Thomas Edgar
Thomas Edgar
Thomas Edgar is a cyber security research scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). During his more than 15 years at PNNL, Edgar has worked in the fields of secure communications protocols, cryptographic trust management, insider threat, security standards, and scientific approach to security.
Edgar is the principal investigator for a cyber-physical testbed to enable controlled experimentation in high-fidelity environments. He is also the thrust lead for the Resilience Through Data-driven, Intelligently Designed Control (RD2C) initiative, focused on increasing our understanding of cyber-physical systems through the creation and use of controlled experimentation capabilities and methods. His expertise lies in scientific process, critical infrastructure security, protocol development, cyber deception, and network security.
Edgar authored a textbook, Research Methods for Cyber Security, which he taught at Washington State University as an adjunct professor. He has been involved with multiple successful efforts to transition cybersecurity research into commercialized solutions, including the R&D 100 and FLC Excellence in Technology award-winning SerialTap technology.
Edgar is a chair for the cybersecurity track of the IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security. Thomas has bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science, with a specialization in information assurance.