March 8, 2000
Journal Article

Probing the Electronic Structure and Metal-Metal Bond of Re2Cl82- in the Gas Phase


Re2Cl82-, the classical metal complex with a metal-metal multiple bond, was observed in the gas phase for the first time using electrospray. Photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) was used to probe its electronic structure, metal-metal bonding, and gas phase molecular properties. The PES spectra provide a unique and direct picture about the occupied molecular orbitals (MO's) of Re2Cl82-. Detachments from the metal-metal and metal-ligand bonding MO's were clearly observed and distinguished. We found that the metal-metal bonding MO's from the d orbitals have low binding energies and yielded three well resolved detachment bands.

Revised: August 22, 2000 | Published: March 8, 2000


Wang L.S., and X.B. Wang. 2000. Probing the Electronic Structure and Metal-Metal Bond of Re2Cl82- in the Gas Phase. Journal of the American Chemical Society 122, no. 9:2096-2100. PNNL-SA-32540.