July 1, 1995
Journal Article

Molecular NO Desorption from Crystalline Sodium Nitrate by Resonant Excitation of the No3- .pi.-.pi. Transition


We have studied the laser desorption of single crystal sodium nitrate following pulsed 213-nm excitation of the (scientific equation) absorption band localized on the nitrate anion.

Revised: January 14, 2020 | Published: July 1, 1995


Bradley R.A., E.J. Lanzendorf, M.I. Mccarthy, T.M. Orlando, and W.P. Hess. 1995. Molecular NO Desorption from Crystalline Sodium Nitrate by Resonant Excitation of the No3- .pi.-.pi. Transition. Journal of Physical Chemistry 99, no. 30:11715-11721. PNL-SA-25627. doi:10.1021/j100030a015