April 16, 2024
Journal Article

Nonvirialized Axion Search Sensitive to the Doppler Effects in the Milky Way Halo


The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) has previously excluded Dine-Fischler-Srednicki- Zhitnisky (DFSZ) axions between 680-790 MHz under the assumption that the dark matter is described by the isothermal halo model. However, the precise nature of the velocity distribution of dark matter is still unknown, and alternative models have been proposed. We report the results of a non-virialized axion search over the mass range 2.81–3.31 µeV, corresponding to the frequency range 680–800 MHz. This analysis marks the most sensitive search for non-virialized axions sensitive to Doppler effects in the Milky Way Halo to date. Accounting for frequency shifts due to the detector’s motion through the Galaxy, we exclude cold flow relic axions with a velocity dispersion of O(10-7)c with 95% confidence.

Published: April 16, 2024


Bartram C., T. Braine, R. Cervantes, N. Crisosto, N. Du, C. Goodman, and M. Guzzetti, et al. 2024. Nonvirialized Axion Search Sensitive to the Doppler Effects in the Milky Way Halo. Physical Review D 109, no. 8:Art. No. 083014. PNNL-SA-195179. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.109.083014

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