December 3, 2024
Review of Literature and Utility Commission Proceedings Relevant to Integrated System Planning: Annotated Bibliography Prepared to Support the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
In 2024 the Washington State Legislature passed the Decarbonization Act for Large Combination Utilities (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1589 – the Act). The Act requires a large combination electric and gas utility to conduct integrated system planning supporting electrification and gas system decarbonization, including a reduction in the gas rate base. The utility is required to submit the first integrated system plan (ISP) by January 1, 2027. The requirements are to be developed and adopted by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) by July 1, 2025. In October 2024 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) began providing technical assistance to the UTC to support the ISP rulemaking. PNNL and LBNL have prepared this annotated bibliography of research and reports, and state examples of coordinated gas and electric planning, future of gas, and future of heat proceedings in other U.S. States and one Canadian Province. The items described here have been selected by the authors for their potential relevance to the UTC’s integrated system planning rule discussions.Published: December 3, 2024