March 24, 2022
Journal Article

Bounds of Linear Time-varying Systems with Applications to Quantifying Model Gap of Synchronous Generators


In practice, uncertainties in parameters and model structures always cause a gap between a model and the corresponding physical entity. Hence, to evaluate the performance of a model, the bounds of this gap must be assessed. In this paper, we propose a trajectory-sensitivity–based approach to quantify the bounds of the gap. The trajectory sensitivity is expressed as a linear, time-varying system. We thus first derive several bounds for a general linear, time-varying system in different scenarios. The derived bounds are then applied to obtain bounds of the model gap for a generator plant model with different types of imprecise structural information. Case studies are carried out to show the efficacy of the bounds through synchronous generator models on different accuracy levels.

Published: March 24, 2022


Wang P., S. Wang, and R. Huang. 2022. Bounds of Linear Time-varying Systems with Applications to Quantifying Model Gap of Synchronous Generators. IET Control Theory and Applications 16, no. 5:544-553. PNNL-SA-157105. doi:10.1049/cth2.12253