy, M. J. Marshall, C. Wang, C. T. Resch, and P. Nachimuthu. 2011. “Competitive Reduction of Pertechnetate (99TcO4-) by Dissimilatory Metal Reducing Bacteria and Biogenic Fe(II).” Environmental Science and Technology 45 (3): 951-957.

Ray, A. E., J. R. Bargar, V. Sivaswamy, A. C. Dohnalkova, Y. Fujita, B. M. Peyton, and T. S. Magnuson. 2011. “Evidence for Multiple Modes of Uranium Immobilization by an Anaerobic Bacterium.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (10): 2684-2695.

Santelli, C. M., S. M. Webb, A. C. Dohnalkova, and C. M. Hansel. 2011. “Diversity of Mn Oxides Produced by Mn(II)-Oxidizing Fungi.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (10): 2762-2776.

Shi, L., S. M. Belchik, A. E. Plymale, S. Heald, A. C. Dohnalkova, K. Sybirna, H. Bottin, T. C. Squier, J. M. Zachara, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2011. “Purification and Characterization of the [NiFe]-Hydrogenase of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77 (16): 5584-5590.

Shi, L., S. M. Belchik, Z. Wang, D. W. Kennedy, A. C. Dohnalkova, M. J. Marshall, J. M. Zachara, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2011. “Identification and Characterization of UndAHRCR-6, an Outer Membrane Endecaheme c-Type Cytochrome of Shewanella sp. Strain HRCR-6.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77 (15): 5521-5523.

Sivaswamy, V., M. I. Boyanov, B. M. Peyton, S. Viamajala, R. Gerlach, W. A. Apel, R. K. Sani, A. Dohnalkova, K. M. Kemner, and T. Borch. 2011. “Multiple Mechanisms of Uranium Immobilization by Cellulomonas sp. Strain ES6.” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 108 (2): 264-276.

Straub, T. M., R. A. Bartholomew, C. O. Valdez, N. B. Valentine, A. Dohnalkova, R. M. Ozanich, C. J. Bruckner-Lea, and D. R. Call. 2011. “Human Norovirus Infection of Caco-2 Cells Grown as a Three-Dimensional Tissue Structure.” Journal of Water and Health 9 (2): 225-240.


Nune, S. K., P. K. Thallapally, A. Dohnalkova, C. Wang, J. Liu, and G. J. Exarhos. 2010. “Synthesis and Properties of Nano Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks.” Chemical Communications 46 (27): 4878-4880.

Peretyazhko, T. S., J. M. Zachara, D. W. Kennedy, J. K. Fredrickson, B. W. Arey, J. P. McKinley, C. M. Wang, A. C. Dohnalkova, and Y. Xia. 2010. “Ferrous Phosphate Surface Precipitates Resulting from the Reduction of Intragrain 6-Line Ferrihydrite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (13): 3751-3767.

Reardon, C. L., A. C. Dohnalkova, P. Nachimuthu, D. W. Kennedy, D. A. Saffarini, B. W. Arey, L. Shi, Z. Wang, D. Moore, J. S. McLean, D. Moyles, M. J. Marshall, J. M. Zachara, J. K. Fredrickson, and A. S. Beliaev. 2010. “Role of Outer-Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA in the Biomineralization of Ferrihydrite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1.” Geobiology 8 (1): 56-68.

Sani, R. K., G. Rastogi, J. G. Moberly, A. Dohnalkova, T. R. Ginn, N. Spycher, R. V. Shende, and B. M. Peyton. 2010. “The Toxicity of Lead to Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20 in the Presence of Goethite and Quartz.” Journal of Basic Microbiology 50 (2): 160-170.

Shin, Y., A. Dohnalkova, and Y. Lin. 2010. “Preparation of Homogeneous Gold-Silver Alloy Nanoparticles Using the Apoferritin Cavity as a Nanoreactor.” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (13): 5985-5989.


Dohnalkova, A. C., B. W. Arey, K. H. Williams, and M. J. Marshall. 2009. “Strategies for Visualization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances, (ExPS) in Biofilms by Electron Microscopy.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 15 (SUPPL. 2): 66-67.

