Acquiring atomic-resolution images of beam sensitive materials or under dynamic conditions (e.g. operando STEM) is very difficult and requires precise dose fractioning to minimize the dose delivered to the sample and acquire the data more rapidly than dynamics present. Typical methods of low-dose STEM imaging include adjusting the beam current, dwell-time, and probe Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is used routinely to obtain atomic-resolution images of a small selection of radiation tolerant materials under stable conditions.size. All three of these determine the dose over a spatial area in STEM.
Recently, compressive sensing [1] has been applied to electron microscopy. The computational imaging method of inpainting [2] has been proposed as a method to reduce dose and increase acquisition speed for STEM. Inpainting is a technique to recover missing pixels in an image. By skipping pixels (randomly) during acquisition, a fourth dose-control mechanism is realized [3]. A few implementations of randomly-subsampled STEM exist (e.g., [4]).
To make the concepts of compressive sensing accessible to the microscopy community we begin with an example using atomic resolution images of a GaAs crystal (see Figure 1). Because the crystal is periodic it has a sparse representation in reciprocal space. In fact, a sparse representation is a key component of compressive sensing. If an image is sub-sampled randomly we find that the Fourier transform remains sparse, but becomes increasing noisy as less and less data is acquired. Yet, by finding the peaks in the reciprocal image and removing the noise it is possible to recover atomic resolution images with only 1% of the pixels. Figure 1 shows the reconstruction process for GaAs sub-sampled at 50%, 10%, 5%, and 1%.
Periodic images form a special class for which the optimal sampling approach (according to CS theory) is a random selection of pixels. For non-periodic images, such as those arising in in-situ STEM, methods such as dictionary learning are necessary [2,5]. The data can be compressed in time for TEM [5] or pixels can be skipped randomly for STEM. There are several issues that arise in developing a random scan for STEM [4] and a coded aperture for TEM. The remainder of the talk will address these issues.
[1] E Candes and M Wakin. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE. 2(25) (2008), pp. 21.
[2] A Stevens, Pu Y, Sun Y, et al. Artificial Intelligence & Statistics (AISTATS), 2017.
[3] A Stevens, H Yang, L Carin et al. Microscopy 63(1), (2014), pp. 41.
[4] L Kovarik, A Stevens, A Liyu et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 164102 (2016).
[5] A Stevens, L Kovarik, P Abellan et al. Adv. Structural and Chemical Imaging 1(10), (2015), pp. 1.
[6] Supported by the Chemical Imaging, Signature Discovery, and Analytics in Motion Initiatives at PNNL. PNNL is operated by Battelle Memorial Inst. for the US DOE; contract DE-AC05-76RL01830.
Revised: May 14, 2019 |
Published: July 3, 2017
Hao W., A.J. Stevens, H. Yang, M. Gehm, and N.D. Browning. 2017.Compressive Classification for TEM-EELS.Microscopy and Microanalysis 23, no. S1:108-109.PNNL-SA-127626.doi:10.1017/S1431927617001222