October 10, 1993
Conference Paper

Dynamical Acceleration Effects in Laser-Induced Particle Emission From Surfaces


Pulsed laser irradiated surfaces sometimes emit electrons or ions at energies several volts higher than what one would expect, even at modest (

Revised: July 8, 2019 | Published: October 10, 1993


Orlando T.M., J.P. Cowin, G.R. Teeter, and S.E. Barlow. 1993. Dynamical Acceleration Effects in Laser-Induced Particle Emission From Surfaces. In Laser ablation: Mechanisms and Applications-II, April 1993, Knoxville, TN. AIP Conference Proceedings, 288, 341-346. College Park, Maryland:American Institute of Physics. PNNL-SA-21949. doi:10.1063/1.44879