Samuel Bryan
Samuel Bryan
Dr. Samuel A. Bryan has pioneered spectroelectrochemical sensor development for measurement of chemical species in highly complex chemical systems. He developed novel sensors and approaches for the accurate determination of ferrocyanide concentrations in nuclear waste, resulting in the resolution of one of the Department of Energy’s highest-priority safety issues. Additionally, where previous spectroscopic sensors failed, he discovered the first-ever luminescence from any technetium complex and developed a new sensor orders of magnitude more sensitive than was previously achievable. Dr. Bryan innovated the field of real-time measurement and process monitoring methodologies for complex chemical systems; these methodologies serve as the foundation for many scientific and technological advances. Dr. Bryan continues to advance the state-of-the-art of spectroscopic monitoring and most recently applied his real-time on-line monitoring methodology to demonstrate accurate measurement and monitoring of chemical species in complex nuclear process streams, addressing critical national security mission needs. Dr. Bryan helped show how flammable gases are generated and retained in certain Hanford double-shell waste tanks. He developed new methods to measure hydrogen gas generation from actual radioactive wastes and built the first predictive models from his findings. These models still form the basis to determine the flammable gas generation rates for Hanford Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) systems (ion-exchange vessels, holding tanks, etc.) 25 years later. His work helped resolve Department of Energy safety issues related to hydrogen flammability and serves as the safety basis design for the WTP.
- B.S. Chemistry, Boise State University (1979)
- M.S. Inorganic Chemistry, Washington State University (1983)
- Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry, Washington State University (1985)
Affiliations and Professional Service
- Fellow of the American Chemical Society
- American Nuclear Society
- ASTM Committee C26 on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Voting member of committee
Awards and Recognitions
- Chair of Richland Section of the ACS (1998 and 2004)
- Fitzner-Eberhardt Award for Outstanding Contributions to Science and Engineering Education
- PNNL Laboratory Director’s award (2005)
- ACS ChemLuminary Award for Outstanding Performance by Richland Section awarded during year of chairmanship (2004)