Gorby, Y. A., S. Yanina, J. S. McLean, K. M. Rosso, D. Moyles, A. Dohnalkova, T. J. Beveridge, S. C. In, H. K. Byung, S. K. Kyung, D. E. Culley, S. B. Reed, M. F. Romine, D. A. Saffarini, E. A. Hill, L. Shi, D. A. Elias, D. W. Kennedy, G. Pinchuk, K. Watanabe, S. Ishii, B. Logan, K. H. Nealson, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2009. “Correction for Gorby et al., Electrically Conductive Bacterial Nanowires Produced by Shewanella oneidensis Strain MR-1 and Other Microorganisms (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2006) 103, 30, (11358-11363) Doi 10.1073/pnas.0604517103).” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (23): 9535.

Jarisch, W. R., and A. C. Dohnalkova. 2009. “High Efficiency CT (HECT™) for Automated Alignment and Contrast Calibration of Projections in Quantitative TEM Tomography.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 15 (SUPPL. 2): 194-195.

Kimball, B. E., R. Mathur, A. C. Dohnalkova, A. J. Wall, R. L. Runkel, and S. L. Brantley. 2009. “Copper Isotope Fractionation in Acid Mine Drainage.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (5): 1247-1263.

Marshall, M. J., A. C. Dohnalkova, D. W. Kennedy, A. E. Plymale, S. H. Thomas, F. E. Löffler, R. A. Sanford, J. M. Zachara, J. K. Fredrickson, and A. S. Beliaev. 2009. “Electron Donor-Dependent Radionuclide Reduction and Nanoparticle Formation by Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans Strain 2CP-C.” Environmental Microbiology 11 (2): 534-543.

Templeton, A. S., E. J. Knowles, D. L. Eldridge, B. W. Arey, A. C. Dohnalkova, S. M. Webb, B. E. Bailey, B. M. Tebo, and H. Staudigel. 2009. “A Seafloor Microbial Biome Hosted within Incipient Ferromanganese Crusts.” Nature Geoscience 2 (12): 872-876.


Burgos, W. D., J. T. McDonough, J. M. Senko, G. Zhang, A. C. Dohnalkova, S. D. Kelly, Y. Gorby, and K. M. Kemner. 2008. “Characterization of Uraninite Nanoparticles Produced by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (20): 4901-4915.

Marshall, M. J., A. E. Plymale, D. W. Kennedy, L. Shi, Z. Wang, S. B. Reed, A. C. Dohnalkova, C. J. Simonson, C. Liu, D. A. Saffarini, M. F. Romine, J. M. Zachara, A. S. Beliaev, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2008. “Hydrogenase- and Outer Membrane C-Type Cytochrome-Facilitated Reduction of Technetium(VII) by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1.” Environmental Microbiology 10 (1): 125-136.

Puzon, G. J., Y. Huang, A. Dohnalkova, and L. Xun. 2008. “Isolation and Characterization of an NAD+-Degrading Bacterium PTX1 and Its Role in Chromium Biogeochemical Cycle.” Biodegradation 19 (3): 417-424.

Shi, L., S. Deng, M. J. Marshall, Z. Wang, D. W. Kennedy, A. C. Dohnalkova, H. M. Mottaz, E. A. Hill, Y. A. Gorby, A. S. Beliaev, D. J. Richardson, J. M. Zachara, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2008. “Direct Involvement of Type II Secretion System in Extracellular Translocation of Shewanella oneidensis Outer Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA.” Journal of Bacteriology 190 (15): 5512-5516.

⸻. 2008. “Comparison of Uranium(VI) Removal by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in Flow and Batch Reactors.” Water Research 42 (12): 2993-3002.


Flaherty, D. W., Z. Dohnálek, A. Dohnálková, B. W. Arey, D. E. McCready, N. Ponnusamy, C. B. Mullins, and B. D. Kay. 2007. “Reactive Ballistic Deposition of Porous TiO2 Films: Growth and Characterization.” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (12): 4765-4773.

Ledbetter, R. N., S. A. Connon, A. L. Neal, A. Dohnalkova, and T. S. Magnuson. 2007. “Biogenic Mineral Production by a Novel Arsenic-Metabolizing Thermophilic Bacterium from the Alvord Basin, Oregon.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73 (18): 5928-5936.

Lee, J. H., M. G. Kim, B. Yoo, N. V. Myung, J. Maeng, T. Lee, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. K. Fredrickson, M. J. Sadowsky, and H. G. Hur. 2007. “Biogenic Formation of Photoactive Arsenic-Sulfide Nanotubes by Shewanella sp. Strain HN-41.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (51): 20410-20415.

