Chemical Engineer
Chemical Engineer


Vilayanur Viswanathan is a senior chemical engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. His research focus areas are cost performance modeling of large-scale battery systems, battery state of health modeling, grid-scale battery testing and analysis, battery safety/reliability testing and analysis, and development of energy storage test protocols/standard for grid-scale energy storage. He was the chair for the US Technical Advisory Group to International Electrotechnical Commission TC120 which developed standards for electrical energy storage systems and is chair of an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE) Flow Batteries Standards Development effort IEEE 1679.3. He is the technical lead for the Department of Energy's Energy Storage Grand Challenge Cost and Performance Analysis.

Research Interest

  • Grid-scale storage
  • Energy storage test procedure development, testing, and analysis
  • Battery state of health
  • Energy storage cost and performance
  • Corrosion and other electrochemical phenomena


PhD in Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey-Newark

BS in Chemical Engineering, Indiana Institute of Technology-Madras

Affiliations and Professional Service

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Electrochemical Society

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


Crawford, Alasdair James, Vilayanur Venkataraman Viswanathan, Patrick Joseph Balducci, Trevor D. Hardy, Di Wu, and Michael C. W. Kintner-Meyer. May 10, 2018, “Battery System Management through Non-linear Estimation of Battery State of Charge.” US11169214B2.

Liu, Jun, Daiwon Choi, Zhenguo Yang, Donghai Wang, Gordon L Graff, Zimin Nie, Vilayanur V Viswanathan, Jason Zhang, Wu Xu, and Jin Yong Kim. May 28, 2013.Lithium ion batteries with titania/graphene anodes.”  US8450014B2.

Thomsen, Edwin C., David M. Reed, Brian J. Koeppel, Kurtis P. Recknagle, Vilayanur V. Viswanathan, Alasdair J. Crawford, Zimin Nie, Wei Wang, Vincent L. Sprenkle, and Bin Li. August 13, 2019. “High performance redox flow battery stack.” US20170288243A1.

Wegeng, Robert S., Scot D. Rassat, Victoria S. Stenkamp, Ward E. Tegrotenhuis, Dean W. Matson, M. Kevin Drost, and Vilayanur V. Viswanathan. December 13, 2005.Apparatus for thermal swing adsorption and thermally-enhanced pressure swing adsorption.” US6974496B2.

Wegeng Robert S., Scot D. Rassat, Victoria S. Stenkamp, Ward E. Tegrotenhuis, Dean W. Matson, M. Kevin Drost, and Vilayanur V. Viswanathan. October 7, 2003. “Method for thermal swing adsorption and thermally-enhanced pressure swing adsorption.” US6630012B2.



  • Crawford A.J., V.V. Viswanathan, D. Wu, and A.F. Barbaro dos Santos. 2022. “Energy Northwest - Horn Rapids Solar and Storage An Assessment of Battery Technical Performance.” PNNL-ACT-10122. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Hollas A.M., E.C. Thomsen, A.J. Crawford, V.V. Viswanathan, and D.M. Reed. 2022. “Development of Aqueous Soluble Organic Flow Batteries for Stationary Electrical Energy Storage.” PNNL-32555-3. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Huang Q., D. Choi, A.J. Crawford, B.K. McNamara, N. Shamim, V.V. Viswanathan, and D.M. Reed, et al. 2022. “Insight into the Degradation Mechanism of LIBs by Heat Measurement.” Presented by Q. Huang at 2022 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit. Hawai'I, Hawaii. PNNL-SA-173016.
  • Kim, N., N. Shamim, A. Crawford, V. V. Viswanathan, B. M. Sivakumar, Q. Huang, D. Reed, V. Sprenkle, and D. Choi. 2022. “Comparison of Li-Ion Battery Chemistries under Grid Duty Cycles.” Journal of Power Sources 546.
  • Shamim N., V.V. Viswanathan, E.C. Thomsen, G. Li, D.M. Reed, and V.L. Sprenkle. 2022. “Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery Evaluation under Peak Shaving and Frequency Regulation Duty Cycles.” Energies 15, no. 9:Art. No. 3389. PNNL-SA-170871. doi:10.3390/en15093389.
  • Uppaluri M., K. Shah, V.V. Viswanathan, and V.R. Subramanian. 2022. “The Importance of a Moving Boundary Approach for Modeling the SEI Layer Growth to Predict Capacity Fade.” Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 169, no. 4:Art. No. 040548. PNNL-SA-172608. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ac65b6.



