June 15, 2004
Conference Paper

A Data Signature Approach for Analyzing, Manipulating and Understanding Collections of Graphical Summaries of Scenarios


Analysis goals associated with collections of scenarios include: • Summarizing a collection of scenarios – the summarization could take the form of identification of typical patterns of relations within the collection • Retrieve similar scenarios/cases – the retrieval could be based on parts of scenarios; the similar ‘complete’ scenarios could be used to suggest additional lines of investigation • Find “relation paths” between key actors A signature-vector strategy is presented that addresses the above analysis goals. The broad strategy has been applied in various settings.

Revised: June 8, 2011 | Published: June 15, 2004


Whitney P.D., M.E. Powers, G. Chin, K.E. Johnson, O.A. Kuchar, and J.M. Sloughter. 2004. A Data Signature Approach for Analyzing, Manipulating and Understanding Collections of Graphical Summaries of Scenarios. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI'04 and Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies and Applications, MLMTA'04, 2, 1001-1006. Bogart, Georgia:CSREA Press. PNNL-SA-40959.