December 24, 2024
Journal Article

Laboratory and Field Validation of the Performance Benefits and Costs of Thin Triple-Pane Windows in Residential Buildings


Heat transfer through windows accounts for a significant percentage of a building’s energy use and adds substantially to the peak cooling load of a home. There are considerable radiant thermal comfort implications with window surface temperatures which are several degrees different than other emitting surfaces in the space and the ambient interior air temperature. Nevertheless, adoption of high-efficiency triple pane windows has been slow. In recent years, improvements in glass manufacturing have enabled the use of a very thin central pane of glass similar to a cell phone screen to produce a thermally efficient thin triple-pane window for finished insulated glass units (IGUs) with an overall thickness similar to standard double-pane windows. Because this highly insulating “thin triple” IGU can be incorporated into most double-pane window frames and can be fabricated at a modest added cost, the U.S. Department of Energy sponsored laboratory testing and field demonstrations of thin triple-pane windows to validate thermal performance and installation requirements in real-life field settings. Thin triple pane windows were evaluated at the PNNL Lab Homes, a matched pair of manufactured houses located on PNNL’s campus in Richland, Washington, and also at seven different field study sites around the country. The experimental results include a comparison of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) energy usage, condensation potential, occupant comfort, sound infiltration, and thermal performance. Field study data was gathered through early 2023.

Published: December 24, 2024


Gunderson P.K., E. Louie, and K.A. Cort. 2024. Laboratory and Field Validation of the Performance Benefits and Costs of Thin Triple-Pane Windows in Residential Buildings. Science and Technology for the Built Environment 30, no. 7:767-784. PNNL-SA-191549. doi:10.1080/23744731.2024.2357529