November 1, 2020
Journal Article

A Single-Component Water-Lean Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Solvent with Exceptionally Low Operational Heat and Total Costs of Capture – Comprehensive Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation


A comprehensive evaluation of a recently developed water-lean amine-based solvent, namely N-(2-ethoxyethyl)-3-morpholinopropan-1-amine (2-EEMPA), has been performed to analyze its post-combustion CO2 capture performance. This evaluation comprises (1) fundamental characterization of the solvent-CO2 interaction using vapor-liquid equilibria, kinetics and viscosity measurements; (2) process characterization of the CO2 capture performance as measured in a laboratory scale continuous flow system and via Aspen Plus® simulation using a flue gas simulant; as well as (3) a full techno economic analysis of the capture process at industrial scale with corresponding projections of critical metrics. This paper summarizes the many parts of this comprehensive evaluation, and shows how the various parts come together to empower validated conclusions about its process performance. Notably, it is projected that this solvent can lower the regeneration heat rate to 2.0 GJ/tonne CO2 for post-combustion CO2 capture and has the potential to dramatically reduce the total cost of capture to $50.6/tonne CO2.

Revised: December 21, 2020 | Published: November 1, 2020


Zheng R.F., D. Barpaga, P.M. Mathias, D. Malhotra, P.K. Koech, Y. Jiang, and M. Bhakta, et al. 2020. A Single-Component Water-Lean Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Solvent with Exceptionally Low Operational Heat and Total Costs of Capture – Comprehensive Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation. Energy & Environmental Science 13, no. 11:4106-4113. PNNL-SA-153508. doi:10.1039/D0EE02585B