Tara O'Neil
Tara O'Neil
Tara O’Neil joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/Battelle in 1992. She currently is an Advisor to PNNL’s Nuclear Regulatory Subsector as well as to the Earth Systems Science Division Director. O’Neil is involved in developing strategy and increasing the division's visibility related to environmental assessment and environmental justice capabilities in support of the siting of energy infrastructure and projects.
O’Neil has more than 30 years of environmental compliance experience serving as a historic and cultural resources subject matter expert and a manager of projects driven by the National Environmental Policy Act and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act for a variety of federal clients, including the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). She has been responsible for gathering and assessing baseline information to determine environmental impacts from a proposed action. She has prepared correspondence and compliance documents as well as drafted agreement documents in support of federal sponsors with the State Historic Preservation Officers, Tribes, and interested parties.
For 12 years, O’Neil served as the Manager of PNNL’s Nuclear Regulatory Subsector Market, where she was responsible for managing the relationship for PNNL with the NRC. Concurrently, for eight years, she managed the Enterprise Wide Agreement at PNNL for the umbrella contract with the NRC.
Disciplines and Skills
- Archaeology
- Cultural Resource Management
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Environmental Assessment (NEPA Analysis)
- Environmental Compliance
- Nuclear Regulatory
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Environmental Justice
- Environmental Policy
- Environmental Resource Permitting
- Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
- Project Management
- Relationship Development
- Social Anthropology
- Stakeholder Engagement and Management
- Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Tribal Consultation and Engagement
- BA, Anthropology, emphasis on Archaeology, Oregon State University, 1992
- MBA, Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix, 2009
Affiliations and Professional Service
Oregon Association of Environmental Professionals
Awards and Recognitions
- 2017 – Outstanding Performance Award – BPA FCRPS Public Engagement
- 2017 – Outstanding Performance Award – DOE-NE Nuclear Fuels Storage and Transportation Planning – Consent Based Siting
- 2015 – Outstanding Performance Award – NRC Waste Confidence Generic Environmental Impact Statement
- 2014 – Outstanding Performance Award – NRC License Renewal Environmental Review Program
- 2003, Outstanding Performance Award, Outstanding Performance on the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Supplemental 11 Regarding St. Lucie Units 1 and 2
- 2003, Outstanding Performance Award, Organization of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- 2002, Outstanding Performance Award, Recognition of Efforts in Working with Duxbury/Carlsbad Staff with the REM Marketing Website
- 2002, Outstanding Team Performance Award, Endocrine Disruptor Research Team
- 2001, Outstanding Performance Award, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Environmental Review Team2001, Outstanding Performance Award, Hanford Site NEPA Characterization Report1999, Outstanding Performance Award, Proyecto Ambiental del Region Sur Project
- 1998, Outstanding Team Performance Award, Columbia River Comprehensive Impact Assessment Project
- Anderson D.M., M.J. Scott, A.L. Bunn, R.A. Fowler, E.L. Prendergast, T.B. Miley, and T.O. Eschbach, et al. 2002. 2001 Columbia River Recreation Survey -- Implications for Hanford Site Integrated Assessment. PNNL-13840. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. 2001 Columbia River Recreation Survey -- Implications for Hanford Site Integrated Assessment
- Neitzel D.A., A.L. Bunn, J.P. Duncan, T.O. Eschbach, R.A. Fowler, B.G. Fritz, and S.M. Goodwin, et al. 2002. Hanford Site National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Characterization. PNNL-6415-Rev. 14. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hanford Site National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Characterization
- Neitzel D.A., E.J. Antonio, T.O. Eschbach, R.A. Fowler, S.M. Goodwin, D.W. Harvey, and P.L. Hendrickson, et al. 2001. Hanford Site National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Characterization. PNNL-6415-Rev. 13. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hanford Site National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Characterization