January 21, 2025

Performance Results from DOE Cold Climate Heat Pump Challenge Field Validation


Space conditioning and water heating consume over 40% of the nation’s primary energy use and represent a significant component of many homeowners’ monthly energy bill. However, in cold climates, performance of heat pumps has traditionally suffered as the units have been unable to efficiently transfer heat from colder outdoor air temperatures to warm the interior space of homes. Optimizing heat pumps for cold climates (5 °F and below) requires coordinated effort to ensure heat pump technologies can be enjoyed by Americans living in these regions. The DOE Cold Climate Heat Pump (CCHP) Challenge sought to address this challenge by partnering with industry to develop, test, and validate the performance of new, highly efficient heat pumps in real homes. The Challenge, launched in 2021, brought together leading heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) manufacturers to develop prototype units optimized for performance at cold climates. This report summarizes results from the field validation that occurred 2022-2024.

Published: January 21, 2025


Mendon V.V., K.M. Keene, S.I. Rosenberg, J.A. Rotondo, K. Nwe, J. Young, and W. Wind, et al. 2025. Performance Results from DOE Cold Climate Heat Pump Challenge Field Validation Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

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