

Peter Stefanovic is an experienced nuclear engineer with a background in nuclear material storage, transportation, and analysis. He currently serves as an advisor at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Prior to this role, he was a senior research and development staff member at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he worked on the development of used nuclear fuel storage, transportation, and disposal analysis resource and data system.

Stefanovic spent over 10 years at Holtec International in a variety of engineering positions, including engineering manager of the Nuclear Physics Analysis group and senior nuclear engineer. In these roles, he performed large-scale radiation transport simulations for spent nuclear fuel cask design analyses using Monte Carlo radiation-transport code MCNP, evaluated shielding for storage facilities using the Standardized Computer Analysis for Licensing Evaluation system (SCALE), and developed analysis models for small modular reactor analyses and design.

Stefanovic holds a PhD in computational materials science from McMaster University in Canada, where he developed a modified phase field crystal modeling technique—a density functional theory-based modelling approach that allows modelling of materials with significantly larger sample sizes over longer time scales when compared to molecular dynamics simulations 

He has an experience in several programming languages, including Python, C, Fortran 90, and Visual Basic .NET, and nuclear simulation tools, such as MCNP, SCALE, CASMO, Corys-Thunder THOR, T-REX simulator, and Studsvik Simulate S3R.

Disciplines and Skills

  • Materials Engineering
  • Nuclear Decommissioning and Nuclear Waste Storage and Management
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Radiation Shielding Analysis and Design
  • Simulation Software
  • Small Modular Reactors
  • Spent Fuel Storage and Management
  • Work Package Management
  • High-Performance Computing


  • PhD in materials science and engineering, McMaster University
  • MS in materials science, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • American Nuclear Society

Awards and Recognitions

  • Energy Secretary’s Award for the Nuclear Fuel Data Survey (GC-859) Web Application Development project, 2024
  • Holtec Meritorious Work Citation, 2014, 2016


  • Singh, K. P., P. S. Anton, P. Stefanovic. 2021. “Nuclear fuel cartridge and methods of fueling and/or defueling a nuclear reactor.” US Patent 9865363B2.



  • Kucinski, Nicholas, Stefanovic, Peter, Clarity, Justin, and Wieselquist, William. Impacts of LEU+ and HBU Fuel on Decay Heat and Radiation Source Term. United States: N. p., 2022. Web. doi:10.2172/1971719.
  • Radulescu, Georgeta, Celik, Cihangir, and Stefanovic, Peter. Overview of ORNL SCALE Shielding Analyses for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation and Storage Applications. United States: N. p., 2022. Web. doi:10.13182/ICRSRPSD22-39456.
  • UNF-ST&DARDS: Update of the Unified Spent Nuclear Fuel Database, Peter Stefanovic (ORNL), Paul Miller (PNNL), Kaushik Banerjee (PNNL), International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, Technical Session, 2022.


  • G. Radulescu and P. Stefanovic, A Study on the Characteristics of the Radiation Source Terms of Spent Fuel and Various Non-Fuel Hardware for Shielding Applications, ORNL/SPR-2021/2373, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 2022;


  • Phase field crystal study of deformation and plasticity in nanocrystalline materials, Peter Stefanovic, Mikko Haataja, and Nikolas Provatas, Phys. Rev. E 80, 046107 – Published 13 October 2009


  • Phase-field crystal modeling and classical density functional theory of freezing, K. R. Elder, Nikolas Provatas, Joel Berry, Peter Stefanovic, and Martin Grant, Phys. Rev. B 75, 064107 – Published 14 February 2007