Systems Engineering & Integration

PNNL is recognized for systems engineering and integration through the implementation of technology in real-world complex systems, focusing on smart and robust energy and nuclear material security. This core capability has solved some of the most challenging national problems by defining and interpreting complex technical requirements and translating them into fieldable solutions that address economic, social, policy, and engineering considerations. Using a structured approach to understand complex systems throughout their lifecycle, we apply domain knowledge and experience in the following:
- engineered systems simulation and modeling
system architecture and design
testing, evaluation, and optimization
technology assessment, integration, and deployment
policy assessment and economic evaluation
- regulatory analysis, risk assessment, and decision support.
We take early-stage research through the development and technology maturation processes and deploy technical solutions that address our sponsors’ most critical challenges.
We are known worldwide for field-deploying international nuclear materials safeguards, security, and complex radiation detection systems. We are also developing integrated building energy technologies, and advancing national power grid reliability and smart grid technology. We use many of our specialized facilities in this research including the Applied Processes and Engineering Laboratory, the Systems Engineering Building and its Electricity Infrastructure Operations Center, the Engineering Development Laboratory Large Detector Test Facilities, and the Radiation Detection Laboratory
The systems engineering and integration capability is managed for programs in the Department of Energy’s Offices of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Environmental Management, Electricity, and Fossil Energy. Sponsors also include the National Nuclear Security Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Defense.