Although most studies on organic matter stabilization in soils have focused on adsorption to aluminosilicate and iron oxide minerals due to their strong interactions with organic nucleophiles, stabilization within alkaline soils has been empirically correlated with exchangeable Ca concentrations. Yet the extent of competing processes within natural soil remain unclear. We employed sub-micron scale techniques to investigate the minerology and organic carbon on individual fine particles within an alkaline soil from Eastern Washington. XRD, Mössbauer spectroscopy, TEM-EDX-SAED, and XPS analysis demonstrated a mineral assemblage dominated by quartz, feldspars, iron oxides, and calcite. Although exposed Si, Al, and Fe accounted for ~30% of the surface elemental composition, most of the organic carbon and nitrogen was associated with Ca-rich coatings. Adsorption isotherms of two siderophores with the same soil showed greater adsorption of pyoverdine compared with less polar enterobactin. Using NanoSIMS to map the distribution of isotopically labeled siderophores across the surfaces of fine grains, we observed a preference for binding to surfaces heavily coated with organic matter. We propose a mechanism of adsorption by which organic molecules aggregate within calcareous soils via calcium bridging, favoring the stabilization of larger molecules with a greater number of nucleophilic functional groups.
Revised: June 1, 2020 |
Published: July 1, 2020
Boiteau R.M., R.K. Kukkadapu, J.B. Cliff, C.R. Smallwood, L. Kovarik, M.G. Wirth, and M.H. Engelhard, et al. 2020.Calcareous organic matter coatings sequester siderophores in alkaline soils.Science of the Total Environment 724.PNNL-SA-147851.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138250