September 22, 2022
Journal Article

Global 10 m land use land cover datasets: a comparison of Dynamic World, World Cover and Esri Land Cover


The European Space Agency’s Sentinel satellites have laid the foundation for global land use land cover (LULC) mapping with unprecedented detail at 10m resolution. We present a cross-comparison and accuracy assessment of Google’s Dynamic World (DW), ESA’s World Cover (WC) and Esri’s Land Cover (Esri) products for the first time in order to inform the adoption and application of these maps going forward. For the year 2020, the three global LULC maps show strong spatial correspondence (i.e. near-equal area estimates) for water, built area, trees and crop LULC classes. However, relative to one another, WC is biased towards over-estimating grass cover, Esri towards shrub and scrub cover, and DW towards snow and ice. Using global ground truth data with a minimum mapping unit of 250m2 we found that Esri had the highest overall accuracy (75%) compared to DW (72%) and WC (65%). Across all global maps, water was the most accurately mapped class (92%), followed by built area (83%), tree cover (81%) and crops (78%), particularly in biomes characterized by Temperate and Boreal forests. Classes with lowest accuracies, particularly in the Tundra biome, included shrub and scrub (47%), grass (34%), bare ground (57%) and flooded vegetation (53%). When using European ground truth data from LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area Frame Survey) with a minimum mapping unit of

Published: September 22, 2022


Venter Z., D. Barton, T. Chakraborty, D. Simensen, and G. Singh. 2022. Global 10 m land use land cover datasets: a comparison of Dynamic World, World Cover and Esri Land Cover. Remote Sensing 14, no. 16:Art. No. 4101. PNNL-SA-176888. doi:10.3390/rs14164101

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