February 1, 1995
Journal Article

A Flow Injection Analysis Technique for the Determination of Chloride Using Reflectance Detection


A flow injection (FI) determination for chloride has been developed using the light reflectance of the precipitate formed by the reaction of chloride with silver(I) as the method of detection rather than turbidimetry, as in the previous FI method using this reaction. The dynamic range of the analysis is increased to 0-10 mM chloride with a 10 mM silver(I) reagent and to 0-50 mM chloride with a 50 mM silver(I) reagent by using this mode of detection. The ability to select the injected reagent from an option of two concentrations via the control program is incorporated into the FI system, enhancing the versatility of the analysis. The dynamic range is further extended to 100mM chloride by measuring the signal levels at the trailing portion of the response curve. The consumption of reagent is kept to a minimum by merging injected zones of sample and reagent instead of using a constant reagent stream.

Revised: January 9, 2019 | Published: February 1, 1995


Taylor R.H., and J.W. Grate. 1995. A Flow Injection Analysis Technique for the Determination of Chloride Using Reflectance Detection. Talanta 42, no. 2:257-261. PNNL-SA-24112.