September 5, 2017

PNNL Represented on Newly Formed Illuminating Engineering Society Committees

Tuenge and Kinzey to share expertise, develop energy-saving lighting recommendations

Jason Tuenge (left) and Bruce Kinzey.

Advances in solid-state lighting and associated controls have the potential to reduce lighting energy usage in the United States by about 75 percent. Key to achieving that potential are Jason Tuengeand Bruce Kinzey, two senior research engineers at PNNL who recently began serving terms on Illuminating Engineering Society(Offsite link)(IES) standards committees. Tuenge is serving a three-year term as chair of the IES Standards Committee’s Lighting Practice Advisory Panel. Kinzey is serving as chair of IES's Sky Glow Calculations Committee (SGCC).

Tuenge—Lighting Practice Advisory Panel Chair

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-accredited IES must follow ANSI's Essential Requirements for arriving at consensus-based standards. The Standards Committee is responsible for overseeing the process by which IES Standards are developed. It consists of six at-large members plus three Advisory Panel Chairs, accompanied by two liaisons to the IES Board of Directors. As a panel chair, Tuenge will be overseeing the following technical committees: Electrical Engineering for Lighting Systems, Light Sources, Light Control & Luminaire Design, Control Protocols, Economics, Energy Efficiency Lighting Programs, Energy Management, Commissioning, Maintenance, Sustainability, Resilience, and International Standards.

Kinzey—Sky Glow Calculations Committee Chair

The SGCC, chaired by Kinzey, comprises about a dozen lighting researchers, modelers, and astronomers. Collectively, they represent a wide range of backgrounds and interests related to the presence of human-sourced light in the night sky. The SGCC is developing recommendations for estimating and measuring the contribution of exterior lighting sources to increases in night sky brightness, or sky glow.


The U.S. Department of Energy and PNNL are interested in sky glow because PNNL research has shown that energy-efficient light-emitting diode (LED)-based street lighting systems save substantial amounts of energy and also significantly reduce contributions to sky glow in most typical conversion scenarios. The committee is tasked with producing recommended calculation methodologies for estimating sky glow impacts, and associated tools for use by the general lighting community.

For more information on IES, visit their Technical Committee(Offsite link) and Standards Committee(Offsite link) webpages.

Key Capabilities


About PNNL

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory draws on its distinguishing strengths in chemistry, Earth sciences, biology and data science to advance scientific knowledge and address challenges in sustainable energy and national security. Founded in 1965, PNNL is operated by Battelle for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, which is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. DOE’s Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit For more information on PNNL, visit PNNL's News Center. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Published: September 5, 2017