  • Choi D., N. Shamim, A.J. Crawford, Q. Huang, C.K. Vartanian, V.V. Viswanathan, and M.D. Paiss, Md Jan E. Alam, David M. Reed, and Vince L. Sprenkle. 2021. “Li-ion Battery Technology for Grid Application.” Journal of Power Sources. 511. PNNL-SA-161888. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.230419.
  • Crawford A.J., D. Choi, P.J. Balducci, V.R. Subramanian, and V.V. Viswanathan. 2021. “Lithium-ion battery physics and statistics-based state of health model.” Journal of Power Sources. 501. PNNL-SA-160094. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.230032.
  • Crawford A.J., D. Wu, X. Ma, C.K. Vartanian, V.V. Viswanathan, D. Wang, and M.E. Alam, et al. 2022. “Avista Energy Storage System Performance Test Plan and Data Requirements.” PNNL-31416. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Crawford A.J., and V.V. Viswanathan. 2021. “RFB Side Effects - Shunt Currents.” In Encyclopedia of Energy Storage. PNNL-SA-160239.
  • Shamim, Nimat, Edwin C. Thomsen , Vilayanur V. Viswanathan , David M. Reed, Vincent L. Sprenkle, Guosheng Li. 2021. “Evaluating ZEBRA battery module under the peak-shaving duty cycles.” Materials 14, no. 9:2280. PNNL-SA-160793. doi:10.3390/ma14092280.
  • Hollas A.M., E.C. Thomsen, A.J. Crawford, V.V. Viswanathan, and D.M. Reed. 2021. “Development of Aqueous Soluble Organic Flow Batteries for Stationary Electrical Energy Storage.” PNNL-30925-2. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Mongird K., V.V. Viswanathan, M.E. Alam, C.K. Vartanian, V.L. Sprenkle, and R. Baxter. 2021. “2020 Grid Energy Storage Technology Cost and Performance Assessment.” PNNL-31956. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Vartanian C.K., M.D. Paiss, V.V. Viswanathan, J.T. Kolln, and D.M. Reed. 2021. “Review of Codes and Standards for Energy Storage Systems.” Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports 8, no. 3:138 - 148. PNNL-SA-157921. doi:10.1007/s40518-021-00182-8.
  • Vartanian C.K., V.V. Viswanathan, E.C. Thomsen, D. Choi, A.P. Jivelekas, M.D. Paiss, and D.D. Reed. 2021. “EV/Hybrid Battery 2nd Life Test Protocol Development.” Presented by V.V. Viswanathan at Energy Storage Systems Safety and Reliability Forum, April 20, 2021, Online Conference, United States. PNNL-SA-161499.
  • Viswanathan V.V., A.J. Crawford, M.E. Alam, R.J. Franks, E.C. Thomsen, and D.M. Reed. 2021. "Strategic targets – giving flow batteries a competitive edge." Presented by V.V. Viswanathan at IFBF Virtual Symposium. Online, Washington. PNNL-SA-163883.
  • Viswanathan V.V., K. Mongird, M.E. Alam, C.K. Vartanian, V.L. Sprenkle, and R. Baxter. 2021. “Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Cost and Performance.” Presented by V.V. Viswanathan at Asia-Pacific (APEC) workshop on the use of pumped storage hydropower, online, 2-5 February 2021. Online, Australia. PNNL-SA-159499.


  • Balducci P.J., K. Mongird, M.E. Alam, D. Wu, V. Fotedar, V.V. Viswanathan, A.J. Crawford, Y. Yuan, G. Labove, S. Richards, X. Shane, and K. Wallace. 2020. “Washington Clean Energy Fund Grid Modernization Projects: Economic Analysis.” PNNL-30594. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Choi D., A.J. Crawford, N. Shamim, V.V. Viswanathan, E.C. Thomsen, Q. Huang, and M.E. Gross, et al. 2020. “Battery Reliability R&D, Comparative Performance.” Richland, Washington. PNNL-SA-151837.
  • Crawford A.J., D. Wu, V.V. Viswanathan, P.J. Balducci, C.K. Vartanian, T.D. Hardy, and M.E. Alam, Jan E. Md, and Kendall Mongrid. 2020. “Washington Clean Energy Fund: Energy Storage System Consolidated Performance Test Results.” PNNL-29378. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Mongird K., V.V. Viswanathan, P.J. Balducci, M.E. Alam, V. Fotedar, V.S. Koritarov, and B. Hadjerioua. 2020. “An Evaluation of Energy Storage Cost and Performance Characteristics.” Energies 13, no. 13:3307. PNNL-SA-150068. doi:10.3390/en13133307.
  • Nagpure S., T. Tanim, E. Dufek, V.V. Viswanathan, A.J. Crawford, S. Wood, and J. Xiao, C. C. Dickerson, and B. Liaw. 2018. “Impacts of lean electrolyte on cycle life for rechargeable Li metal batteries.” Journal of Power Sources. 407. PNNL-SA-148307. Doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.10.060.
  • Rodriguez Perez I.A., L. Zhang, J. Wrogemann, D.M. Driscoll, M.L. Sushko, K. Han, J.L. Fulton, M. H. Engelhard, M. Balasubramanian, V. V. Viswanathan, V. Murugesan, X. Li, D. Reed, V. Sprenkle, M. Winter, and T. Placke. 2020. “Enabling Natural Graphite in High-Voltage Aqueous Graphite || Zn Metal Dual-Ion Batteries.” Advanced Energy Materials. 10, no. 41:2001256. PNNL-SA-150985. doi:10.1002/aenm.202001256.
  • Viswanathan V.V., E.C. Thomsen, D. Choi, C.K. Vartanian, D.M. Reed, and T. Swanson. 2020. “Test Protocol to Re-rate Retired Mobile Battery Modules.” Presented by V.V. Viswanathan at NY Best Fall Energy Storage Technology and Innovation Conference Online, New York. PNNL-SA-157544.
  • Viswanathan V.V., D.M. Reed, and V.L. Sprenkle. 2020. “IEC Incorporation of US DOE ES Protocol.” Presented by V.V. Viswanathan at Energy Storage Systems Safety and Reliability Forum Richland, Washington. PNNL-SA-151580.
  • Viswanathan V.V., and M.D. Paiss. 2020. “Safety Comparison of Li-ion Battery Technology Options for Energy Storage Systems.” IEEE SMARTGRID Newsletter. PNNL-SA-154090.
  • Uppaluri M., A. Subramaniam, L. Mishra, V.V. Viswanathan, and V.R. Subramanian. 2020. “Can a transport model predict inverse signatures in Lithium metal batteries without modifying kinetics?” Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 167, no. 16:Article No.160547. PNNL-SA-155012. Doi:10.1149/1945-7111/abd2ae.