August 4, 2024
Journal Article
Development of multi-scale computational frameworks to solve fusion materials science challenges
Over the past two decades, the US-DOE has funded multiple projects that rely on high-performance computing and exascale computing platforms to accelerate scientific discoveries and address grand scientific challenges, such as harnessing fusion energy. In this article, we review in detail one of these efforts aimed at enhancing our capability to model plasma-facing materials subject to plasma and high-energy ion/neutron irradiation. The plasma surface interactions project has built a multi-scale modeling framework where many of the plasma- and high-energy ion/neutron irradiation-induced effects occurring in tungsten are explored. This knowledge is used to develop atomistically-informed, high-fidelity continuum and meso-scale models that can be validated against experiments. We review the developments within this project, with attention to experimental validation efforts, and specifically highlight activities associated with: helium bubble bursting and equation of state, and hydrogen-helium interactions in tungsten; atomistically-informed model development for beryllium-tungsten material mixing; coupling of scrape-off-layer plasma, sheath and material models; and coupling of stochastic cluster dynamics and crystal plasticity models to address radiation effects in tungsten under stress. Finally, we present how the project is preparing for future computational architectures, for instance through efforts to adapt atomistic methods to exascale computing.Published: August 4, 2024