Shrirang (Shri) Abhyankar
Shrirang (Shri) Abhyankar
Shrirang (Shri) Abhyankar is a senior scientist in the Optimization and Control Group in the Electricity Infrastructure and Buildings division at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Prior to joining PNNL, he was with the Energy Systems and Mathematics and Computer Science divisions at Argonne National Laboratory. Abhyankar has been involved with various Department of Energy (DOE) projects on large-scale grid modeling, simulation, optimization, and computation. He is a lead developer of the Exascale Grid Optimization (ExaGO) toolkit and has contributed to several open-source tools, including GridPACK, GridLab-D, HELICS, MATPOWER, and PETSc. He is a member of the multidisciplinary, multi-institutional team called the Interfacial Dynamics in Radioactive Environments and Materials Energy Frontier Research Center.
- PhD in electrical engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2011
- MS in electrical engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2006
- BE in electrical engineering, University of Mumbai, 2003
Affiliations and Professional Service
- Chair, Task Force on “Power System Analysis on GPU and Heteregenous Computing Architectures,” IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)
- Co-chair, Task Force on “Interfacing Techniques for Simulation Tools,” IEEE PES
- Member and Webmaster, Task Force on High Performance Computing for Power Grid Applications, IEEE PES
- Panel speaker, International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, and Analytics for the Power Grid, 2012 and 2013
- Member, Power Flow and System Control Group, Grid Modernization Lab Consortium, DOE
- Reviewer, IEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
- Guest Editor, special issue on "Interfacing Techniques for Simulation Tools in Smart Grids," IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, 2016
- Guest Editor, special issue on "High performance computing applications for a more resilient and efficient power grid," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, 2015
- PETSc TS: A Modern Scalable ODE/DAE Solver Library. S. Abhyankar, J. Brown, E. Constantinescu, D. Ghosh, B. F. Smith, H. Zhang. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
- Solution Techniques for Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow – Part I. S. Abhyankar G. Geng, X. Wang, V. Dinavahi, and M. Anitescu. IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution special issue on ‘Interfacing Techniques for Simulation Tools in Smart Grids’, 2017. DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2017.0345
- Solution Techniques for Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow – Part II. G. Geng, S. Abhyankar, X. Wang, and V. Dinavahi.1 IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution special issue on ‘Interfacing Techniques for Simulation Tools in Smart Grids’, 2017.DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2017.0346
- Parallel Dynamics Simulation using a Krylov-Schwarz Linear Solution Scheme, S. Abhyankar, E. Constantinescu, B. Smith, A. Flueck, and D. Maldonado. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol.8, Issue 3, pp. 1378-1386, May 2017, DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2610863
- Variable-Step Multi-Stage Integration Methods for Fast and Accurate Power System Dynamics Simulation, S. Abhyankar, E. Constantinescu, A. Flueck, Proceedings of Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control Conference (IREP), 2017.
- Implicitly-coupled electromechanical and electromagnetic transient analysis using a frequency dependent network equivalent. X. Zhang, S. Abhyankar, and A. Flueck. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Volume PP, Issue 99 (2016)
- Dynamic security constrained optimal power flow using finite difference sensitivities. S. Abhyankar, V. Rao, and M. Anitescu., Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, July 2014.
- Evaluation of overlapping restricted additive Schwarz preconditioning for parallel solution of very large power flow problems. S. Abhyankar, B. Smith, and E. Constantinescu. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Computing, Networking, and Analytics for the Power Grid, November 2013.
- Development of an implicitly-coupled electromechanical and electromagnetic transients simulator for power systems. S. G. Abhyankar, Ph.D. Thesis. December 2011.