Analysis goals associated with collections of scenarios include: • Summarizing a collection of scenarios – the summarization could take the form of identification of typical patterns of relations within the collection • Retrieve similar scenarios/cases – the retrieval could be based on parts of scenarios; the similar ‘complete’ scenarios could be used to suggest additional lines of investigation • Find “relation paths” between key actors A signature-vector strategy is presented that addresses the above analysis goals. The broad strategy has been applied in various settings.
Revised: June 8, 2011 |
Published: June 15, 2004
Whitney P.D., M.E. Powers, G. Chin, K.E. Johnson, O.A. Kuchar, and J.M. Sloughter. 2004.A Data Signature Approach for Analyzing, Manipulating and Understanding Collections of Graphical Summaries of Scenarios. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI'04 and Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies and Applications, MLMTA'04, 2, 1001-1006. Bogart, Georgia:CSREA Press.PNNL-SA-40959.