We gathered literature data and developed a machine learning model with descriptor optimization to predict the corrosion resistance of a
given multi-principal element alloy in an aqueous environment. The model uses two environmental descriptors (pH of the medium and
halide concentration), one chemical composition descriptor (atomic % of element with minimum reduction potential), and two atomic
descriptors (difference in lattice constant (?a) and average reduction potential). The prediction of corrosion rate is reasonably accurate.
This work points to the need for high quality data with metadata for accurate prediction of complex chemical phenomena, like corrosion
of metals. The sparse data challenge needs to be remedied through shared databases with high quality data.
Published: March 7, 2022
Roy A., M. Taufique, H. Khakurel, R. Devanathan, D.D. Johnson, and G. Balasubramanian. 2022.Machine-learning-guided descriptor selection for predicting corrosion resistance in multi-principal element alloys.npj Materials Degradation 6, no. 1:Art. No. 9.PNNL-SA-170502.doi:10.1038/s41529-021-00208-y