January 3, 2025
Conference Paper

Dynamic Model of Back-to-Back Converter for System Level Phasor Simulation


The power system is expected to evolve rapidly with increasing deployment of power electronic interface and conditioning systems, microgrids, and hybrid AC/DC grids. Among power electronic systems, back-to-back (BTB) converters can be a powerful interface to integrate microgrids and networked microgrids. However, in system level dynamic simulations for synchronous machine dominated system with BTB converters, a detailed electromagnetic sinusoidal models is not warranted as these simulations are focused on electromechanical transients. This paper focus on developing a simple phasor model for back- to-back converters that can be easily integrated into powerflow solvers to facilitate large-scale power system simulations. The model is implemented using C++ language and integrated into GridLAB-D software as a potential new capability. The GridLAB-D phasor domain model is validated against the electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation of the detailed switching model. Simulation results show that the phasor model successfully captures the dominant dynamics of the converters.

Published: January 3, 2025


Mahmood H., S.S. Acharya, F.K. Tuffner, P.T. Mana, and A. Bharati. 2024. Dynamic Model of Back-to-Back Converter for System Level Phasor Simulation. In IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM 2024), July 21-25, 2024, Seattle, WA, 1-5. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-192646. doi:10.1109/PESGM51994.2024.10688877

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