Liu, G., H. Wu, A. Dohnalkova, and Y. Lin. 2007. “Apoferritin-Templated Synthesis of Encoded Metallic Phosphate Nanoparticle Tags.” Analytical Chemistry 79 (15): 5614-5619.

Moon, I. K., J. Kim, J. Lee, H. Jia, B. N. Hyon, K. Y. Jong, H. K. Ja, A. Dohnalkova, J. W. Grate, P. Wang, T. Hyeon, G. P. Hyun, and N. C. Ho. 2007. “Crosslinked Enzyme Aggregates in Hierarchically-Ordered Mesoporous Silica: A Simple and Effective Method for Enzyme Stabilization.” Biotechnology and Bioengineering 96 (2): 210-218.

Orr, G., D. J. Panther, J. L. Phillips, B. J. Tarasevich, A. Dohnalkova, D. Hu, J. G. Teeguarden, and J. G. Pounds. 2007. “Submicrometer and Nanoscale Inorganic Particles Exploit the Actin Machinery to Be Propelled Along Microvilli-Like Structures into Alveolar Cells.” ACS Nano 1 (5): 463-475.

Qafoku, N. P., O. Qafoku, C. C. Ainsworth, A. Dohnalkova, and S. G. McKinley. 2007. “Fe-Solid Phase Transformations under Highly Basic Conditions.” Applied Geochemistry 22 (9): 2054-2064.

Senko, J. M., S. D. Kelly, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. T. McDonough, K. M. Kemner, and W. D. Burgos. 2007. “The Effect of U(VI) Bioreduction Kinetics on Subsequent Reoxidation of Biogenic U(IV).” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (19): 4644-4654.

Straub, T. M., K. H. Zu Bentrup, P. Orosz-Coghlan, A. Dohnalkova, B. K. Mayer, R. A. Bartholomew, C. O. Valdez, C. J. Bruckner-Lea, C. P. Gerba, M. Abbaszadegan, and C. A. Nickerson. 2007. “In Vitro Cell Culture Infectivity Assay for Human Noroviruses.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 13 (3): 396-403.

Straub, T. M., K. H. Zu Bentrup, P. Orosz-Coghlan, A. Dohnalkova, B. K. Mayer, R. A. Bartholomew, C. O. Valdez, C. J. Bruckner-Lea, C. P. Gerba, M. A. Abbaszadegan, and C. A. Nickerson. 2007. “In Response [2].” Emerging Infectious Diseases 13 (7): 1117-1118. [Response to a Letter] 

Zachara, J. M., S. M. Heald, B. H. Jeon, R. K. Kukkadapu, C. Liu, J. P. McKinley, A. C. Dohnalkova, and D. A. Moore. 2007. “Reduction of Pertechnetate [Tc(VII)] by Aqueous Fe(II) and the Nature of Solid Phase Redox Products.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (9): 2137-2157.

⸻. 2007. “Uranium Immobilization by Sulfate-Reducing Biofilms Grown on Hematite, Dolomite, and Calcite.” Environmental Science and Technology 41 (24): 8349-8354.

Arey, B. W., A. Laskin, and A. Dohnalkova. 2006. “Imaging of Bacterial External Polymeric Substances by Methods of SEM.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 12 (SUPPL. 2): 1504-1505.

Gorby, Y. A., S. Yanina, J. S. McLean, K. M. Rosso, D. Moyles, A. Dohnalkova, T. J. Beveridge, I. S. Chang, B. H. Kim, K. S. Kim, D. E. Culley, S. B. Reed, M. F. Romine, D. A. Saffarini, E. A. Hill, L. Shi, D. A. Elias, D. W. Kennedy, G. Pinchuk, K. Watanabe, S. Ishii, B. Logan, K. H. Nealson, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2006. “Electrically Conductive Bacterial Nanowires Produced by Shewanella oneidensis Strain MR-1 and Other Microorganisms.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (30): 11358-11363.

Kim, J., H. Jia, C. w. Lee, S. w. Chung, J. H. Kwak, Y. Shin, A. Dohnalkova, B. G. Kim, P. Wang, and J. W. Grate. 2006. “Single Enzyme Nanoparticles in Nanoporous Silica: A Hierarchical Approach to Enzyme Stabilization and Immobilization.” Enzyme and Microbial Technology 39 (3): 474-480.

