October 17, 2023
Customization for Current Market Applications of the Carbon Nanotubes Produced by PNNL’s Regenerable Catalytic Pyrolysis (ReCaP) for Scaled Hydrogen Production
Here, we demonstrated the Regenerative Catalytic Pyrolysis (ReCaP) process that generates carbon dioxide-free hydrogen (CO2-free H2) from inexpensive and domestically abundant natural gas (NG), while simultaneously producing H2 at net production cost of $1.0/kg through the sale of valuable carbon nanotube (CNT) co-product. The specific goal of this project is to 1) scale up the production of CNT, 2) correlate the properties of the CNT with the reaction conditions, 3) perform a techno-economic analysis to obtain minimum selling price of H2 and CNT, and 4) identify industrial partners interested in the CNT co-product.Published: October 17, 2023