August 18, 2016
News Release

PNNL helping make hydropower cheaper, more fish-friendly

Enabling fish to migrate past dams could cost a fraction of conventional fish ladders with the help of a new study of the so-called Salmon Cannon, which transports fish through a flexible tube that works by creating a small difference in pressure across fish. The pressure difference helps gently move fish through the tube.

The Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will evaluate Seattle-based Whooshh Innovations' technology, officially known as the Whooshh Fish Transport System, with a $300,000 grant from DOE's Small Business Vouchers Pilot. The company will provide PNNL an additional $60,000 in in-kind support for the study.

PNNL fisheries biologist Alison Colotelo and her colleagues will compare the performance of the Whooshh system and fish ladders to move Pacific Coast salmon around barriers in the Columbia River. The results could help the technology obtain federal approval to transport Endangered Species Act-listed Pacific salmon around dams.

This is the fourth project PNNL has been awarded under Small Business Vouchers, which enables small clean energy firms receive technology assistance from DOE's national laboratory system. PNNL is among five national labs leading the pilot and is specifically supporting small businesses in three areas: bioenergy, water power and buildings.

See today's DOE announcement for more information on the Small Business Vouchers program. The full list of all 43 of the winning projects announced today is available on the Small Business Vouchers Pilot website.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will build on earlier research to evaluate the performance of Whooshh Innovation's so-called Salmon Cannon, which transports fish through a flexible, pressurized tube.


About PNNL

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory draws on its distinguishing strengths in chemistry, Earth sciences, biology and data science to advance scientific knowledge and address challenges in energy resiliency and national security. Founded in 1965, PNNL is operated by Battelle and supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit the DOE Office of Science website. For more information on PNNL, visit PNNL's News Center. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Published: August 18, 2016