Joint Global Change
Research Institute
Joint Global Change
Research Institute
JGCRI Models, Tools, and Data
This page provides a list of links to JGCRI models, tools, and archived datasets. For more general information on JGCRI research please see the JGCRI Research and About JGCRI pages.
- Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM) – JGCRI flagship global integrated model
- Global Change Analysis Model -USA (GCAM-USA) – GCAM with USA state-level breakout
- Hector- Reduced-Form Climate Model
- Hector UI – Web interface for the Hector model
- Superwell- Physics-based hydro-economic model for groundwater cost and supply
- Xanthos- Global Hydrologic Modeling Framework
- GCAM is also a component of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
Note that many of these tools were developed through the Global Change Intersectoral Modeling System [GCIMS link:] project which links GCAM and a suite of models and tools. Additional information at
Related Tools
- Ambrosia- GCAM Food Demand Model
- gcamdata – R package that generates GCAM input XML files
- Moirai- (GCAM) – Land Data Amalgamation for GCAM’s AgLU Module
- Demeter- Land Use and Land Cover Change Disaggregation
- Tethys- Spatial and Temporal Sectoral Water Demand Downscaling
- STITCHES- A comprehensive solution to climate model output emulation
- Osiris- Process climate impacts on agricultural yields for the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM)
- gcam_reader- GCAM Data Extraction Python Package
- rgcam- GCAM Data Extraction R Package
- gcamwrapper- Tool for interacting with GCAM scenarios and to facilitate model coupling via R or Python
- rmap- Generate spatial maps from tabular data, including GCAM data
JGCRI Biogeochemistry research has produced a number of tools and datasets, including:
- pooldilutionR - An R package for easy optimization of isotope pool dilution calculations
- nmrrr – An R package for binning and visualizing NMR spectra from environmental samples
- fluxfinder – An R package for file parsing, flux computation, and diagnostics of greenhouse gas measurements
Datasets and reporting formats
- fortedata – An R data package from a forest resilience experiment
- Community reporting format for field measurements of soil respiration:
- COSORE - A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data
- SRDB - A restructured and updated global soil respiration database
Emissions Data and Data Systems:
- CEDS Github – Open-source data system to generate historical emissions data
- CEDS Zenodo – Latest emissions data in tabular (country, sector, fuel, etc.) and gridded form
- Emissions-MIP Data – Model-intercomparison data for six perturbation experiments across 11 climate and chemistry models
What we do
- Develop next-generation human-Earth system models
- Develop data products for integrated research, modeling, analysis and decisions
- Improve fundamental understanding of human and Earth system processes, dynamics, and interactions
- Advance the science of impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability to inform decisions
- Analyze technology, policy, and institutional options in energy, water, and land systems