The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) supports development of renewable power generation within the U.S. with increasing emphasis on offshore wind energy. This development is currently impeded by a lack of long-term wind observations above the ocean surface at wind turbine rotor plane heights. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) procured two AXYS WindSentinelTM buoys on behalf of DOE to support offshore wind resource assessment. The buoys are available for loan to qualified users according to agency priorities. The Lidar Buoy Loan Program represents an opportunity for organizations with an interest in offshore wind energy to work together with DOE to provide valuable meteorological and oceanographic data to the offshore community that is needed for offshore wind resource characterization. The buoys have already begun to fill observational gaps in offshore winds during long-term deployments off the coasts of Virginia and New Jersey and are scheduled for deployment off the coast of California in 2020. This paper provides an overview of the Lidar Buoy Loan Program, along with highlights of previous deployments, a summary of the upgrades to the lidar systems, and a discussion of the planned activities related to the buoys and the Lidar Buoy Loan Program.
Revised: August 5, 2020 |
Published: December 30, 2019
Gorton A.M., R.K. Newsom, W.J. Shaw, and J. Draher. 2019.Contributing to Long-term Wind Resource Characterization through Buoy-based Observations of Meteorological and Oceanographic Conditions. In OCEANS 2019 MTS/IEEE, October 27-31, 2019, Seattle, WA. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE.PNNL-SA-147232.doi:10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962727