Liu, C., B. H. Jeon, J. M. Zachara, Z. Wang, A. Dohnalkova, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2006. “Kinetics of Microbial Reduction of Solid Phase U(VI).” Environmental Science and Technology 40 (20): 6290-6296.

Marshall, M. J., A. S. Beliaev, A. C. Dohnalkova, D. W. Kennedy, L. Shi, Z. Wang, M. I. Boyanov, B. Lai, K. M. Kemner, J. S. McLean, S. B. Reed, D. E. Culley, V. L. Bailey, C. J. Simonson, D. A. Saffarini, M. F. Romine, J. M. Zachara, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2006. “C-Type Cytochrome-Dependent Formation of U(IV) Nanoparticles by Shewanella oneidensis.” PLoS Biology 4 (8): 1324-1333.

Roh, Y., H. Gao, H. Vali, D. W. Kennedy, Z. K. Yang, W. Gao, A. C. Dohnalkova, R. D. Stapleton, J. W. Moon, T. J. Phelps, J. K. Fredrickson, and J. Zhou. 2006. “Metal Reduction and Iron Biomineralization by a Psychrotolerant Fe(III)-Reducing Bacterium, Shewanella sp. Strain PV-4.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 (5): 3236-3244.

Sani, R. K., B. M. Peyton, and A. Dohnalkova. 2006. “Toxic Effects of Uranium on Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20.” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25 (5): 1231-1238.

Shi, L., J. N. Adkins, J. R. Coleman, A. A. Schepmoes, A. Dohnkova, H. M. Mottaz, A. D. Norbeck, S. O. Purvine, N. P. Manes, H. S. Smallwood, H. Wang, J. Forbes, P. Gros, S. Uzzau, K. D. Rodland, F. Heffron, R. D. Smith, and T. C. Squier. 2006. “Proteomic Analysis of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Isolated from RAW 264.7 Macrophages: Identification of a Novel Protein That Contributes to the Replication of Serovar Typhimurium inside Macrophages.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (39): 29131-29140.

Kim, J., J. Lee, H. B. Na, B. C. Kim, J. K. Youn, J. H. Kwak, K. Moon, E. Lee, J. Kim, J. Park, A. Dohnalkova, H. G. Park, M. B. Gu, H. N. Chang, J. W. Grate, and T. Hyeon. 2005. “A Magnetically Separable, Highly Stable Enzyme System Based on Nanocomposites of Enzymes and Magnetic Nanoparticles Shipped in Hierarchically Ordered, Mesocellular, Mesoporous Silica.” Small 1 (12): 1203-1207.

Kukkadapu, R. K., J. M. Zachara, J. K. Fredrickson, D. W. Kennedy, A. C. Dohnalkova, and D. E. McCready. 2005. “Ferrous Hydroxy Carbonate Is a Stable Transformation Product of Biogenic Magnetite.” American Mineralogist 90 (2-3): 510-515.

Lee, D., J. Lee, J. Kim, J. Kim, H. B. Na, B. Kim, C. H. Shin, J. H. Kwak, A. Dohnalkova, J. W. Grate, T. Hyeon, and H. S. Kim. 2005. “Simple Fabrication of a Highly Sensitive and Fast Glucose Biosensor Using Enzymes Immobilized in Mesocellular Carbon Foam.” Advanced Materials 17 (23): 2828-2833.

Lee, J., J. Kim, J. Kim, H. Jia, M. I. Kim, J. H. Kwak, S. Jin, A. Dohnalkova, H. C. Park, H. N. Chang, P. Wang, J. W. Grate, and T. Hyeon. 2005. “Simple Synthesis of Hierarchically Ordered Mesocellular Mesoporous Silica Materials Hosting Crosslinked Enzyme Aggregates.” Small 1 (7): 744-753.

Marsili, E., H. Beyenal, L. Di Palma, C. Merli, A. Dohnalkova, J. E. Amonette, and Z. Lewandowski. 2005. “Uranium Removal by Sulfate Reducing Biofilms in the Presence of Carbonates.” Water Science and Technology 52 (7): 49-55.

Sani, R. K., B. M. Peyton, A. Dohnalkova, and J. E. Amonette. 2005. “Reoxidation of Reduced Uranium with Iron(III) (Hydr)Oxides under Sulfate-Reducing Conditions.” Environmental Science and Technology 39 (7): 2059-2066.

