The Consortium for Enabling Technologies & Innovation (ETI) was established in 2019 to address emerging technologies within the context of nuclear nonproliferation. ETI creates a research and education environment to support cross-cutting technologies across three core disciplines: 1) computer and engineering science research specifically in a form of machine learning and high performance computing (HPC), 2) advanced manufacturing, and 3) nuclear detection technologies. For outreach and development, ETI hosted the first of three summer schools from August 24-28, 2020 with the theme of “Data Science and Engineering”. The school was hosted in an on-line format and had over 200 participants. The recorded content is available on-line as a resource for students.
The summer school had four modules: 1) Fundamentals of data Applications, 2) Computational Machine Learning, 3) Bayesian Modeling and Inference, and 4) Data Science for Safeguards. Modules contained both lectures as well as student exercises. Poll Everywhere was utilized in some modules as an on-line method to engage large groups of students. Upcoming ETI Summer Schools include Novel Instrumentation in 2021 and Advanced Manufacturing in 2022.
Published: March 23, 2022
Biegalski S.R., P. Tsvetkov, Y. Tao, V. Sobes, K. Pazdernik, S. Labov, and D.F. Williams, et al. 2021.2020 ETI Annual Summer School: Data Science and Engineering. In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, July 26-29, 2021, Virtual, Online. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Society for Engineering Education.PNNL-SA-160054.