In this paper we develop a model based con- troller for diesel emission reduction using system identification methods. Specifically, our method minimizes the downstream readings from a production NOx sensor while injecting a minimal amount of urea upstream. Based on the linear quadratic estimator we derive the closed form solution to a cost function that accounts for the case some of the system inputs are not controllable. Our cost function can also be tuned to trade-off between input usage and output optimization. Our approach performs better than a production controller in simulation. Our NOx conversion efficiency was 92.7% while the production controller achieved 92.4%. For NH3 conversion, our efficiency was 98.7% compared to 88.5% for the production controller.
Revised: July 24, 2013 |
Published: June 20, 2013
Stevens A.J., Y. Sun, X. Song, G. Parker, and G. Parker. 2013.Model Identification for Optimal Diesel Emissions Control. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), June 16-21 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, edited by S Dasgupta and D McAllester, 28. Madison, Wisconsin:Omnipress.PNNL-SA-94339.