July 5, 2023

Machine learning approaches to streamline and enhance the analysis of multiscale imaging data for bioaerosol and soil particles


Bioaerosol and soil particles are ubiquitous in the environment. They are multicomponent and complex in nature displaying mixed inorganic and organic components. The way components are mixed in a bioaerosol sample is referred to as its mixing state. Soil particles are also a mixture of inorganic (mineral) and organic (soil organic matter) components. Bioaerosol particles contribute to a major fraction of coarse mode atmospheric particles, especially in the tropical areas, contributing up to 80 % of the particle mass concentration. The mixing state of particles is crucial to evaluate because it impacts several important environmental processes such as warm and cold cloud formation and radiation budget. Mixing states in aerosols are accompanied by chemical reactions across solid-liquid-gas interfaces. In this study, we utilized elemental compositions and microcopy images of thousands of atmospheric particles acquired by computer-controlled scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometer to compute the mixing state of atmospheric particles. A 2D convolutional neural network (CNN), also known as convnet, was used to model the relationship between low resolution imaging data and higher resolution spectroscopy data, with the former as training input and the latter as target output. Two types of CNNs were implemented and tested; a basic CNN and an Inception-v3 network. For binary classification, the basic CNN achieved an accuracy of 84.29 % across all atom types, and the Inception-v3-like network achieved an accuracy 85.51 %. This study demonstrates the applicability of deep learning to handle large amounts of imaging/chemical spectroscopy data efficiently and evaluate particle mixing state from a range of environmental samples.

Published: July 5, 2023


Varga T., S.M. Colby, S. China, and A. Battu. 2022. Machine learning approaches to streamline and enhance the analysis of multiscale imaging data for bioaerosol and soil particles Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.