October 10, 2023

A Power Application Developer’s Guide to the Common Information Model: An Introduction for Power Systems Engineers and Application Developers – CIM17v40


A key issue in creating the next generation of energy management system (EMS) and advanced distribution management system (ADMS) platforms will be the ability to represent and exchange power system network model data in a consistent manner. To this end, the Common Information Model (CIM) stands out as the only standardized vocabulary (or ontology) for defining power system network models and asset data in a comprehensive, consistent manner across the generation-transmission-distribution boundary. The CIM is freely available to use and extend. The CIM is maintained by the UCAiug (informally known as the CIM User’s Group) under an Apache 2.0 license. The CIM Users Group collaborates with the IEC and other standards communities for the development of technical and informative specifications. Although portions of the information model are referred to by the corresponding IEC standards naming, it is not necessary to purchase any of the IEC standards to use the CIM information model. This document provides a roadmap for power system engineers and application developers not familiar with semantic modeling to start using the CIM for modeling, simulation, optimization, and development of advanced power applications. The key classes needed for defining power system topology and equipment are explained systematically. Key focus areas include modeling of lines, transformers, generators, switching equipment, loads, and distributed energy resources (DERs).

Published: October 10, 2023


Anderson A.A., T.E. McDermott, and E.G. Stephan. 2023. A Power Application Developer’s Guide to the Common Information Model: An Introduction for Power Systems Engineers and Application Developers – CIM17v40 Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

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