Williams, K. H., D. Ntarlagiannis, L. D. Slater, A. Dohnalkova, S. S. Hubbard, and J. F. Banfield. 2005. “Geophysical Imaging of Stimulated Microbial Biomineralization.” Environmental Science and Technology 39 (19): 7592-7600.

Beyenal, H., R. K. Sani, B. M. Peyton, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. E. Amonette, and Z. Lewandowski. 2004. “Uranium Immobilization by Sulfate-Reducing Biofilms.” Environmental Science and Technology 38 (7): 2067-2074.

McKinley, J. P., J. M. Zachara, S. M. Heald, A. Dohnalkova, M. G. Newville, and S. R. Sutton. 2004. “Microscale Distribution of Cesium Sorbed to Biotite and Muscovite.” Environmental Science and Technology 38 (4): 1017-1023.

Zachara, J. M., R. K. Kukkadapu, P. L. Gassman, A. Dohnalkova, J. K. Fredrickson, and T. Anderson. 2004. “Biogeochemical Transformation of Fe Minerals in a Petroleum-Contaminated Aquifer.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (8): 1791-1805.

Hansel, C. M., S. G. Benner, J. Neiss, A. Dohnalkova, R. K. Kukkadapu, and S. Fendorf. 2003. “Secondary Mineralization Pathways Induced by Dissimilatory Iron Reduction of Ferrihydrite under Advective Flow.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (16): 2977-2992.

Kukkadapu, R. K., J. M. Zachara, J. K. Fredrickson, S. C. Smith, A. C. Dohnalkova, and C. K. Russell. 2003. “Transformation of 2-Line Ferrihydrite to 6-Line Ferrihydrite under Oxic and Anoxic Conditions.” American Mineralogist 88 (11-12 PART 2): 1903-1914.

Templeton, A. S., T. P. Trainor, A. M. Spormann, M. Newville, S. R. Sutton, A. Dohnalkova, Y. Gorby, and G. E. Brown Jr. 2003. “Sorption Versus Biomineralization of Pb(II) within Burkholderia Cepacia Biofilms.” Environmental Science and Technology 37 (2): 300-307.

Chin, Y. H., R. Dagle, J. Hu, A. C. Dohnalkova, and Y. Wang. 2002. “Steam Reforming of Methanol over Highly Active Pd/ZnO Catalyst.” Catalysis Today 77 (1-2): 79-88.

Dohnálek, Z., G. A. Kimmel, D. E. McCready, J. S. Young, A. Dohnálková, R. S. Smith, and B. D. Kay. 2002. “Structural and Chemical Characterization of Aligned Crystalline Nanoporous MgO Films Grown Via Reactive Ballistic Deposition.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106 (14): 3526-3529.

Fredrickson, J. K., J. M. Zachara, D. W. Kennedy, C. Liu, M. C. Duff, D. B. Hunter, and A. Dohnalkova. 2002. “Influence of Mn Oxides on the Reduction of Uranium(VI) by the Metal-Reducing Bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (18): 3247-3262.

Liu, C., J. M. Zachara, J. K. Fredrickson, D. W. Kennedy, and A. Dohnalkova. 2002. “Modeling the Inhibition of the Bacterial Reduction of U(VI) by β-MnO2(S).” Environmental Science and Technology 36 (7): 1452-1459.

Zhang, H. F., A. C. Dohnalkova, C. M. Wang, J. S. Young, E. C. Buck, and L. S. Wang. 2002. “Lithium-Assisted Self-Assembly of Aluminum Carbide Nanowires and Nanoribbons.” Nano Letters 2 (2): 105-108.

Neal, A. L., S. Techkarnjanaruk, A. Dohnalkova, D. McCready, B. M. Peyton, and G. G. Geesey. 2001. “Iron Sulfides and Sulfur Species Produced at Hematite Surfaces in the Presence of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65 (2): 223-235.

Takai, K., D. P. Moser, T. C. Onstott, N. Spoelstra, S. M. Pfiffner, A. Dohnalkova, and J. K. Fredrickson. 2001. “Alkaliphilus transvaalensis gen. nov., sp. nov., an Extremely Alkaliphilic Bacterium Isolated from a Deep South African Gold Mine.” International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51 (4): 1245-1256.