October 18, 2024
Conference Paper
Laser Based Ultrasound for Verification of Circuit Card Assemblies
This IR is a follow-up conference Paper to the IR approved abstract; PNNL-SA-194096. --- Verification that equipment is authentic and not changed; even at the circuit card assembly (CCA) level will likely be an important component of future arms control treaties. This effort was an initial evaluation of the potential for laser-based ultrasound (LBU) as an inspection tool for Unique Identification (UID) of Circuit Card Assembly (CCA) boards and CCA components. The LBU system used a laser pulse for ultrasound generation and an Optical Microphone for ultrasound detection to image subsurface structures without physical contact and in a dry state. This paper described the selected CCA surrogate, CCA components that were examined, the LBU system, LBU images of the CCA components, and the initial development of UID algorithms. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves indicated good performance for two algorithms as a potential means for UID of CCA boards and CCA components.Published: October 18, 2024