February 2, 2022
Journal Article

4D Proxy Imaging of Fracture Dilation and Stress Shadowing Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography During High Pressure Injections into a Dense Rock Formation


Fluid flow through fractured rock systems is governed in large part by the distribution, interconnectivity, and size of fracture apertures. In-situ stress is one of the primary factors controlling fracture aperture, and one that is altered significantly during high-pressure fluid injections or extractions. Interactions between stress, pore pressure, aperture, and fluid flow can result in complex and evolving poroelastic behavior with significant implications regarding the predictability and risk of developing and managing deep subsurface reservoirs (geothermal, fossil energy, and geologic carbon sequestration). In saturated crystalline rocks, bulk electrical conductivity is highly sensitive to porosity, and therefore to fracture aperture size and distribution. We demonstrate the use of time-lapse 3D electrical resistivity tomography for remotely monitoring stress induced changes in aperture distribution during high pressure injections into a fractured rock system at a scale of tens of meters. Results reveal a complex and continuously evolving stress field involving aperture dilations in the natural fracture system and aperture contractions in adjacent zones of shadow stress. Results provide information about the spatiotemporal changes in the system behavior and point to the potential of electrical imaging for autonomously and remotely monitoring evolving stress conditions by proxy through changes in bulk electrical conductivity.

Published: February 2, 2022


Johnson T.C., J.A. Burghardt, C.E. Strickland, H.A. Knox, V.R. Vermeul, M.D. White, and P.C. Schwering, et al. 2021. 4D Proxy Imaging of Fracture Dilation and Stress Shadowing Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography During High Pressure Injections into a Dense Rock Formation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126, no. 11:Art. No. e2021JB022298. PNNL-SA-161624. doi:10.1029/2021JB022298