November 6, 2021
Conference Paper

TQEA: Temporal Quantum Error Analysis


For the last few years quantum computers have captured researchers’ interest in solving complicated problems in finance, chemistry, machine learning, and many other NP problems. Quantum computing benefits from parallel computation, entanglement, and calculation speedup compared to classical computing. Even though the operations and number of qubits in quantum computers are limited, previous research showed that using quantum computers can be beneficial. These benefits gained researchers’ interest to work on the improvement of quantum computers and overcome the limitations by building more advanced quantum computers with fault tolerance capability, more physical qubits, and better operational gates. In practice, Quantum applications would be translated into Quantum Circuits and each circuit can contain one or many entanglements (s), single qubits operations, and readouts. The importance of running Quantum applications with controlled errors or without errors is critical to the desired result from Quantum readout. In this paper, we study the characteristics of superconducting quantum machines along with the previously proposed methods of Quantum error detection/correction and in order to build a better error model we propose a temporal method for analyzing the the behavior of qubits errors (T1 and T2), frequency of operation, entanglement errors, and readout errors. In order to detect and predict the behavior of each machine, we use simple exponential smoothing analysis on heuristic calibration data. Finally, based on observation, we show that based on frequency, qubits, readout and single operation errors we can build a temporal based model to study and predict the outcome of runs on each Quantum machine.

Published: November 6, 2021


Baheri B., D. Chen, B. Fang, S.A. Stein, V. Chaudhary, Y. Mao, and S. Xu, et al. 2021. TQEA: Temporal Quantum Error Analysis. In 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks - Supplemental Volume (DSN-S 2021), June 21-24, 2021, Taipei, Taiwan, 65-67. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-159972. doi:10.1109/DSN-S52858.2021.00034