March 9, 2022
Journal Article

A multi-agent approach to distribution system fault section estimation in smart grid environment


Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) are seen from different areas as one of the paramount trends for the next generation of power systems. Numerous published studies about MAS discuss its utilization in power distribution networks but none focuses on the prior step to restoration and self-healing that is fault section estimation. This paper aims to show how MAS can improve the utilities’ reliability indexes and consumer satisfaction by overcoming the multiple fault section estimation problem. In order to do this, the authors considered using MAS as a means of communication between smart meters. The purpose of smart meters usage is to employ devices that are already present in smart grids, mainly because of their reading and saving data capacity. The proposed method was tested on a radial feeder generated by the authors. The network was built on HYPERSIM, a software platform of OPAL-RT Technologies. The simulation results show that this MAS provides speed, efficiency, and automation for the process of fault section estimation.

Published: March 9, 2022


Costa G.B., J.S. Damiani, G. Marchesan, A.P. Morais, A. Bretas, and G. Cardoso Jr. 2022. A multi-agent approach to distribution system fault section estimation in smart grid environment. Electric Power Systems Research 204, no. 2022:Article 107658. PNNL-SA-170582. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2021.107658